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Urban Bigfoot, Seriously? 2024

Lake County Bigfooot

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Back in 2013 I had some class B encounters 30 miles or so NW of the Chicago metropolitan. I documented them here under a thread of the same name. It seems the BFF has lost that thread, sadly. I had uploaded numerous recordings and detailed things that now seem lost. It matters a little to me as a reference point of my current perspective. Back then I became an active investigator, today armchair enthusiast. Does anyone know my chances of recovering any of that thread??? Earlier this summer I heard another wood knock, so it is still a real possibility, and just lately my county bought the land behind me to create a nature preserve, which ensures activity will continue. It is a couple of marshes and some forest, but also a choke down from a vast area of marsh and forest north of me. A State Park and a larger river form a series of lakes called "The Chain", famous for boating and partying. But nature and topography have brought bears, cougars, coyotes, badgers, et., back to this area to explore...and apparently a small group of Bigfoots use it sporadically.

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There is a very real phenomena that I've seen many, many times called "Bigfoot on the Brain".  This is when someone who gets the bug, all of a sudden every seemingly innocuous event is done by a sasquatch.  Prime example is Les Stroud.  On one of his Bigfoot episodes, I believe he is out in Alaska where he has been many times before with no qualms about bears or anything else.  In this instance, he hears a tree go down not too far from his location and he literally says "I may need to leave."  I was quite shocked to hear him actually say that.  This was a guy that made his living being alone in the woods and a natural event made him contemplate packing his bag and heading out. 


Our group basically preaches something we call the Sasquatch Mantra and it essentially goes like this.  Every cluster of dead branches isn't done by sasquatch.  Every noise at night isn't a sasquatch.  Etc., meaning that we need to attribute what we see and hear and experience to everything else, before jumping to the conclusion it was done by a sasquatch.  Sasquatch is literally the last one on the long list of items that could have done it. 


In this particular case, the concept of a squatch moving relatively close to the third largest city in the US is not impossible, but let's examine the evidence.  Ravens are capable of making noises that sound like wood knocks, but they only make them during the day.  They don't do it once the sun goes down.  That begs the question, when did you hear it?  Also, foxes and owls make some really varying array of sounds one wouldn't expect to come from their them. 


Would a squatch venture close to a heavily populated urban center, maybe.  It's consistent with follow the food supply so depending on what's available, it's possible a young squatch may come closer if there is adequate cover and ample sustenance.    With that said, while it's plausible, I also don't believe it's practical for a squatch to markedly increase it's risk of being discovered by coming so close to more and more humans.  I personally believe squatches number one rule is not to be seen.  Although there might be adequate food close to a city, there is also much more food away from it.  There isn't a driving need to get close.  


Who knows.  You may have a teenager rebelling against his mom and dad squatch, doing something to **** them off.  Going back to the mantra though, make it the last possible answer, not the first.  

