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The Sykes / Sartori Report - Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project

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You wish.  The proponent camp is stronger today than it was yesterday and tomorrow it will be even stronger yet.  Every person who has an experience adds to the ground-swell.   Best I can tell ( us MIBs are good at math ) there are no less than 100,000 reports total filed with the various "research groups" who gather them.   BFRO alone appears to have somewhere around 45,000.  While they are best known, there are many many smaller groups contributing to the total. 


Ask yourself, then ... who is it doesn't get it?   Is it the rest of the world, or is it you?   


As I said, the proponents grow stronger every day.



  • Upvote 1

I'm sorry, but what exactly is the scientific significance of a pile, albeit quite large, of anecdotal reports?


Hey dmaker, still at I see, check out my video later on Urban thread, not anything other than interesting, would like to hear your trust worthy critique of the animal kills, maybe I need your perspective to reign me back in.


I'm sorry, but what exactly is the scientific significance of a pile, albeit quite large, of anecdotal reports?


They're no more significant that a hundred thousand stones that happen to randomly organize themselves into a three foot high wall a mile long in an area where people are assumed to have never lived.

  • Upvote 2

^^ Pretty sure that I have zero idea what you are talking about.

Posted (edited)

^^ Pretty sure that I have zero idea what you are talking about.

Neither do I.

Edit: Some kind of historical wall or something? I'm not sure!

Edited by Austin M.

You wish. The proponent camp is stronger today than it was yesterday and tomorrow it will be even stronger yet. Every person who has an experience adds to the ground-swell. Best I can tell ( us MIBs are good at math ) there are no less than 100,000 reports total filed with the various "research groups" who gather them. BFRO alone appears to have somewhere around 45,000. While they are best known, there are many many smaller groups contributing to the total.

Ask yourself, then ... who is it doesn't get it? Is it the rest of the world, or is it you?

As I said, the proponents grow stronger every day.


well, there's "strong" and there is "internet strong"


^^ Pretty sure that I have zero idea what you are talking about.


I already knew that.


They're no more significant that a hundred thousand stones that happen to randomly organize themselves into a three foot high wall a mile long in an area where people are assumed to have never lived.


Whatever kind of wall it is I am sure bigfoot built it.

Guest Llawgoch

Bigfoot murum aedificat.


With apologies to Marriott Edgar



I'll tell you the story of Bigfoot, 
You know, him as builded a wall;
I'll tell you the reason he built it, 
And the place where it happened an' all.
This 'ere Bigfoot, though only a Tackler, 
Were the most enterprising of men;
He'd heard Chicken Farms were lucrative, 
So he went out and purchased a hen.
'Twere a White Wyandot he called Mabel, 
At laying she turned out a peach,
And her eggs being all double-yoked ones 
He reckoned they'd fetch twopence each.
When he took them along to the market 
And found that the eggs that sold best
Were them as came over from China 
He were vexed, but in no ways depressed.
For Bigfoot, though only a Tackler, 
In business were far from a dunce,
So he packed Mabel up in a basket 
And started for China at once.
When he got there he took a small holding, 
And selecting the sunniest part,
He lifted the lid of the basket
And said "Come on, lass... make a start!"
The 'en needed no second biddin', 
She sat down and started to lay;
She'd been saving up all the way over 
And laid sixteen eggs, straight away.
When the Chinese heard what had happened
Their cheeks went the colour of mud, 
They said it were sheer mass production
As had to be nipped in the bud.
They formed themselves in a committee 
And tried to arrive at some course
Whereby they could limit the output 
Without doing harm to the source.
At the finish they came to t' conclusion 
That the easiest road they could take
Were to fill the 'en's nest up wi' scrap-iron 
So as fast as she laid eggs they'd break.
When Bigfoot went out the next morning 
To fetch the eggs Mabel had laid
He found nowt but shells and albumen
He were hipped, but in no ways dismayed.
For Bigfoot, though only a Tackler, 
He'd a brain that were fertile and quick
He bought all the scrap-iron in t' district 
To stop them repeating the trick.
But next day, to his great consternation 
He were met with another reverse,
For instead of old iron they'd used clinker 
And the eggs looked the same, or worse.
'Twere a bit of a set-back for Bigfoot, 
But he wasn't downhearted at all,
And when t' Chinese came round next evening
They found he were building a wall.
"That won't keep us out of your 'en 'ouse"
Said one, with a smug kind of grin; 
It's not for that purpose," said Bigfoot, 
"When it's done, it will keep you lot in."
The Chinese all burst out laffing, 
They thowt as he'd gone proper daft
But Bigfoot got on wi' his building
And said "He laffed last who last laffed."
Day by day Bigfoot stuck to his building, 
And his efforts he never did cease
Till he'd builded the Great Wall of China 
So as Mabel could lay eggs in peace.

If you think that I was suggesting bigfoot built a wall, you completely missed my allegorical point, but go ahead and have fun with it.

Guest Migrantworkers

It is obvious that the wall comment was not meant to imply that a Bigfoot built anything

While comparing 100k reports from around the world to 100k stones lined up together might be a bit of a stretch given the spaces involved one could only assume that those running with "Bigfoot built a wall" are those who don't believe

I have found myself wondering why such posters take part here...and with so many posts

Isn't there a "Bigfoot is a hoax" message board somewhere?


I still maintain we need a skeptic tank in which they can wallow to their hearts' content.

Posted (edited)

You wish.  The proponent camp is stronger today than it was yesterday and tomorrow it will be even stronger yet.  Every person who has an experience adds to the ground-swell.   Best I can tell ( us MIBs are good at math ) there are no less than 100,000 reports total filed with the various "research groups" who gather them.   BFRO alone appears to have somewhere around 45,000.  While they are best known, there are many many smaller groups contributing to the total. 


Ask yourself, then ... who is it doesn't get it?   Is it the rest of the world, or is it you?   


As I said, the proponents grow stronger every day.




Every time the media reports a person missing in this country there are thousands upon thousands of reported sightings of that person, even if that person is found to be dead the whole time. That would equal thousands of false reports and misidentifications with not a single legitimate sighting in the bunch. That would be the credibility of the "rest of the world" as you put it.


On the most recent Finding Bigfoot that showcased the Bigfoot Museum in Santa Cruz, they stated that there were over 150 sightings in the Santa Cruz area that were reported to the museum in the past 10 years. Either they're literally swarming with Bigfoot or there's a lot of prank reports going on. Even Moneymaker acknowledged that the reports were probably mostly false.


Humans are far more fallible and dishonest than you give them credit for. If you feel that somehow equals strength then more power to you.

Edited by roguefooter
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