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Interview With Dr. Meldrum


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I probably wouldn't have bothered had a biologist not told me, after I asked, that they have taken in reports. It makes me think that all states which have sightings that some do get reported to their F&G's.


Edited by hiflier
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40 minutes ago, hiflier said:


How do ya know if ya don't try. Kind of a motto with me. The critical thing here is to at least TRY.



If I felt sorry for myself I'd be doing nothing. Not the case. Never has been.



You're closer to Utah than I am. YOU go. For the record I was indeed interested. But the time to get the snow samples would've been right then and there. Did anyone? I doubt it because the word about doing something like that for some strange reason never gets passed around. Every Bigfoot researcher should be well versed by now on the process and know the protocols for doing so. I've only been talking about for four years here. And you speak as if that was the only opportunity missed. No way. All you're doing is what you usually do. Say things to slam or embarrass me. It's never worked. Besides, it a waste of your time because intelligent people know better than to fall for such ploys.


I am sincerely not trying to embarrass you. YOU are doing that all by YOURSELF!


I could drive to Utah and probably find the tracks and take a snow sample….. and where do I send the snow sample? It’s been 4 years and we still do not have a place to send EDNA samples. I lobbied the BFF for you to have your sub forum for EDNA samples. 🤷‍♂️ 

People HAVE helped you in your journey Hiflier. Do not preach to me about mottos…. and do not give me excuses. I am totally willing to give you a pass? If you do the same for others…. but you don’t. We all have lives and schedules, no one is paying us to do this…..including Jeff Meldrum. Bigfoot isn’t his day job, neither is it mine. 

Chill out.

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5 minutes ago, hiflier said:

I probably wouldn't have bothered had a biologist not told me, after I asked, that they have taken in reports. It makes me think that all states which have sightings that some do get reported to their F&G's.


I am sure they do. But it remains to be seen if they keep and compile the reports or if they just 86 them….

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10 minutes ago, norseman said:

YOU are doing that all by YOURSELF!


There you go again, I'm doing nothing of the kind. I simply point out that the community has a truth problem. And on sending samples. I've given numerous suggestions over the years. Try Scott Blankenship at Genedaq. Try your university. You can fine amazing You tube videos on the web but you can't find a lab? This is in your lap not mine Mr. "don't give me excuses." If you wanted to do it you would and no one, no matter what they said, could stop you.


10 minutes ago, norseman said:

People HAVE helped you in your journey Hiflier.




8 minutes ago, norseman said:

I am sure they do. But it remains to be seen if they keep and compile the reports or if they just 86 them….


Yes, it remains to be seen. But if I give up I'll never know, right?


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Just now, hiflier said:


There you go again, I'm doing nothing of the kind. I simply point out that the community has a truth problem. And on sending samples. I've given numerous suggestions over the years. Try Scott Blankenship at Genedaq. Try your university. You can fine amazing You tube videos on the web but you can't find a lab? This is in your lap not mine Mr. "don't give me excuses." If you wanted to do it you would and no one, no matter what they said, could stop you.



The last name you gave me to ask who to send eDNA samples to was our very own Northwind. He had no idea what I was talking about when I asked…. You were just flapping your gums.


And it’s NOT in my lap Hiflier…. You are the ambassador of eDNA samples on this forum! You’re the one that badgers everyone to take eDNA samples!

So I give you a hot tip on a snow trackway? And you cannot be bothered…. 🙄 But somehow Meldrum is the bad guy. Snelgrove Lake Ontario is about the same distance from Idaho as Maine is from Utah.🤷‍♂️ Oh well…..

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54 minutes ago, norseman said:

The last name you gave me to ask who to send eDNA samples to was our very own Northwind. He had no idea what I was talking about when I asked…. You were just flapping your gums.


Northwind can address that better but I gave you his name because I suggested he contact the lab at Oregon's University and he said he's look into it. Now ask yourself, why would I give you Northwind as a contact if I never brought up the subject with him and had that response? That would make zero sense. This was back when he and Madison were finding all of those small footprints in the lake bed.


