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  2. In this intense and gripping episode, journey to the foothills of the Smoky Mountains in Middle Tennessee where Carey shares her harrowing Bigfoot encounters that began as she settled into her homestead. Experience the spine-chilling moments as Carey hears bizarre whistles, encounters an eight-foot-tall creature, and feels paralyzing dread from ear-piercing screams. Discover the telepathic communication with these beings, bizarre sightings of rocks and gifts left by Bigfoot, and militarized responses near their property. Meanwhile, another homeowner near a wildlife reserve recounts eerie encounters with an unknown presence, finding giant nests, a puzzling structure, and experiencing nighttime growls and mysterious tapping on walls. As these encounters escalate, they culminate in a terrifying last-night visit, leaving the couple to realize they are being constantly watched. Find out what happens in this INCREDIBLY INTENSE EPISODE and get ready for a night of unsettling tales and intense Bigfoot encounters! To hear the rest of this episode early become a Patreon member or a Youtube channel member starting with Tier 2: Bigfoot Possee! Part 2 coming in a few days! Share your Bigfoot encounter with me here: bigfootsociety@gmail.com Want to call in and leave a voicemail of your encounters for the podcast - Check this out here - https://www.speakpipe.com/bigfootsociety (Use multiple voice mails if needed!) 🔴 Subscribe to hear more Bigfoot encounters: https://www.youtube.com/@BigfootSociety?sub_confirmation=1 Share this video with a friend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5v75Od-X38 Watch more episodes of the Bigfoot Society podcast here – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3t1vwtsKh-MGeHs0XglFJE5LwUHpmJm_&feature=shared Recommended Playlist – New Jersey Bigfoot Encounters - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3t1vwtsKh-Mk4032IyZtWgP6LVPU8uat ✅ Help me help others share their Bigfoot Encounter by joining the community on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/thebigfootsociety ✅ Hear ad-free episodes early by joining the community on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Qq45W6iaTU8FE9kelxT7Q/join Let’s connect: Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/bigfootsociety/ Twitter – https://twitter.com/bigfoot_society Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@bigfoot.society Affiliate links mean I earn a commission from qualifying purchases. This helps support my channel at no additional cost to you. My Audio Interface: https://amzn.to/3L1q8XY Put some pep in my step by buying me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/bigfootsociety Pick up some merch here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/bigfootsociety/?etsrc=sdt Send mail here: Bigfoot Society 125 E 1st St. #233 Earlham, IA 50072 Send business inquiries to: bigfootsociety@gmail.com Listen to the Podcast
  3. Nature doc unintentionally caught 'Bigfoot' on camera – even the crew are convinced Daily StarView the full article
  4. Today
  5. norseman

    Norse’s trail cam pics

    I have no idea what kind of bird. Hummingbird maybe?
  6. 'Bigfoot accidentally captured' in nature doc – and cameraman is certain it isn't human The MirrorView the full article
  7. JKH

