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The Sykes / Sartori Report - Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project

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We need to convince the Outlaws to come on in, turn yourselves in, we need a specimen. It has to come down to a body, but why not a volunteer, living specimen. Even when they get a body it will be an effort to get them to take it seriously, Too bad they left all us novices to try to capture evidence....

We seriously need to invent a Squatch trap, one that defies detection, say a 30 foot hole covered lightly tempting them with food? Could that work, oh no what else would get caught, complicated again....

Mark my words, they will get a body somehow, and I hope it does not have to be a dead one, but if that happens then let it be the Sacrificial Lamb for the rest of the specie.


The truth of the matter is that the Bigfoot Community is the biggest barrier to Sasquatch discovery, they don't have to fish for long to pull up all the bottom feeders in the field and expose their stupidity and inability.


I wish this phenomenon had not gotten such a west coast bias from the outset, it draws all the loony's and crackpots from that region, and somehow they seem to control the press on this thing.


Which is not to say they couldn't be replaced by a Midwestern loony version of the same,


But I say death to the "Bigfoot Community", and I say life to real research......


If anyone has the link to The Bigfoot Files episode two, this crackpot, loony tunes guy from the Midwest would like to go brain dead watching it.....

This is a very interesting way of putting it.  Hunters and scientists won't want to get involved with the lunatic fringe. 


DWA - I agree with one thing - no amount of samples tested will ever "close the book" for some people. On the other hand, I think it does matter. I'll go out on a limb here, but I'm guessing that none of the samples that were tested showed up in an anonymous envelope. I'm pretty sure that each submitter was stringently interviewed before being put in the "best available" category. I'll bet that every sample tested came with a convincing back story as to why it was a BF/Yeti hair. The exact type of story that you are convinced means there must be something out there - the exact type of story that gets a "Must have been Bigfoot" from the BFRO - and yet - still nothing. Its easy to pretend that Sykes didn't think about these issues and just randomly tested samples without any provenance, but I'll give him a little more credit than that. I guess we'll all see when the report comes out. So all of the "best" samples still fall into the category A, B or C. So, how many samples are enough? 1000 or 100,000 or 1,000,000? or do we just keep testing forever?

And this is just the sort of dilemma that results from testing samples that did not pass vet to a standard of Probability. You can test zillions of bad samples and likely end up with nothing but false conclusions. 

Guest Darrell

Well here we go. Sykes asks for vetted and documented samples with a chain of custody and receives said samples. After testing said samples nothing comes back ape or unknown. Now to me thats no big suprise. What is suprising is those in the phenomina, the proponents or true believers, are now making excuses for why nothing is found. Even the dreaded government conspircy theory is popping up. So please dont get butt hurt because after all the complaining that scientists are taking this seriously and investigating the phenomina, that when one does it comes up nothing. You asked, you got what you all wanted, it just wasnt what you wanted to hear. And now you are crying about it. And thats the bigfoot cult folks.


Think you can leave the term 'butt-hurt' for some of the other blogs you may post on Darrell. It's highly condescending.

Not sure why you would give the conspiracy theorists the time of day either? Unless you want to of course. It would fit nicely with your view of this crazy Bigfoot 'cult' that you have strangely got tangled up in yourself.

Perhaps you thought that Sykes would deliver some kind of killer blow to the Bigfoot community? Alas you woke this morning to find that nothing has changed and that damned Bigfoot 'cult' grinds on just like before.

Guest OntarioSquatch

Welcome to the cult Darrel :D

Posted (edited)

Well here we go. Sykes asks for vetted and documented samples with a chain of custody and receives said samples. After testing said samples nothing comes back ape or unknown. Now to me thats no big suprise. What is suprising is those in the phenomina, the proponents or true believers, are now making excuses for why nothing is found. Even the dreaded government conspircy theory is popping up. So please dont get butt hurt because after all the complaining that scientists are taking this seriously and investigating the phenomina, that when one does it comes up nothing. You asked, you got what you all wanted, it just wasnt what you wanted to hear. And now you are crying about it. And thats the bigfoot cult folks.

