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Bigfoot Growls Are They Really From Them.


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Just this season I learned some thing new and it has nothing to do with Bigfoot. It has to do with these low moans or growls at certain times of the day and depend on the months of the year. This past September as I was setting up a two man tree stand on this ridge. We heard this low growl coming from down in the valley, that sound very mad.  Now there were three of us and we were not fear full and it was around 2:00 pm when this occurred.


We all just ignored it and went on into placing the stand. As we walked out of that area and went on to the trail leading back to my truck we heard two to three wood knocks. That just stopped us in our tracks and they did not sound far either and it was still day light. So we just left the area and never thought much of it since these sounds we have always heard them always in the same months and in the same time frame.


Well all this bothered me and I needed to know what all this was about. Now we have been after a buck on this public land in this swamp for awhile. Now I did not know that Bucks are territorial until I started reading up on them.  Also Bucks do growl and will growl when another approaches. I believe the knocks might be that of the buck doing rubs and just being ruff because of its testratone level is high.


Now I am not saying that these creatures do not exist because they do to me  and what I saw was real as though one was standing in person in front of me. What I am saying is that there are sounds that can be debunked if one takes the time to research and expl0re.

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It all depends on the sound itself. Some sounds I've heard on recordings might sound like a growl to some people, but is more like a large male person clearing their throat and using their voice forcefuly. I've not heard a deer growl in the true sense of that descriptor but have heard the blows they will do when they dislike someone or somethings presence. Some knocking and tapping sounds I might atribute to a buck but other knocks just don't sound like a buck whacking it's head against a tree with the force necessary to make the sound.

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Many supposed Squatch howls sound like coyotes to me.



Or wolves.

Yes. Exactly right. The intention is to fool you into thinking something else is making the sounds. 

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Hello LeafTalker,

I don't think it's to fool someone as much as it simply is something they learned to do. Sure highly intelligent but I more often these days balk where conscious intention is concerned.

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Many supposed Squatch howls sound like coyotes to me.



Or wolves.

Yes. Exactly right. The intention is to fool you into thinking something else is making the sounds.

Horse manure.

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Just this season I learned some thing new and it has nothing to do with Bigfoot. It has to do with these low moans or growls at certain times of the day and depend on the months of the year. This past September as I was setting up a two man tree stand on this ridge. We heard this low growl coming from down in the valley, that sound very mad.  Now there were three of us and we were not fear full and it was around 2:00 pm when this occurred.


We all just ignored it and went on into placing the stand. As we walked out of that area and went on to the trail leading back to my truck we heard two to three wood knocks. That just stopped us in our tracks and they did not sound far either and it was still day light. So we just left the area and never thought much of it since these sounds we have always heard them always in the same months and in the same time frame.


Well all this bothered me and I needed to know what all this was about. Now we have been after a buck on this public land in this swamp for awhile. Now I did not know that Bucks are territorial until I started reading up on them.  Also Bucks do growl and will growl when another approaches. I believe the knocks might be that of the buck doing rubs and just being ruff because of its testratone level is high.


Now I am not saying that these creatures do not exist because they do to me  and what I saw was real as though one was standing in person in front of me. What I am saying is that there are sounds that can be debunked if one takes the time to research and expl0re.


If you hear a deep, multi-octave, resonating growl that when close enough you can feel sympathetic resonation in your own chest - you'll know.  It will vibrate YOU.


While these critters appear to be able to mimic other animals and birds, there's one thing they can do one thing that nothing else can - and nothing growls that deep, with that volume, with that much projection.

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Many supposed Squatch howls sound like coyotes to me.



Or wolves.

Yes. Exactly right. The intention is to fool you into thinking something else is making the sounds.

Horse manure.


Do Freebird!

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The one reason I wrote this was so to say that not every sound is Bigfoot, and yes I know that they can imitate other animals. That the reason they do is to trick us humans and make us believe that they are another animal when observing us. But yet some of these animals sounds may actually be true animal sounds and because we believe to be in Bigfoot territory we seem to account the sounds to them. Yes I know the real growl of these creatures since you can feel the reverberation with in the cavity of our chest. Yet there is their low growl that one does not feel the effects until later in the day and this is the growl That I am talking about being mistaking.


