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Guest Old Fishing Man

I would take photographs, a GPS location, a hand and other skin/hair samples, get out of there and then call Dr. Meldrum. After get the samples to Dr. Meldrum, I could always go back and get more if needed.


3- contact the local police to get a jail crew to help transport the body to a safe location.

Do you have some inside resource with your local police? Otherwise, how does one go about arranging this? The local jail crew just doesn't respond to my beck and call.

Posted (edited)

1. Document the body and scene with as many pictures and video a possible.

2. If I can winch the body into my truck, then that’s the plan.

3. If I can’t take the body, I’d cut off and take whatever I could carry (in order):

- Head

- Arm or at least hand

- Leg or at least foot

4. If possible, bury the remaining parts and mark and document the spot somehow.

5. I would under NO circumstances contact ANY legal authority, Forest Service or LEOs. I have no issues with law officers at all, but they have a chain of command, and I just don’t trust what the guy 2-3 links up the chain would decide to do, i.e., make the body go away.

6. Get body parts home and on ice.

7. Start calling my BF contacts (it's a short list) with the plan of getting said parts to Jeff Meldrum.

8. Return to the body ASAP with whatever equipment and friends the situation dictates to recover it.

9. NOT contact any media (unless they find out and camp out on my lawn or something).

Edited by OregonMan
Guest Spazmo


Does anyone in this thread feel that any potential legal snafu is enough of a deterrent to keep you from grabbing a sample?

Just curious, as I wouldn't hesitate to do so regardless of the consequences. But that's just me...


It just depends on the circumstances for me, and if I have the right stuff with me to do it. I don't normally have a knife but I do have scissors, a few baggies, and carry gloves with me in my glove compartment. I'm sure I could snip a little skin here and there and it not be noticed.



Does anyone in this thread feel that any potential legal snafu is enough of a deterrent to keep you from grabbing a sample?

Heck no! Biscardi was on national TV claiming a BF body and no state or federal agency cared, even after being prodded by the press.

Simply do not reveal where you found the body, say you want to protect the species from rednecks, etc. If under oath, claim the 5th. They won't be able to establish jurisdiction unless they have a snitch.

Even if that fails, I doubt any AG would prosecute given it would be the discovery of a new species. Nor would any jury convict.


Huh. I'm not going to remove digits but I would take a big wide circle of skin, probably three or four and put them in my baggies and high tail it out of there.

I hope my partner is with me when I'm doing that so they can take pics and/or vid of me taking the samples.

The way these critters seem to be the body would probably be very fresh and I wouldn't want to hang around for long at all. Take a gps and then call the media...

I know I should take a finger (or more) but I've thought about it and I just can't fit it right in my head. It seems wrong like. But I think I could scoop out a bit for science.


Excellent posting, OregonMan. We're on the same page. Pragmatic and thoughtful.

Guest Lesmore

If I found a body I would:

1- Take lots of pictures.

2- take a skin/ hair sample insidea leg ina non visible location and bag it. NO digits.

3- contact the local police to get a jail crew to help transport the body to a safe location.

4 -pack the animal in ice - it should not be frozen.

5-work with the local vetinarian to get the body donate to my favorite university for research -vet and/or antropology depart.

6-set up a press time and contact all papers, TV and etc about the time.

7 - personally help transport the animal to the university.

I agree. Up here in my area, my experience is that authorities, govt. agencies, police, etc....can be trusted. My experience in my over 6 decades.



Does anyone in this thread feel that any potential legal snafu is enough of a deterrent to keep you from grabbing a sample?

Just curious, as I wouldn't hesitate to do so regardless of the consequences. But that's just me...

Perhaps the BFFs should establish a legal defense fund for anyone finding a body and taking a sample that finds himself in trouble with the authorities? In the name of science.


To Lesmore -thanks for your support

Also to Incorrigible1 yes I do. the local County Sheriff of a co of only 15,000 was very supportive and has access to a jail crew that can do something like that for points.


I remember when Biscardi was on Fox news claiming to have a BF body, some in the press went crying to several agencies of the State of Georgia... they basically said that BF is not a known animal and they're not interested.

Obviously they were not interested because Biscardi has no credibility. I expect that if Biscardi actually had a body they would have suddenly become intersted.

If I learned that some amature had possesion of a body, I would want my state government or federal governement to take cotrol of the body "so that it could be made available for scientific study and scrutiny." Ultimately, a finding of such significance should end up in the Smithsonian in D.C.

If I told you that I had a body of a bf (and you believed I was telling the truth), how much would you be willing to pay me to see the body first hand? $1,000 or $100,000? How would you feel if I was charging $10,000 an hour to view and study the body under the condition that no photographs of the body are taken and shown to the public. How would you feel when you saw the rich and wealth on tv noting that it was the most amazing thing they have ever seen? How would you feel when you read the report of scientists who paid me 10,000 an hour to study the body. How would you feel if you thought you might go to your grave without seeing a bf body upclose unless you gave me a nice chunk of change.

Instinctually, we are disinclined to trust the government. However, a finding as important and significant as a bf body belongs to the people. It should not belong to a private individual to make a profit.

If I was Bill Gates, I would set aside 10 or so million as a prize to anyone who can locate and tag a bf so that it can be studied in the wild.

Guest Spazmo

Why not do both?

Keep an arm and hand, and a leg and foot. Give the rest to your favorite government body.

Wouldn't that work too? You can still charge admission, and the Smithsonian gets their prize.


I think a body like that should be donated to an university for research by all public schools etc that can and would do such research with the condition that the hide and body be worked on by a very good taxidermist and that body then be displayed by a local or federal museum or visitor center so all the public could find the history of BF research in one location.

Having one stand next to a grizzly bear or other large mammals for comparison would be great.

Obviously whoever finds one first should be rewarded by having that center in their area.


Forget Meldrum. I am gonna drag that SOB to Saskeptic's front lawn and prop the body up with a sign that says "neener, neener".

Beats the heck out of plastic flamingos and will definately impress the neighbors/

Seriously, if I can't get the body out, I would take a ton of photos and video. Then like Bluepez, take a patch of skin, as well as hairs and perhaps an impression of the feet if possible...maybe a tooth. Then I will show up on Saskeptic's lawn.....

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