    Norse’s trail cam pics

    What bird? The blur made it look like a bat.
  8. That's their plan. It's safe, and they've gained power through the long game, anyway. They're arrogant to believe that they'll hold on to political power forever. The problem with that belief is that a properly stored gun can last a whole lot longer than their dreams. Thirty or so years ago a friend told me of a guy he knew who was in the woods somewhere along the shores of Tustumena Lake on the Kenai Peninsula some time in the 1970's. He saw something in a tree and fetched it down. It was a pair of old Russian flintlock rifles smeared up with bear grease and wrapped up in a bear hide. They'd been there a long, long time. The guy who put them there probably wasn't hiding them from government gun confiscators, but that idea can work. They can't take something they can't find.
  9. Fair enough. Even if they succeed with getting a confiscation program off the ground, I think they could care less about actually collecting the guns - they know the owners are typically more responsible and less dangerous than your average citizen. They'd be just as happy if the guns stayed in owners hands and every once in a while catch an otherwise law abiding, tax paying, family man, and throw them in jail. While a great deal of the guns banned in the last five years are registered (pistols and AR's), there are many semi-auto rifles that aren't. Judging by the the rush to buy those guns and the premiums they commanded, I suspect compliance will not be high.
  10. Ok, yeah, I'm all for the 2nd Amendment. I am not, however, for an unconditional right to keep and bear any and all arms. This may be a topic for a different thread, but I have to ask: Do you see any conditions at all which should be required for a person to maintain the right to keep and bear arms, especially in public places? Who thinks that violent, convicted felons should have the right to carry in public? Who thinks that significantly mentally ill people should have the right to carry in public? Who think that minors should have the right to carry in public? Who thinks that it's ok to mount a loaded howitzer in a city yard and point it at passing cars? Really not trying to stir the pot, just wondering who feels, or doesn't feel, that any gun restrictions at all are appropriate? A few years ago, I was inline at a grocery store here (in a not so good part of town). The man in front of me in line had a large, apparently semi-automatic pistol in a shoulder holster. His shoulder holster was designed/fitted so that the (surely loaded and likely cocked and 'locked' pistol) was pointed pretty much directly at my face. I was offended and felt like grabbing that pistol and whipping the idiot with it. no joke. Instead I stepped aside so that I was not in the line of fire from an idiot that probably doesn't know $H^T about gun safety and who is probably well above average to have an accidental discharge. After I checked and walked to my truck, I noticed that they were parked, illegally, in a handicap spot. That was no surprise of course, just another disappointment in the stupidity and thoughtlessness of many people. Without reasonable laws and enforcement, the idiots in this world will definitely descend us into chaos.
  11. They'd be correct. Guns are designed to be tools of deadly force. Their wet dream might end up a nightmare..........
  12. norseman