54 minutes ago, norseman said:

And it’s NOT in my lap Hiflier….


You say you carry a sample collection kit. Great. But you want someone else to do the finger walking to find you a lab? How old are you anyway? A well documented find and collection just might garner the interest of your F&G and a warden could submit it to the USFW forensics lab in Ashland, Oregon. Agreed, that that's a serious move so some other facility would make more sense. I've talked to my state university's head of genetics. They do not test for primates. When a cougar was spotted in the Portland, Maine area some years ago the DNA sample was sent to Ashland and the mountain lion was verified. So my F&G for sure uses better labs. You see, Norseman, I do my own work and my own research on this kind of stuff and so depend on no one to spoon feed me for any of it. And I shouldn't be at all unique in doing that.


54 minutes ago, norseman said:

So I give you a hot tip on a snow trackway? And you cannot be bothered….


Guess you didn't read where I said I was interested? Meldrum  (Pocatello is just north) should have been all over it, or Dr. Mayor but I guess you kinda gave them a pass, huh? More fun dumping on ol' hiflier and making sure Medrum and Mayor remain on pedestals? Good job.


Don't know if you remember this thread from ten years back. I'm only posting the link to remind you and everyone that I haven't changed one bit in the last ten years. Still hard after the truth and exposing those that could do better? At first I got some kudos for this, later when I brought it up again (several times)?.....crickets. And just so you know, you won't find the original source on the web. It's been scrubbed away. It maybe be in some internet archive somewhere if someone wanted to take time to find it.



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This is all very tiring. 


We can't even post an interview with one of our own without somebody launching ad hominem attacks.


I had enough of it, its not who we are.


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  • 2 months later...
11 hours ago, Frisco85132 said:

I like, and respect Dr. Meldrum.  I have had several conversations with him over the last five years.  His mind is razor sharp, and his ability to evaluate evidence and apply what he knows rivals the best detectives I ever worked with.  That said...as some are asserting that he "sounds like a broken record" on the various podcasts he is invited to appear on...remember he is being asked the same questions over and over and over again.  The fact that his answers remain the same is consistency in testimony.  It also must be considered that new, or revolutionary evidence is extremely slow in coming, so what does he really have to comment on other than a relatively few new footprints that have come to him that are of a high enough quality to actually examine forensically?  He is one of the very, very few researchers of any real high profile who remains committed to common sense, logic, reason, and the scientific method in his approach to the subject.  He sticks to what he knows, and is the first to admit what he doesn't know.  I give him a lot of credit for that.

Well said. Out of all the big names in BF research , I give Meldrum's voice more credibility just as I gave Krantz when he was alive. I think the fact they stick to their guns and are professors with a lot to lose by being so adamant about the subject makes them even more trustworthy.

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Just seeing this now, haven't been around here much, Life has just been busy.


I personally am **** glad Dr. Meldrum does what he does, and I'm thankful for it. Guy knows what he's talking about, and he's got skin in the game. I've learned a lot from his lectures and book. 


I think he's done a heck of a lot for sasquatch research and general bigfootery.

Edited by Madison5716
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4 hours ago, CelticKevin said:

Well said. Out of all the big names in BF research , I give Meldrum's voice more credibility just as I gave Krantz when he was alive. I think the fact they stick to their guns and are professors with a lot to lose by being so adamant about the subject makes them even more trustworthy.

Krantz was a curmudgeon, which I think is why I liked him.  What I like about going back through his writing and what is available on Youtube, is that he took risks (to his career) to openly study Bigfoot evidence, and to try to engage others in "mainstream" science in the subject.  SOMETIMES he made me chuckle, like when I saw the picture of his home made "helicopter" in his book.  Still, I give him a lot of credit for giving it a shot.  I mean, Igor Sikorsky strapped himself into a home made helicopter once too.

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  • 1 month later...