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I understand your point, and at that time I did attribute some sounds and things to possibly being Bigfoot that probably were not. The initial circumstances of my encounter will never be explained to me by birds or coyotes, or foxes, et. I heard a primate vocalization, juvenile in nature, reacting to my neighbor lighting off fireworks on the 4rth of July, first reaction was who has kids around here, because it started making this whooping sound that was remarkably human ish sounding. No one has kids around here, I asked him later did he have kids over, nope. The excited whooping started moving around the marsh behind me. Then I told my wife, who also heard it, that is not a kid, and she agreed, and we left it at that. We are both nature enthusiasts, my wife an avid birder and I an avid fisherman. I have spent many nights fishing the same river I live on. I know what a moaning Fox sounds like, and all manner of coyote howls and barks, I can identify most types of owls. I have spent 60 years in the outdoors and I have only heard this creature twice. The second time was about 8 days later, the first time was at midnight, this time 3 am as I lie anxiously awaiting my early alarm clock to head off to my golf course job with my windows open. I saw a police spot light shining around and it was pointing in my back yard, then I heard that exact same juvenile whooping again, but this time it seemed like it was asking a question, a different ending of sorts like whoooooeeeep? Completely Primate sounding...it got an answer of a low gutteral whooo from about 75 yards into the wood line next to my neighbors house, then this repeated two more times and both moved off into the marsh. The police car was parked in front of my house still shining the spot back there...I connected the dots with the prior vocalization instantly. It was the same creature. Later that fall I recorded it but it was distorted by the cold air, sent it to Cornell to see if it could be identified, no definitive answer... Recorded strange hard wood knocks associated with coyotes reacting, groans, and experienced some loud movements exiting the area at night. .A year or so later, upon hearing the wood knocks at dawn, I bull rushed the marsh hoping to have a class A, something had moved off, then it stopped, no activity, 10 years of nothing, nothing till a wood knock earlier this summer...I called the police night, they said they were responding to a man down along the roadway...years later...in the movie, "Finding Jay", a local policeman reported an amazing class A just a mile or two west of me on my road, he was responding to a man in the road only to come upon a large hairy bipedal creature carrying a dead german shepherd, he shined his spot on it as it walked away, then suddenly turned and threw the dead dog at him landing on his squad and damaging his hood....so yah it can happen...even here.

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This is your sixth thread on the topic. The other five can be found searching with the word urban, using content titles only. Just FYI.

Edit to add that is a compliment. Ten plus years and so much insight on those threads from many different folks, they're well worth some reading time. :thumbsup:

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Try this link, LCB.  Not sure about the uploads, but your topic from 9-5-2013 seems to be in tact.  :D




Edit to add:

JKH is right, I also found your original thread here (pasting the link automatically generated a map based on the original post content I guess), good luck!   :thumbsup:


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"Urban" Bigfoot.


Yep, they are serious about it.


We have to start defining things in a way that makes sense to even decide if the Urban Bigfoot concept makes sense.   


If we think of Urban, we might think:


-Big City

-Lots of people

-Lots of cameras


-Very few if any 'wild' animals to be expected

-Lots of noise

-Lots of lights


Normally we think of Bigfoot in the remote area such as the woods of the PNW and places where the nearest town is miles away.  Even then, those towns are usually small towns with 2 streetlights and one gas station in the middle of the mountains.




I would doubt any report of Bigfoot in downtown Chicago or Times Square NY.   I have more faith in a report in some town that bordered miles and miles of remote woods, or Forrest.   That is what we think of as bigfoot country.   


I have no doubt as mankind encroaches on nature through urban sprawl one might see a mountain lion or something at the edge of town.  After all, 20 years before that area might not have been developed for miles.   Development does take time and developers makes noise.    Bigfoot is thought to be shy.   A shy animal might be expected to flee to deeper woods and get away.


We know Bears come into town and get into the trash cans.  We know Deer will walk right down the street here in my town in Iowa.  Even then, I don't use this fact to expect a zebra will walk down my street and certainly not a Dodo bird.   




If there is a bump in the night, 99.999999999999999999999999999% of the time it is something 'normal'     Yes, it could be a prowler.  "Did lock your car?  Did your lock your doors?"    But even if it was a prowler, what are the odds it is bigfoot.  If the town is Omaha NE its less likely to be Bigfoot vs a house on the edge of a small town of 200 people near the deep woods of the PNW.   


Image result for remote small town




I hate to say it but I think sometimes those who jump to the conclusion Bigfoot was there are needing Bigfoot to be there.   We all know as reasonable people unless the town is in a remote area the chances of an encounter in town with any shy animal is remote.   This would esp be true with Bigfoot.  

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........That a municipality of 300,000 people would be home to scores of black bears and dozens of brown bears is unusual by most urban standards. Indeed, the bear camera collar project in many ways chronicles a tale of two cities – one of people, another of bears – one thriving quietly, often all but unnoticed, within the bustle and racket of the other..........


