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The Sykes / Sartori Report - Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project

Guest gershake

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Guest Urkelbot

I don't think the matter of the pgf will be settled until a body or definitive evidence for Bigfoot comes forward. In a vacume most people would be satisfied with the film and analysis I would anyway. But it's not in a vacume the pgf exists in a world with no other hard, non hoaxable or eye witness, evidence. If another 46 years go by with no body, fossils, DNA, then it would appear the pgf was a hoax or Bigfoot is now extinct.

Munns analysis doesn't prove that it couldn't be a man in a costume just points out that it would be unlikely. It is also unlikely that a 800 pound ape that has a range across all of north america would leave no body, bones, DNA. In my mind the two have to be weighed against each other.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

One could write up a paper on why unicorns are real and publish it in their own journal, but it won't have much impact. This is essentially what Dr. Meldrum and Melba Ketchum have done with their Bigfoot papers. If the science is truly good, would they need to self-publish? 

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Well, unlike Ketchum, Mr. Munns' science has thus far not been refuted.


What does it matter WHERE it gets published if indeed the science stands on its own?

Are we discussing the 'clout' thing again?

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And this is how it ever winds up with discussion about the PG film: It is possible it could be a guy in a suit. When your rebuttal to evidence devolves to the point of only listing the possible, you are ceding the field. Just so, those on the side of expert analysis are forever pushing against something with no backstop.

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I did pose the question on the JREF forum as to whether Sykes had the clout to change opinions if he determines a previously uncategorized species does exist and several there responded it wasn't about the clout, and is about whether his methods are sound and provides access to the data.  I think that is a reasonable approach to this whole discussion.  


if the science is good, the results will do the convincing.  this is what some people just don't get... if your science is tight, then the arguments, mockery, criticism, and finger-pointing disappear.


good science is all anyone wants.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

Well, unlike Ketchum, Mr. Munns' science has thus far not been refuted.


Bill's paper might not even be refutable, but it relies heavily on his interpretation of image data so it might not be enough to prove without a shadow of a doubt that Bigfoot is real.

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Well, if one could show his interpretation is incorrect.......


And I agree, it won't prove w/o a shadow of a doubt.  But if it cannot be disproved, well, it certainly doesn't hurt!

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Yeah, this quote is interesting.



 For the most part the samples he has tracked down for analysis have turned out to be known species such as humans, bears or apes; however two samples taken towards the end of his quest will "change our understanding of human history," he says.




Human history! hmmmmm.................................

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Sykes' book (will be?) titled "The Quest for the Yeti, A DNA Detective Story."

    I like the Yeti title.


Also see Bigfootology: "It is wild to realize that this project have been going along as it has for nearly 2 years ..."



ETA: Will it inform, changing opinions world wide? I think so. 

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Guest SDBigfooter

OS Like writing about unicorns?  Really? 


That is interesting.  Do you hate Melba?  I am just curious.


I read some of the journal and I have to admit that in my opinion, it was more engaging and seemingly authentic than any unicorn discussion that I have ever seen.


Do you frequent unicorn forums by the way?

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Guest OntarioSquatch

There are unicorn forums? lol. I don't know Melba personally, and don't hate her. In fact I even thought she was the real deal at first before her paper was published. Once it was published, everything became clear.

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Guest shoot1

I just visited Bryan Sykes authors page on Amazon. If anyone is interested, there is a link on the right hand side of the page that you might want to click on - it allows you to subscribe to book publication alerts:


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