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What's the deal with Sasquatch Ontario, does everyone believe this "nef" bigfoot encounter? I want to believe so badly, but when "Mike" replies to some of the stuff, when the main guy talks to him his voice is deep, and in all actuality it sounds like neff when he replies and talks to the main guy.


(There's the main guy who always talks on there channel and Mike is the other human friend that's always with him)


What's everyone's thoughts on this? Please remember when you were new to everything bigfoot, I'm still rough around the edges with believing and not when it comes to some things.



Edited by synacknet

Great post. 👍 


Well, I for one, am firmly convinced that Sasquatch Ontario belongs in the same pantheon of hoaxers along with Rick Dyer and Todd Standing. I watched most of the videos years ago and at the very beginning of the first one, my eyes rolled so far into the back of my head I could watch my hair grow. I couldn't believe the number of rubes and suckers who bought into Mike's line of horse crap acting like this was some great cosmic breakthrough or the connection between the species was finally forged and all shall be revealed. I seem to recall this being discussed on the forums a while back at length and my opinion hasn't changed.

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6 hours ago, hvhart said:

Link, please.

Hey hvheart YouTube "Sasquatch Ontario"

1 hour ago, MIB said:

I'm skeptical.    I'm skeptical of Mike's claims.   I'm skeptical of those claiming he's hoaxing.   I'm skeptical of the guy claiming to hoax him.    There's a fundamental principle we can apply if we are going to be rigorous instead of being knee jerk ... fools.    Until we know, we don't know.  Until we know what is, we don't know what can't be.    Certainty of opinion does not equate to knowledge .. that's a form of narcissism.    I think we need to allow this to be an unanswered question, something that may be uncomfortable to those who need an answer even if it is wrong more than they need the truth.  We don't  have the truth.   So IMHO we need to let this stay a question, neither accepting nor rejecting, just watching .. then see what unfolds.    Gotta remember how many people believed the so-called debunking of the PGF simply because they had an emotional need for it to be a hoax.   Yet it has never been debunked.   It has not been proven, either.  Lack of a viable means of hoaxing does not eliminate a hoax any more than lack of proof of bigfoot is proof of lack of bigfoot.   We need to let this be a question.   As they say, 'just sit with it', and not try to force an answer where there isn't one.


Wow nice reply, even though I was sure to get a few yes a few no, you put it in a way that really sums it up...like I said I so want to believe this I love the entire Bigfoot Sasquatch fan life so much sometimes I'm very naive to allot of things, but you really sumed it up..thanks for the reply!!


I hope in my lifetime Info is released or found to where we can firmly believe everything.

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There has been some effort to debunk him and it seems to me that the debunking is accurate. The photos of the two sasquatch over his fence is pretty hard to digest. There was an eyeball photo that was proven to be a taxidermied fish. There is a person claiming to be the one making the voices in his videos as well. These things make me lean to hoax, but then again, I am not there witnessing it first hand. 


MiB, great reply! 

Myself, I don't know either...I hooked into it pretty early on, prior to the name exchange, where the creature was making noises from a distance. Some folks were saying how easily those sounds could be made. I'm a trained studio engineer, and have some awareness of signal processing, and while it's possible a person could set up a series of processors and come up with something maybe similar, the sounds he was presenting initially were pretty dang impressive in terms of tone, timbre, power, duration, range and variation. That's what caught my attention . It would take someone quite familiar with sound manipulation to take a human voice and produce those sounds. There's a couple of Mikes videos that have incredible sounds.


I can understand how a lot of people choose to discount the subsequent progressions, as it is pretty out there,but that shouldn't rule out the possibility it's real. MiB said it well!!

  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/21/2024 at 2:38 AM, guyzonthropus said:

MiB, great reply! 

Myself, I don't know either...I hooked into it pretty early on, prior to the name exchange, where the creature was making noises from a distance. Some folks were saying how easily those sounds could be made. I'm a trained studio engineer, and have some awareness of signal processing, and while it's possible a person could set up a series of processors and come up with something maybe similar, the sounds he was presenting initially were pretty dang impressive in terms of tone, timbre, power, duration, range and variation. That's what caught my attention . It would take someone quite familiar with sound manipulation to take a human voice and produce those sounds. There's a couple of Mikes videos that have incredible sounds.


I can understand how a lot of people choose to discount the subsequent progressions, as it is pretty out there,but that shouldn't rule out the possibility it's real. MiB said it well!!

I know you say it could be hard to replicate, but if you wanted to do it and had to could you accomplish it?


I don't know if it would still have that unique acoustic signature that distinguished vocalizations from human sounds. I mean sure you could probably fool your average Facebook folks, but that's a pretty low bar, to be honest.

I'm not sure where I saw it, I'd guess either here at BFF or on Mikes channel, but when those first closer vocalizations were presented on his channel, prior to the verbal exchanges, one or two people who claimed how easy it would be to replicate, posted what I'd presume were their best attempts, and those fell seriously short. Personally, after talking all the shyte they had, I would never have posted those sounds!

There were a couple of his(Mikes)videos where Neph was still a little ways in the woods, but seemingly coming towards him slowly, and Neonatal was making these tremendously powerful sounds, running hos vocal range high and low, with very natural sounding dynamics. Sure, a sound system could reproduce the sounds, but as I recall, to really dial it in to make it sound that organic, and dynamic, would have taken a long time and a lot of work. To be honest, it was those very sounds that convinced me there may well be something to what he was presenting. But then when it comes to sasquatch evidences, I keep many pots on my multi burner stove, all simmering until something is actually proven!

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