    Norse’s trail cam pics

    Missed this one! First buck of the year!
  13. That would be the Liberal's wet dream. A confiscator getting hurt or killed while confiscating would be used as proof of their claim about how dangerous gun owners are and as justification for further use of force against them.
  14. In 1968, tonight’s guest had gone with his grandparents to chop firewood and collect what they called “morning sticks,” near his grandparent’s home, in Northern Victoria Australia. The 3 of them had made trips like that numerous times before, without incident. Well, this morning would be different. Due to how young tonight’s guest was, at the time (he was 8 years old), while his grandparents were chopping firewood, with axes, and collecting firewood, he was a short distance from them looking around at the flowers and grass that surrounded him. When he looked at a stand of trees, nearby, he noticed what he initially thought was a monkey. Seconds after noticing the creature, a thunderous boom rang out from behind him. The next thing he knew, he had been grabbed and was being dragged backwards, at a rapid pace… If you’d like to check out my other Bigfoot podcast, called "My Bigfoot Sighting," you can listen to it using your favorite podcast app. Here's a link to the My Bigfoot Sighting Channel on Spotify... https://open.spotify.com/show/2gomYbQG2gM6gPFakCQYNL?si=M0dm3bDfR_ShTiJcHPWoyw&dl_branch=1 If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio, please go to https://www.BigfootEyewitness.com and submit a report. If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to https://www.MyBigfootSighting.com and let me know. If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Bigfoot Eyewitness t-shirt or sweatshirt, please visit the Bigfoot Eyewitness Show Store, by going to https://Dogman-Encounters.MyShopify.com I produce 3 other podcasts that are available for listening on your favorite podcast app. If you haven’t checked them out, already, here are links to them… My Bigfoot Sighting https://www.spreaker.com/show/my-bigfoot-sighting Dogman Encounters https://www.spreaker.com/show/dogman-encounters-radio_2 My Paranormal Experience https://www.spreaker.com/show/my-paranormal-experience Thanks, as always, for listening!Listen to the Podcast
  15. Yesterday
  16. I'm thinking that a confiscator job would qualify for hazardous duty. There is already a labor shortage out there, and there might be a high loss rate for firearms confiscators, so it might be a long, long wait...........
  17. SEARCHING FOR SASQUATCH: Bigfoot Rendezvous event comes to Pocatello Idaho State JournalView the full article
  18. New Hampshire will issue me a non-resident carry permit for $100 for 5 years, and several other states will honor that permit. I had one a few years ago just to say I did. It is almost impossible to get a carry permit in Canada, and even then it is only for specific types of wilderness work (trapping, prospecting, etc.)
  19. If you owned handguns before the 2022 freeze, you can still currently possess and shoot them, but cannot buy or transfer them. They are all registered but .25 and .32 caliber, and anything less that a 4 1/4" barrel were "prohibited" in the 90's and in most cases you cannot transport or shoot those. Aside from those, you could pretty well own any handgun before 2022. Semi mags are restricted to 10 rounds. I own .22's up to a S&W 500, including a Glock 20.
  20. Being Liberals, they're all about ideas. But also being Liberals, they tend to be so wildly incompetent that they have zero clue on how to execute those ideas. At the moment this leaves us in limbo. After requesting tenders for various aspects of a confiscation in the last four years, they haven't even found somebody to design a program to accomplish said confiscation. So we wait. And hopefully the Conservatives, who have and enormous lead in polls, win a majority and reverse the legislation as they've said they would. An election is due by October 2025 at the latest. It really is an outdoorsman's paradise. Moose, elk, black bear, mule deer, and white tail are all literally in my yard.
  21. Yup. This has been going on, back and forth, since the beginning, starting with slavery. I suspect it will continue until major revolution/civil war and a new government, which I'm pretty confident will not be an overall improvement. I'll note that even in nations seen as oppressive hunting rifles are commonly owned, both scoped and not.
  22. The only difference is in every state constitution if they tried to limit freedom of religion as an example the feds would immediately step in . The only time they don't is when it deals with the 2nd . Look at how hard it was to even get SCOTUS to hear a 2nd amendment case .
  23. Actually, the U.S. Constitution is primarily the foundation of rules for the federal government, and each state was required to create their own constitution (ratified by Congress and SCOTUS) prior to statehood acceptance. Every state has a "Second Amendment", but some were poor comparisons to the U.S. Constitution. For example, here is the California: Compare that to Article 1, Section 19 of Alaska's Constitution: All 50 states have a similar article/section. Some are great, some suck...........just like the state itself. Frankly, if the people of California want to live communist drones, more power to them. I enjoy watching the place burn, both in the cities and the wilds, by forest or social mismanagement. Let them suffer the consequences of their stupidity; repeatedly. I don't want to visit Sudan, Vietnam, Thailand, Brazil, et al, so I don't go there. I don't want to visit California, either, but because I have family there, sometimes I have to go. I was raised there, but had the wisdom to get out young. I return on occasion at my peril. When in Rome, do like the Romans do. If you don't like what Romans do, don't go there. Spend your money in more favorable locales. Let California go the way of Sudan, Vietnam, Thailand, Brazil, etc.
  24. Yeah we are not Canada and no one should have to ask permission to the state to carry a firearm . Constitutional carry should not stop at some state borders . It should be through the entire 50 states . It's bull crap some communists states think they can limit the 2nd . What would happen if a few decided only one religion will be practiced in our state . First Amendment: Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition Second Amendment: Right to bear arms Third Amendment: Restricts housing soldiers in private homes Fourth Amendment: Protects against unreasonable search and seizure Fifth Amendment: Protects against self-testimony, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, and due process Sixth Amendment: Right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury, to be informed of the charges, to confront witnesses, to compel testimony, and to legal representation Seventh Amendment: Right to a jury trial in federal courts for civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value Eighth Amendment: Prohibits excessive bail, excessive fines, and cruel and unusual punishments Ninth Amendment: States that listing specific rights in the Constitution does not mean that people do not have other rights that have not been spelled out Tenth Amendment: States that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution
  25. Full list of banned firearms in Canada: https://firearmrights.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/The-List-G46-final.pdf
  26. Background checks already required for transactions through federally licensed dealers. This being the public forum, I'm hesitant to comment further on BOR restrictions.
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