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Does Sasquatch Fear Mankind?

Guest Twilight Fan

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Guest Twilight Fan

Assuming Sasquatch is real for the sake of conversation...(for us skeptics, that is)...I've been wondering lately; WHY are they so hard to find? There can't be too many answers here. If they do exist, they're either psychic enough or smart enough to realize that humans are bad news and our race has done some horrible things to other apes, ourselves and animals. So they stay low-key.


They fear us. (Maybe both!) Why else would they stay hidden all the time? When someone sights a Bigfoot, there usually seems to be an urgent desire the Bigfoot feels to escape. Like, if a human stares for too long, he'll turn to stone. Their instinct is to hide, but WHY FROM US? I could understand a Bigfoot hiding from a bear. But in comparison, we're puny creatures. We all know that prey animals (deer, insects, small mammals and reptiles) hide to survive: they know other predators are out looking for them. But why would a fully-grown Sasquatch do this?

Some reports say this creature is over 9 feet tall and weighs more than a silverback gorilla. It could be argued that gorillas hide from people too. But, I think they have good reason to. Their kind has been hunted to near extinction, so the remaining population (most likely) views us as a form of predator now. But Bigfoot has never been shot or killed, not that we know of. A predator of Bigfoot's size, (unless it fears humans knowing how dangerous we are) would not hide THIS much. If a predator like a bear or puma avoids humans, it's probably because they plan to sneak an attack on us and have us for lunch. When a person stumbles upon a bear in the wild, the bear does not run. It never fears us, WE fear IT. Because we should.

The point is: why should a giant creature with no natural predators hide from humans? It's not like other large animals: Elephants don't run from humans. They tread on native turf in Africa, uprooting crops and the only way a village tribe can chase them away (and sometimes without success) is with torches and fire. Hippos don't run from us, they attack our rafts in the water. Kill humans. Tigers and crocodiles stalk us. The list goes on.

So why is Bigfoot so afraid to be found or seen by beings that are tiny in comparison to him? Unless he knows what we're capable of (which would mean Bigfoot has incredible comprehension abilities)...I don't see why. Do you? (All theories welcome).

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Guest Twilight Fan

^Ahahaha. :lol: Thanks for the laugh, Skeptic.

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Guest Twilight Fan

Not sure. I think the BFF is censored only because there could very easily be children who visit the site. And I think they want to remain family friendly so all age groups can come to discuss Bigfoot without fear of adult words or subjects. (Just a stab in the dark --- aside from that, your original comment made me chuckle).

Edited by Twilight Fan
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Good topic!

for anyone left who doesn't know......


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Guest MikeG

Going back to your elephant example, TF......

In only medium density bush, and without trying, an elephant can be almost impossible to spot only 50 feet away, until it moves or makes a noise. I've been 5 or 6 yards away from an elephant, and the people in my car couldn't see it for a minute or two, again, until it moved. Now, there is an animal that isn't even trying to hide.

Plenty of African animals DO try to hide.....picking one at random............the bushbuck, a very common medium sized woodland antelope. Now, this little fellow is so stealthy that you can be almost standing on top of it before it breaks cover. Just a few feet off the road, and standing in shadow, you won't see it.

Add in a big brain and thousands of years of persecution (I'm not claiming this, I'm kite-flying) and I can well imagine a big animal being well-nigh impossible to see. Add to that the ability to move around in the dark and lay-low during the day, plus a low population density and small group size, and you have an animal which some people will ascribe magic powers to, simply because of its ability to stay hidden from the loudest, clumsiest, blindest, slowest, deafest creature to ever set foot in the woods..........us. We are useless!! I have struggled to get within 150 yards of a black rhino, which can't see 50 feet, because it can smell me coming from miles off. We don't have a sense of smell to speak of. The only people who would have a chance in my view are members of extant hunter-gatherer tribes. Say, the San "bushmen" of the Kalahari, whose senses haven't been dulled by centuries of cosy living in towns.

It is utterly astonishing what we don't see in the wild.


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I believe it's possible they fear mankind. Heck, I'm a human and I sometimes fear mankind.