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If BF were to ever cross into an Urban area then it would be by happenstance of it being a nomadic creature.  Exactly for the reasons Backdoc spelled out.   One might even be able to go a step further and attribute sickness or fatigue to the reason it crossed into an urban territory.     If they are believed to be smart enough to avoid modern technology, then short of a malfunction, they avoid urban America.  

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The sasquatch are not "shy animals", more like wild opportunists with superior skills.

You should read up on Omaha native stuff before just throwing ideas out.

The Alaska links are interesting facts.

Urban wildlife of all sorts has been documented for decades or more. Go outside and try to revive some senses.

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17 hours ago, JKH said:

The sasquatch are not "shy animals", more like wild opportunists with superior skills.






Are there so few they are essentially like the "tree that falls in the Forrest but no one is around to hear it". 


Suppose there is a near-extinct or soon-to-be-extinct bigfoot number of Bigfoot out there.   Pick your number.   100, 500, even 1,000 or whatever.  What are the odds of even seeing one in the deep woods?   Then consider what circumstance would even bring 1 of these 'animals' to some neighborhood in Peoria Illinois.  


Even IF they are not shy, they have to be rare.  How rare?  Who knows?    


I use again this example of a couple who spotted a wolverine in Yellowstone.   (The encounter is very similar to the PGF right down to the Wolverine trotting off after the look-back.)    If this animal is near impossible to see,  it has to be unheard of to see a wolverine in non-wolverine country. 




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17 hours ago, JKH said:

The sasquatch are not "shy animals", more like wild opportunists with superior skills.

You should read up on Omaha native stuff before just throwing ideas out.


Way to knock down one posters opinion of Sasquatch and then imply your own as fact.  You yourself are just throwing out ideas.  Ignorance personified.   


17 hours ago, JKH said:

The Alaska links are interesting facts.

Urban wildlife of all sorts has been documented for decades or more. Go outside and try to revive some senses.

Cherry on top is to assume you know a posters outdoor experience and challenge them to “try to revive senses”.  


Not mad, just disappointed.   

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3 hours ago, Backdoc said:

.........Even IF they are not shy, they have to be rare.  How rare?  Who knows?............

This is certainly true.

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On 8/27/2024 at 7:23 PM, Twist said:


Way to knock down one posters opinion of Sasquatch and then imply your own as fact.  You yourself are just throwing out ideas.  Ignorance personified.   


Cherry on top is to assume you know a posters outdoor experience and challenge them to “try to revive senses”.  


Not mad, just disappointed.   

I can imagine coming in for a food source, like bears. 50 miles can put me in fairly remote places. 

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So, now days, I am older, 60 years old. Yet, still plenty young to research this crap. But, I know they are way more stealthy than me. They choose to reveal themselves in whatever fashion than means. I betrayed their trust, I made documenting them bigger than interacting with them, then they quit interacting with me because I tried to force the issue. If you have had them interacting with you, then you're impatience pushed them away, then you understand my circumstances....

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On 8/27/2024 at 4:23 PM, Twist said:


Way to knock down one posters opinion of Sasquatch and then imply your own as fact.  You yourself are just throwing out ideas.  Ignorance personified.   


Cherry on top is to assume you know a posters outdoor experience and challenge them to “try to revive senses”.  


Sorry I didn't frame my rather terse post more diplomatically. The preponderance of evidence tells me that these guys are super intelligent apex predators on the level of Comanches. They're not hiding from us in the mountains, if they want to enter towns, even cities, at night they can and do. That these things happen are facts according to many experienced investigators, not just ideas. I don't claim very much evidence comparatively, but have gathered some in the past decade, therefore ignorance on this topic is a state I'm no longer in. My final statement was uncalled for, but as much a general reminder to myself as to any other person, apologies for that.


I happened across this video, which is a pretty long podcast with much information from our old friend Coonbo. He gives his statements about urban presence beginning at 1:09:45.



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