Anybody who's either crying or crowing over this doesn't understand how reality works.


The only question that is being answered here is this one:


what each sample represents.


That's all, folks.  Yeti and bigfoot are still essentially unaddressed questions.


Until the mainstream gets involved in more than testing a smattering of hairs:  get used to reality.


If the bigfoot cult is such a problem:  don't let the bigfoot cult dictate reality to you.  How I work it.

Edited by DWA

The mainstream hasnt started yet, a journal is still to publish all the findings and then there'll be the book release. Archaic polar bear is a pretty good start I'd say.


I guess the Ketchumites are still holding on hope that Sykes will replicate her results.

Oh wait he did that already. He found bear DNA.



A little confused with Sykes test results all coming out as known animals ( bears,cows etc) , were these not first subjected to microscopic morphological hair analysis via experts to first weed the possibilities of know animals similiar to the Ketchum study ????

I would have assumed that this initial screen would have easily screened out these very common and identifiable animal hairs and eliminated both labor and cost in the study...



Big Stinky

I would think that would be a logical approach too if it were Sykes' money he was spending. But , on the other hand, he wouldn't want to be viewed as completely dismissive on the basis of morphology either, as it may be possible that primate hairs and bear hairs for instance, can mimic each other in appearance. In fact, I've read that very thing before.

Still, we shouldn't have Racoons in this study.

Posted (edited)

it was stated they were not atypical in their presentation

Edited by kezra

Well here we go. Sykes asks for vetted and documented samples with a chain of custody and receives said samples. After testing said samples nothing comes back ape or unknown. Now to me thats no big suprise. What is suprising is those in the phenomina, the proponents or true believers, are now making excuses for why nothing is found. Even the dreaded government conspircy theory is popping up. So please dont get butt hurt because after all the complaining that scientists are taking this seriously and investigating the phenomina, that when one does it comes up nothing. You asked, you got what you all wanted, it just wasnt what you wanted to hear. And now you are crying about it. And thats the bigfoot cult folks.


Overall, I see the point you are trying to make, albeit a rather dull one.

But I must ask, in the realm of scientific inquiry, does testing 30 samples, collected from random folks from the public (not sure of where you got the impression all of the samples came with a chain of custody), constitute a serious investigation of the topic?

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Posted (edited)

Sykes results in no way disprove the presence of a North American Ape, they only demonstrate that those in the bigfoot community who "claim" to be in the know, are really not in the know.

That those who sent such samples must not have been careful or wise enough to rule out any misidentifications. We know that some hairs have tested as unknown in other labs, where are those, but none of these were those hairs?

If we keep botching this thing we'll probably save the specie from further inspection, and we'll have them all to ourselves.


Sorry roguefooter, it is simply frustration with all the "hey dude" types that latch on to this thing, whenever I hear a interview with some supposed "Sasquatch expert", I am horribly unimpressed with there basic ability to even discuss the subject intelligently, with few exceptions. 


I could give examples but that would be pointless.  The fact that most are left coasters is not a reflection on all left coasters, only the ones who like lamprey stick to this subject, all for potential financial gain and notoriety...that is what controls our image to the public


We need to exercise these demons...call a spade a spade and move on...just gotta vent this frustration

Edited by Lake County Bigfooot

Who are these left coasters you're talking about?


When I think of recognizable,non-academic,names in Figbootery I think of:






...to name only a few off the top of my head.  I don't think any of those are left coasters are they?

Posted (edited)

I could mention some names, but some of these guys are heading up important research, and I cannot for the life of me understand how they could send bogus samples to this study

I guess the claim to be an authority on the subject is useless anyway, so that should never be stated.

For now I will only trust Bindernagel and Meldrum, and yes of course Sykes.

My left coast comments are based on a few individuals, so take them with a grain of salt, I know they have

no patent on stupidity.

Edited by Lake County Bigfooot
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