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The Sykes / Sartori Report - Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project

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That's great news if true.

It's terrible news. Sykes is putting the cart before the horse if true, just like Ketchum did. There will be plenty of time to join groups and tour habitats after his study is published.

SSR Team

He's more than entitled to have a vacation to a part of the world where his subject is, talking and listening to people who are allegedly researching it.

He doesn't have to be locked away in a cupboard finishing a paper to satisfy people like you before he does things like that.

No one knows what his study has produced so far.

It be nothing, but it might be something, prompting the trip.


...... Why does anything BF related seem to face endless delays? .........


to generate forum traffic, its in the contract ;)


j/k of course, but stick around long enough & it seems to be the norm.....usually followed by similar results.. 


Great thread guys. Thanks for updates regardless of the truth!

SSR Team

I hope he answers the question.


I hope he answers the question.

I'm just excited we now have somewhat of a timeline.

SSR Team

I personally don't see anything other than the norm.

" We had action, but we can't tell you about it because of the documentary that is coming out in.......... " etc.

I've said that as that's effectively what has been said over the past few weeks.

Now though, with this announcement, bigfootology are saying that there are no NDA's and they are extremely open to the public, so now would be the time to actually be open to the public.

But I bet you they won't be, which is of course a complete contradiction unless they are open.

We will get an idea when they answer my question on Facebook, if they answer my question on Facebook of course.


Bobby I just read his reply.Seems we are getting the same ole .

Guest OntarioSquatch

He says that Sykes doesn't know what the DNA shows yet. I think that's much better than claiming to have proof, but only making promises :)


I agree OS . I like the way the report/study is being handled. I am with BobbyO entirely in how the alleged encounter Dr. Sykes was present for is being handled. The person over on the facebook page for bigfootology won't even acknowledge that anything he has to say about what Dr. Sykes witnessed is third party information . there was a claim made I am finding a little hard to believe over there . That the  entire DNA project is funded in its entirety by Dr. Sykes personally . Anyone know how to verify that ?



He says that Sykes doesn't know what the DNA shows yet. I think that's much better than claiming to have proof, but only making promises :)


I think If he is capable of obtaining and analyzing DNA at all, we both know the underlined part would be a lye by this late stage. It would be taxing to his wallet to not know the results, because that affects the direction and eventual outcome of investigation.


'what the DNA shows yet' and 'not knowing the results' are very different things.


He would know if he had primate samples or not by now. He can't write a science paper not knowing. He would have to document every specific about every test  done on each sample, assemble the data, and determine the homology to knowns for each one. You can't do that blindfolded. 

Guest OntarioSquatch

He might know some of what he's handling by now. However, if he were to simply come out and announce that he made the discovery of Bigfoot, it might not be good for is reputation. There's also the possibility that he didn't find anything new in the samples, which would be pretty interesting given all the promising samples he received.

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