kbhunter Posted September 2, 2012 Posted September 2, 2012 (edited) Fair enough.....I will try and give you some insight as to who I am, this is my Journal; http://bigfootforums...counters-in-ga/ I came here to get answers, that was 2009 after my intital meeting with the BFRO. Since coming here, I have met so great folks and some not so much. I am NOT a researcher however, I am friends with most all here that have experiences. I am also friends with most all of the people that have threads started about them here. I have been privlidged to have been invited and worked with many as well. I have learned things that I would have never dreamed of from many PHD's I have been introduced to. I have on occasion been on a few blogstations about BF. I have travelled all over this country and have witnessed incredible stuff and I feel much is to be revealed to many soon. KB Edited September 2, 2012 by kbhunter
Guest RayG Posted September 2, 2012 Posted September 2, 2012 Hmmm... do I spend time in the woods... let's see... Not so much anymore, as I now live in the middle of a city, and I have no vehicle, but I grew up about a city block from the woods in Nova Scotia. Used to go hunting and fishing all the time, with my brother, my uncle, or by myself. I became familiar with firearms way before I joined the military... I successfully completed a two-week military bush survival course back in the 70's... after joining the military I was trained to use a map and compass in the woods at night... have participated in military exercises in the woods, both in daytime and at night, in three different provinces... was an avid practitioner of orienteering both before and after I left the military, though not in the competitive sense. I found it enjoyable to take a topographical map of a forested area, plot points A and B on the map, and then using my compass, travel from point A to point B. My objective was to come as close to point B as possible. I was quite successful in doing that too. I guess once you learn to navigate at night in the woods, doing it in the daylight is a piece of cake. As far as having been to an area of supposed activity, I lived on the Queen Charlotte Islands for about five years, in a place called Masset. In the late 60's/early 70's there were some reports from that area. I spoke to one of the local natives about the sightings back in the late 70's. I also spoke to a gentleman who worked as a Commissionaire in the building I worked in about a sighting he had. He described a creature that was bent over at the water's edge, holding something in it's hands. He also mentioned a tail though, so I'm not sure how it equated to sasquatch. Both gentlemen might be dead by now, as I would have guessed them both to be in their 60's back then. The Masset area is where I had a night-time 'incident' that some suggested was squatch-related. Now, please explain what training you have in navigating the woods, and how this training has allowed you to track, capture, photograph, or otherwise learn one single iota of actual/factual information about sasquatch. RayG....I was talking of evidence for Bigfoot clear and simple. That was not my "example" but the dictionary version. If I was talking of all of the others, I would have said so. With that said, there very well could be plenty of evidence of some of those you listed. KB I don't think I understand. What clear and simple evidence for bigfoot do you see, and how were you able to match bigfoot to this evidence? RayG
kbhunter Posted September 2, 2012 Posted September 2, 2012 Dang, I feel like an elementary school teacher. RayG. please re-read my post number 443, if you still don't understand, as a classmate.
Guest BFSleuth Posted September 2, 2012 Posted September 2, 2012 By your argument then, we have PLENTY of evidence for Medusa and unicorns. We know there are carvings, flags, coat of arms, statues, paintings, emblems, tapestries, medals, mosaics, drawings, and writings as representations of the creatures known as Medusa, and the unicorn, so why shouldn't all that be considered evidence for Medusa and unicorns? Do you have any links or other information regarding sighting report databases, trackways, track castings, hair samples, or other evidence?
kbhunter Posted September 2, 2012 Posted September 2, 2012 Yes RayG. It's post 443. There is plenty of "evidence" of BF per the definition.
Guest RayG Posted September 2, 2012 Posted September 2, 2012 Yes RayG. It's post 443. There is plenty of "evidence" of BF per the definition. I can't even find evidence that you posted #443. This is what turns up for me: It's a post by thermalman. I suspect you're talking about the post where you defined 'evidence', correct? Why is it you think the evidence for Medusa and unicorns isn't as plentiful as that for bigfoot? If you don't see how there are similarities, I have to ask, again, how can you be certain the evidence you're presenting on behalf of bigfoot, actually came from a bigfoot? RayG
Guest BFSleuth Posted September 3, 2012 Posted September 3, 2012 Perhaps 433 might be the pertinent post?