This low growl is the growl that these bucks make as well but have no effects on humans but sound the same. It is this growl that I had the privilege to witness by a 4 year old buck that has taken residence in this swamp that we have been hunting. This swamp is his turf and is a day time buck for now for how long I really do not know. One reason that I went into a woods with out sightings was to understand the behavior of animals in their natural environment Just like the wood knocks that some could be explained by elk or deer  fighting for dominance in a certain area. Sure there can be some knocks that one cannot be explained and I have had my share but then there are those that can. So discerning is the part as researchers that we have to learn the difference, and yes  there is the human factor that we also have to deal with.


It seems that with the more shows that come out on searching for this creature, it seems that there seems to be more people interested. With more and more people out in the woods doing hoots and wood knocking we all may be just communicating with each other believing that they are the creatures them selves. With guns for protection and people looking for these creatures and stories of how dangerous they may be, I am surprised no one has been shot yet.


Now this was just to let people know that not all sounds are Bigfoots and that most sounds can be explained if one takes the time to study the environment . If these creatures are in your area they will let you know that they are there. If you are being hoaxed well then in time you will find out.  

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Hello LeafTalker,

I don't think it's to fool someone as much as it simply is something they learned to do. Sure highly intelligent but I more often these days balk where conscious intention is concerned.

Okay.   ;)

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Guest JiggyPotamus

I have heard bucks growl, and in my opinion it is relatively easy to identify. I've always thought they sounded similar to a cow. It is a relatively low-pitched growl, but it does not have a primate quality to it. Now I've never heard a bigfoot growl, but I have heard descriptions of more of a primate-like sound. It would not surprise me that someone could confuse a buck growling with a sasquatch, because I doubt that most people are familiar with the fact that bucks can growl.

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Hello All,

From John Green's database:

Late 1990's near Duluth, Minnesota:

"Friend of XXXXXX biking home late at night on Vermillion Road, which passes between two cemeteries, a bumpy dirt road beside cliffs above a large gully where people throw trash into the stream bed. He saw in headlight a furry, hunched thing he thought was a bear, but it stood up on its hind legs, larger than any animal he knew, just as he was slowing down. It let out a low growl and he turned and fled. He thought it had been eating something."

I posted this to show that there a report from a witness to a BF actually seen growling. Databases are cool like that.

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Hello All,

From John Green's database:

Late 1990's near Duluth, Minnesota:

"Friend of XXXXXX biking home late at night on Vermillion Road, which passes between two cemeteries, a bumpy dirt road beside cliffs above a large gully where people throw trash into the stream bed. He saw in headlight a furry, hunched thing he thought was a bear, but it stood up on its hind legs, larger than any animal he knew, just as he was slowing down. It let out a low growl and he turned and fled. He thought it had been eating something."

I posted this to show that there a report from a witness to a BF actually seen growling. Databases are cool like that.


There was a similar encounter by a witness on Finding Bigfoot a couple of years ago, not sure which state. According to the witness, he was going by about a 30-40 ft. opening that stretched back a ways and saw a Bigfoot only about 40-50 ft. away, in the opening. I think it was standing near the top of a huge rock.

As he related and also demonstrated, the creature leaned it's shoulders and head back a little and let out a very loud, deep growl. I think he said he could feel the growl where he was standing.

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Many supposed Squatch howls sound like coyotes to me.



Or wolves.

Yes. Exactly right. The intention is to fool you into thinking something else is making the sounds.

Horse manure.



I wouldn't say horse manure, I've heard yotes sound just like a yahoo or maybe it's the other way around!! Hmmmm


GE yote-yahoo.wav




GE yahoo.wav


They likely live out there side by side and we know hominins will mimic and borrow sounds from other animals. The vocal range of coyotes and primates also do overlap in pitch, so that doesn't help matters.

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