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John writes “I have something to share with you from when I was 17 and bow hunting in the woods of NJ. I’m 46 now and I had a brush with a large 2 legged animal in the early hours of that fall day.”

Spoke to the eyewitness and he said “It was about 2am and I was excited to go hunting. I was sitting in my tree stand when everything went dead silent. I became fearful and was not sure why. I could hear this thing coming to my tree stand and it was heavy, you could almost feel this thing walking and it was on two feet.

It was in front of my tree stand and I pulled an arrow and it stopped. It was breathing heavy and I tapped the arrow against the bow and it took off running. In a matter of seconds it covered 100 yards and I saw it running through the corn field. I never went back.”

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