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Need Help In Central Texas.........


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Thanks guys.......she pretty much follows me everywhere, great car/truck rider inside or in the bed too, never jumps out. When I'm on the couch watching TV, she's usually hogging most of it when she stretches out.


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The only negative thing about Lulu is her Spring shed......never seen so much hair in my life. This is what I got in 2 minutes of brushing, and it falls off in clumps, we could vacuum 3 times a day. This is the downy undercoat, and is one the softest natural fibers I have ever felt. It's like silk, very fine, would feel amazing against your skin, and crazy warm. The majority of her hair is the longer thick, course type, and doesn't shed. Does anyone know how to process this into some type of yarn? PETA folks would love it........"100% Wolf Down That's Still Alive".


I've always preferred minimalist foot wear, have been wearing the Vibram FiveFinger shoes for several years, and just bought another pair.......but I am wondering now - SNAKES! They are bad down here with all the rain, and my recent run in with El Rattlesnale-O has me lookin' down an awful lot.......might just run head first into a Bigfoot without seeing, hard to get the full effect of the hike.



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A couple more groomings like that, and you can build a new Lulu!


Decades ago, my wife and I raised German Shepherds, for  "Schutshund" competitions and gaurd dog use, so I'm very familiar with the amount of hair they can shed in the spring. Eventually, we both developed allergies to the point that we had to give it up. I do miss the beautiful beasts, still.

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BFF Patron

Amazing amount of hair.    Well you would need a spinning wheel to turn it into yarn.    You might see if some weaver has any interest in it.   A wolf fur weaving might be very interesting to someone.    Does she like being combed out?   Somehow I think she probably does not tolerate much she does not want to happen.   You mentioned having a different relationship with her than a dog about things like that.  


  I see where you are really getting dumped on down there with rain.     What effect can you see with respect to your BF research related to the rain?.   Footprints should be easier to find.   

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Hey SWW.......lots of rain, and had a tornado in town the other day, Lake Travis is supposed to be back at normal by next week, and that's up about 45 feet - MOST EXCELLENT!


Hadn't been in the woods in 2 weeks, that part's a real drag, might try to sneak out tomorrow, supposed to be clear, with more rain coming Friday on for a few days.

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BFF Patron

Be careful down there. Lots of tragedy reported on the news of people driving into flash flooding and being swept away. From news reports seems like the officials did not help much by telling people to stay put. If people are on low ground you don't want to stay put with flooding forecast. Sometimes I really wonder why people even listen to the government.

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Had my first meaningful hike yesterday for the first time in 3 weeks, as the month-long rains have subsided. Our 7 year drought is over, and May 2015 set the all time record for rainfall, beating the 1896 record, plus about 50 feet in our Lake Travis in about 3 weeks.....WOW!


Creeks are roaring and look like they got pressure washed, as the build up of junk over the last several years has been cleaned out by the flash-flooding.


Went to several areas that have produced tracks over the years, and found some good ones.......lotta activity in the last few weeks, sign everywhere:)









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Yeah.....I bet they do, I should leave some shampoo by one of the bigger pools. All of the prints above came from around the pool pictured above with waterfall, so the barefoot clan is certainly been hangin' around there, and can't say that I blame them either:)


It's a large and deep pool, pictured many times before during the years.......need to clean out the dead-fall and make it nice again.

Edited by Bigtex
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Here are some Cactus plants......the Prickly Pear's are in bloom, and they must be very sweet, look at all the different species of bugs crowded in there.



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Nice pictures. One of my passions is taking pictures of flowers. Some are good, some not so much.

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