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The Sykes / Sartori Report - Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project

Guest gershake

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saw this on FB today  http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/338024/The-Yeti-may-be-real-Sir-David-Attenborough-claims-legendary-beast-does-exist



If Sykes comes in with anything persuasive, I would expect some enterprising anthropologists to go out and look more deeply, till they find.......once that starts, maybe things will pick up in the scientific community.

Edited by apehuman
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^Exactly, and if one can be found/proven elsewhere, it adds creedence to the areas with high 'activity'.

Maybe, maybe not. I still think there are plenty of "kooks, crackpots, and eggheads" to quote Rene Dahinden not to mention out right liers and hoaxers.

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SSR Team

Maybe, maybe not. I still think there are plenty of "kooks, crackpots, and eggheads" to quote Rene Dahinden not to mention out right liers and hoaxers.


Absolutely, without a doubt.


But like with most things that demand an answer, the truth is normally somewhere in the middle like i think it would be in this case.

saw this on FB today  http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/338024/The-Yeti-may-be-real-Sir-David-Attenborough-claims-legendary-beast-does-exist



If Sykes comes in with anything persuasive, I would expect some enterprising anthropologists to go out and look more deeply, till they find.......once that starts, maybe things will pick up in the scientific community.


Made me smile that interview, he said it could be very well possible that it could live in the 14,000 miles squared forests of the Himalaya's.


The Tongass National Forest in Alaska is double the size of that alone.. :D

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Cyrus Engineer/ Published 11th September 2013

25530.jpgSir David Attenborough strongly believes that a Yeti-like beast once existed [GETTY]

The veteran broadcaster is convinced fossil evidence found in the 1930s proves a 10-12ft tall animal lived in the region.

Speaking to Jarvis Cocker at a UKTV 2013-2014 Showcase, Sir David, 87, said he had not given up hope of the creature being real.

He said: "I believe the Abominable Snowman may be real. I think there may be something in that.

25538.jpgA reported Yeti footprint, Sir David believes that fossil evidence points to the creature's existence [GETTY]

"A fossil was found with these huge molars that are four of five times the size of human molars."

Sir David said that the Himalayan forests which cover over 14,000 square miles could easily contain a Yeti.

"If there are some still alive and you walked near their habitat you can bet that these creatures may be aware of you, but you wouldn't be aware of them," he added.

25545.jpgThe first man to climb Mount Everest, Sir Edmund Hilary, holds a scalp believed to be from the Yeti [AP]

25546.jpgThe Yeti is said to live in the Himalayan Mountains [GETTY]

25547.jpgThe forests where Sir David reckons the beast hides away [GETTY]

Attempts to prove the Yeti existed are common. In December 2007 US TV presenter Joshua Gates discovered a series of footprints in the Everest region of Nepal measuring 33cm in length.

“I believe the Abominable Snowman may be real. I think there may be something in thatâ€

Sir David Attenborough

The footprints were at first deemed too accurate to be fake or man made but this was later changed after further investigating.

Gates also discovered hair samples in an another expedition and forensic analysis concluded the hair contained unknown DNA.

Sir David could be right after all...

well not sure how to just grab the text and there wasn't a printer friendly option.


I thought the timing was strange, why now, unless it's his 87th birthday or anniversary for being Knighted..something..or?  All those distinguished Brits talk to each other, right?  j/k  But, it may be some of these samples made it into the study?

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Guest Stan Norton

Don't think there's a significant date coming up for sir Dave. Been long known that he's open minded on the yeti. He's also been to most parts of the globe in his life so he has a good take on what the wide world is like. The daily star is a rag though!

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Yeah, sure it is..this is Bigfoot talk...but, it does seem likley he might be in the conversation...  I promised myself I would not wait for these results...ha

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"“We are challenging the people who claim to have seen the Yeti or the Orang Pendek to show us real evidence, or otherwise hold your peace,†he says."

"real evidence" as HE defines it of course.


What arrogance!

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BFF Patron

So, Lindsay is now reporting he has sources in the Sykes camp and that they give him the impression that there is something positive with the study? The BF drama is exhausting.


Well if you read Lindsay's stuff, he said alot and like always, really said nothing.  He counts on covering the world like Sherwin Williams, that way he can't be told he is wrong or you can tell him and he can say "neener, neener, neener". 

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Lindsay is constantly saying he has sources, the Ketchum camp, Dyer's camp, Erickson project camp, finding bigfoot camp, know the Sykes camp. All he does is take a shot in the dark what might be happening or could be true and then wait to see if it sparks a response, it it does, he boasts on how he was right again, but the reality is that he might get it right 10% of the time,and i'm being kind with that estimate.and soon as someone supposedly gives him information,he post it on his blog.How can someone that can't keep a secret,and offends so many people, have even one inside source, never mind multiple sources. 

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^Kettle, this is pot, looking pretty black over there.

Nope, very clean and white kettle over here.



Proponents have shown their evidence, evidence that meets any reasonable definition of the term.  Skeptics, not so much.

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"“We are challenging the people who claim to have seen the Yeti or the Orang Pendek to show us real evidence, or otherwise hold your peace,†he says."

"real evidence" as HE defines it of course.


What arrogance!

Yes, we can't have scientists defining what evidence is. Best leave that to posters on the Interwebs....

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