While I've never met Dr meldrum, I, like I presume for most of us here, have read his book, seen him on countless show, watched clips of his lectures, and all that. I don't question his training, hes quite versed and fluent in the language of his disipline. My biggest issue with him over the years was his seeming insistence that Sasquatch is a descendent of some Giganthropithicus, as its always seemed pretty clear, at least to my mind, that sasquatch is far more hominid than orangutan. Of course he may have chosen that path because he realized the country and the academic community wasn't ready to consider the idea of actual hominids running throughout the country, and that if he came out with that explanation 20 yrs ago he would have been removed from the position that brought him to the forefront.

Now what excites me about this interview is his apparent shift where he's speaking about the Pleistocene mega fauna, implying pretty much the idea I put out here last year(maybe two years ago) about sasquatch being a hominid form that crossed the Bering straight in time to be impacted/swept up in the development of the north American mega fauna mammals and birds, taking Bergmans law to the extreme, and resulting in a form of mega fauna hominid! 

I've never heard anyone else propose this theory(of course I'm 61 now, so maybe I did and just don't remember, but I don't think that's the case!) Until reading this article just now! Remember...you read/heard it here first!! Oh man! Did Meldrum  co-opt my theory? Academia is such a cutthroat, lab rat eat lab rat world!!

Well either way, be it convergent hypothisization, or Meldrum is lurking BFF looking for new paradigms, its all good if it leads to deeper understanding

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On 6/5/2024 at 1:48 AM, guyzonthropus said:

While I've never met Dr meldrum, I, like I presume for most of us here, have read his book, seen him on countless show, watched clips of his lectures, and all that. I don't question his training, hes quite versed and fluent in the language of his disipline. My biggest issue with him over the years was his seeming insistence that Sasquatch is a descendent of some Giganthropithicus, as its always seemed pretty clear, at least to my mind, that sasquatch is far more hominid than orangutan. Of course he may have chosen that path because he realized the country and the academic community wasn't ready to consider the idea of actual hominids running throughout the country, and that if he came out with that explanation 20 yrs ago he would have been removed from the position that brought him to the forefront.

Now what excites me about this interview is his apparent shift where he's speaking about the Pleistocene mega fauna, implying pretty much the idea I put out here last year(maybe two years ago) about sasquatch being a hominid form that crossed the Bering straight in time to be impacted/swept up in the development of the north American mega fauna mammals and birds, taking Bergmans law to the extreme, and resulting in a form of mega fauna hominid! 

I've never heard anyone else propose this theory(of course I'm 61 now, so maybe I did and just don't remember, but I don't think that's the case!) Until reading this article just now! Remember...you read/heard it here first!! Oh man! Did Meldrum  co-opt my theory? Academia is such a cutthroat, lab rat eat lab rat world!!

Well either way, be it convergent hypothisization, or Meldrum is lurking BFF looking for new paradigms, its all good if it leads to deeper understanding

The problem with Giganto itself is science doesn’t agree on what it is. It wasn’t close to an orangutan in morphology or behavior. It didn’t live in the tree tops. It was terrestrial. But was it bipedal? We don’t know. What did its feet look like? We don’t know.


But! It’s definitely the right ape, at the right time in the right place. If it’s a large hairy biped.

We don’t have an ape man or hominid in East Asia that fits the description of Bigfoot in recent history. We are finding new species all the time that seem to be some spin off of Homo Erectus. Which used fire and flaked stone tools. So if Bigfoot comes from an Asian Homo Erectus lineage? There is a lot of regression apparently from modern reports.

A supposed encounter between a quadraped depicted Giganto and Homo Erectus in Asia.



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Agreed ^^


I think Dr Meldrum changed his mind a while back, just look at his Relict Hominoid Inquiry journal.


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1 hour ago, gigantor said:

Agreed ^^


I think Dr Meldrum changed his mind a while back, just look at his Relict Hominoid Inquiry journal.


I must be an idiot. Which paper are you refering to?

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