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Guest Twilight Fan

Going back to your elephant example, TF......

In only medium density bush, and without trying, an elephant can be almost impossible to spot only 50 feet away, until it moves or makes a noise. I've been 5 or 6 yards away from an elephant, and the people in my car couldn't see it for a minute or two, again, until it moved. Now, there is an animal that isn't even trying to hide.

Sure, Mike. I agree that animals can be very difficult to spot, but come on. People see elephants far more often than they see a Sasquatch. And furthermore, like you said just now; "there is an animal that isn't even trying to hide." Exactly! He doesn't try to hide from humans. But whenever a Sasquatch is spotted, at least from all reports I've heard on shows and documentaries...the creature has an urgent sense to run or flee from human eyes. As soon as he knows he's been spotted, he rushes to hide again. (This IS an animal that hides on purpose). Unlike the elephant.

Plenty of African animals DO try to hide.....picking one at random............the bushbuck, a very common medium sized woodland antelope. Now, this little fellow is so stealthy that you can be almost standing on top of it before it breaks cover. Just a few feet off the road, and standing in shadow, you won't see it.

Again, there is a big difference between an animal who needs to hide for survival reasons and an animal who hides for unknown reasons. (Next to nothing is willing or even capable enough to bring down a Bigfoot, unless it's a young one)...So unlike the bushbuck, a prey animal, the Bigfoot hides not from fear of being hunted by predators...So then, why does he hide?

Add in a big brain and thousands of years of persecution (I'm not claiming this, I'm kite-flying) and I can well imagine a big animal being well-nigh impossible to see. Add to that the ability to move around in the dark and lay-low during the day, plus a low population density and small group size, and you have an animal which some people will ascribe magic powers to, simply because of its ability to stay hidden from the loudest, clumsiest, blindest, slowest, deafest creature to ever set foot in the woods..........us. We are useless!! I have struggled to get within 150 yards of a black rhino, which can't see 50 feet, because it can smell me coming from miles off. We don't have a sense of smell to speak of. The only people who would have a chance in my view are members of extant hunter-gatherer tribes. Say, the San "bushmen" of the Kalahari, whose senses haven't been dulled by centuries of cosy living in towns.

It is utterly astonishing what we don't see in the wild.

I agree that there is much humans don't see. Sorry to beat the dead horse, but it's not just the fact that Bigfoot is rarely seen. Elusive animals are abundant on this earth. (But even the most elusive have been found dead at some point or another - remains have been in the hands of science). Aside from that, Bigfoot (once again) willfully hides from humans if he exists. Because when one is spotted by a witness, it always seems to dash for cover or take off. Even the Patterson footage shows a (supposed) female Sasquatch walking briskly away from her pursuer. She turns back to see if he follows her, in a seemingly nervous fashion.

Between Bigfoot's "supernatural stealth" and no remains being found (making it the most elusive land mammal if it exists) and the willful hiding from humans...I think it is unlike any other animal known to us, if it exists.

Edited by Twilight Fan
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Guest Twilight Fan

I believe it's possible they fear mankind. Heck, I'm a human and I sometimes fear mankind.

As do I, See. We can be a scary species, for sure. The question is...Is Sasquatch intelligent and observant enough to know this? And if so, how does he know this?

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If bigfoot is intelligent enough to remember or to pass along past events involving humans to others of its species, then yes - I say it is possible that they have a fear of mankind.

If bigfoot is observant enough to do many of the things they've been reported doing, I believe they are able to discern the possible threat posed by humans... Just as other wild animals do. I theorize that bigfoot is more intelligent than a deer, so if a deer is smart enough to fear humans, then bigfoot certainly should be able to do the same.

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Guest MikeG

And further to that, See, in areas where poaching happens (again, I'm talking about Africa) all the animals are extremely nervous and skittish. They disappear at the first sign of humans. By contrast, in areas such as well protected National Parks, where there is no poaching, then they become relaxed and even brazen around humans. This is evidence that it isn't just immediate "friends and neighbours" of poaching victims who learn the lessons; ALL the larger animals in the area will behave nervously, and pass this on to their offspring.


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