Guest RayG Posted September 3, 2012 Posted September 3, 2012 Yes, that would be the post where he defined the word evidence. Was just pointing out how important it is to have the correct evidence. RayG Do you have any links or other information regarding sighting report databases, trackways, track castings, hair samples, or other evidence? I can certainly provide links to the type of evidence they had back in their day if you're truly unable to find it. Pretty sure they didn't have computer databases, cast tracks, or conduct forensic tests on hair samples back then though. Even though our technology has advanced by leaps and bounds since their time, we still seem to be no closer to proving the existence of bigfoot. RayG
kbhunter Posted September 3, 2012 Posted September 3, 2012 Here was what I posted in post 433....I have no idea what the deal was prior. OK, I have read posts for several days on this thread. I think I can prove the OP's original statement is absolutely wrong. Please see the below sighted reference; http://www.bing.com/...nce&FORM=DTPDIA DICTIONARY evidence Definition ev·i·dence [ évvid'nss ] NOUN 1. sign or proof: something that gives a sign or proof of the existence or truth of something, or that helps somebody to come to a particular conclusion "There is no evidence that the disease is related to diet." 2. proof of guilt: the objects or information used to prove or suggest the guilt of somebody accused of a crime "The police have no evidence." 3. statements of witnesses: the oral or written statements of witnesses and other people involved in a trial or official inquiry If you read the true definition of the word, there is PLENTY of evidence. There are many statements of witnesses, both written and oral. There is also proof or sign that supports AS evidence in pictures, videos, tracks and other sign that can help prove the existence. So, The fact is there has been much evidence going back centuries from Native American stories, paintings, etc. So, the REAL statement should be is there irrefutable proof that Sas or BF is real? I think it would be VERY interesting to have a mock trial to prove the existence of SAS or BF. I think the evidence would be overwhelming in favor of. However, I can also see the ABSOLUTE proof to the public might take a body, but could also be swayed by a good presentation of DNA. There are many people I know including myself that has the proof we need because we have experienced or know very reputable, honest people that have. I also know a few here that have had very good visuals and experiences. Furthermore, some of the ones here, me included really don't care if others don't believe us. That's cool, those folks don't know us. The only thing that sticks in my crawl is to be called a liar, kook or other adjectives from some of those people. I think respect of comments by all should be adhered to. There are a few posts on this forum that come critically close to that. Thanks to the good work of the mods and admin for there work in not letting that happen. KB
Guest RayG Posted September 3, 2012 Posted September 3, 2012 Yes, but post 433 is not the same as post 443. RayG
kbhunter Posted September 3, 2012 Posted September 3, 2012 (edited) How strange my post 433 shows up and not for anyone else? Funny, ya'll have no "evidence" of it!! I think I said post 443 in a couple of posts. KB Edited September 3, 2012 by kbhunter
Guest RayG Posted September 3, 2012 Posted September 3, 2012 Your post 433 does show up, it's just you had referred to it as post 443, which was by thermalman. No matter I answered with a parallel to Medusa and unicorn evidence. If we're back on track now, I'll repeat my query to you... Why is it you think the evidence for Medusa and unicorns isn't as plentiful as that for bigfoot? If you don't see how there are similarities, I have to ask, again, how can you be certain the evidence you're presenting on behalf of bigfoot, actually came from a bigfoot? RayG
Guest Transformer Posted September 3, 2012 Posted September 3, 2012 (edited) According to the definition you cite the statements must be part of a trial or official inquiry or they are NOT evidence. 3. statements of witnesses: the oral or written statements of witnesses and other people involved in a trial or official inquiry Therefore your trying to state that all the reports that are made about sasquatches that are oral or in writing are evidence is completely contrary to your own definition. As far as the first two definitions in your cite they do not hold much water regarding what is purported to be evidence in this forum. Edited September 3, 2012 by slabdog R&R's
Guest thermalman Posted September 3, 2012 Posted September 3, 2012 (edited) You're entitled to be skeptical of my chair. Here's my chair: It would be unreasonable of you to doubt the existence of my chair after having this unambiguous photographic evidence shared in response to your statement. Nonetheless, if you wanted more you could have it. You could come to my office and I would invite you to relax in my chair. I might even make a cup of hot cocoa for you. That's how it's done. Thank you for illustrating so well for the thread the difference between anecdotal and physical evidence. I could then say "you have provided no proof that the chair is actually your's, OR that it's even real. Maybe, might even be photoshopped?". You've only provided a picture and nothing else. No evidence whatsoever that the chair belongs to you or even exists. And if your anecdotal story about the chair is to be believed, you'd have to come up with more than just a picture. But I'm an optimist, so I would likely have no reason not to treat your chair story with dubitation at this point, even though I might be getting hoaxed by you. Edited September 3, 2012 by thermalman
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