Guest thermalman Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 (edited) I think you misunderstood my statement, I was actually questioning why every BF eyewitness equipped with a camera has always failed to obtain an image.Persistently using excuses such as shock , excitement or a number of other reasons for not getting a photo is just becoming stale. The next problem I see are automated recording devices do not succumb to these emotions and yet they too have failed in this endeavor. Maybe I did misunderstand. But my answer is still accurate, to you and whoever else is questioning the action of the witnesses. Either shock, frozen in tracks, awe struck, or whatever other adjective you can think of..........the fact is, it's real and it happens, and is not stale, otherwise we would have more photos of BF. Shock happens in everyday life amongst the 6 billion people on earth. I used my car and camera example earlier to illustrate how easy it is NOT to get a photo when other emotions and other fright or flight actions are involved because of a surprise moment. Many a times day, I wished I had my camera with me for a moment that had already passed, and that I missed. Now add in an unknown large subject, that "is not supposed to exist" and it only adds to suspense of the missed moment. Not unreasonable at all to miss the camera shot! Edited September 8, 2012 by thermalman
Guest Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 Yes I think we all know it is possible that: All Bigfoot groups, Loren Coleman, Meldrum, Krantz... are all phonies and the most famous pictures from Patty to the Jacobs creature could be all BS. But if just one is proven true they are most likely all true. That's why it is so important for all of us to concentrate on proving any incident because only then will it all be worth while.
Guest Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 If they are banging on your vehicle, why not put some pine sap on the body to catch some hair? It's natural, not likely to put the sasquatch off as something artificial, and would get the DNA evidence needed to prove that the species exists. It would be worth the touch up paint needed on your vehicle if you happened to get a few stray hairs.
Guest thermalman Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 (edited) If any of us knew for sure that the big guy would be around our vehicles or near us at all, however the situation, we would likely have made arrangements to be prepared for him. Such is not the fact. Many of us wander in the bush for many years, all prepared with the right equipment and don't even hear or smell him, let alone see him. RayG said, "Here's the punchline: An animal so incredibly rare that only ONE is estimated to exist in all of California, was caught in just such a manner, and later confirmed by a photo taken by a hiker. This animal is no hulking giant, and is so shy and elusive that in the past few years there have only been THREE instances of it being captured on game-cam. No hundreds of reported sightings by people in cars, loggers, hunters, hikers, wildlife biologists, surveyors, or park employees. ONE hiker spots one and promptly captures an image of one on his cell phone camera. Watch the video. He even mentions bigfoot." Really Ray?....... The Inquisitor?? LOL, to funny, but a good video at any rate. And how long did it take to get this photo and video? If BF has intelligence greater than other animals, then it's quite conceivable that they are more stealthy and shy, and have some degree of logic and reasoning to avoid humans etc. Edited September 8, 2012 by thermalman
Guest toejam Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 (edited) Just as thermalman put it. That was definitely NOT expected. Twice in one weekend even. I'm sure if we put up trail cams nothing would have happened. Tree sap? The vehicle was hit with a tree limb. What about dents? It's a beat up pickup parked on a secondary logger road barely enough to fit one vehicle. Two bipedal footsteps were heard immediately after the banging. My buddy woken up from it but not realizing what just happened, opened the door and relieved himself. He was sleeping on the front seat. He felt fear and didn't know why (he even told me he didn't even exit the vehicle because of fear. That's not like him at all).I told him cause a squatch was watching him from 2 steps away. He's a hunter and has his trapping license. He's had almost a dozen sightings since he was a kid. 45 years experience with squatch and seemingly a magnet for activity. We knock periodically from our camp. I guess it was its way of acknowledging that it heard us loud and clear. We were visited again this year with wood knocks from several hundred feet interacting with us. Again we periodically knock to let them know we're there (although we probably don't have to). Second night one (or more) came in before dark and started with a single knock. I answered. It answered back. I gave a double, got a double back. Another double, a triple, all answered with the same that I gave. First night I had a trail cam in camp. I moved it the next day (because i didn't want to deter any camp visits) and believe I may have been peeked at in my tent because of audio recording beside my tent the second night. The tarp over my tent was rustled, something clearly moved it. It wasn't wind. Tarp didn't move once in 5 days. I even remember waking up when it happened at 3:30am. A short vocalization was caught that night immediately after a loon call. It was roughly 2:30am. It's a short vocal but sounds very squatchy. I need to cut up the audio cause the files are 7 hours long. I'll post the short vocal soon. The area was given to me by a hunter who DIDN'T believe in them until he had his own incidents. I've been visiting the area prior to hunting season for the last 3 years. That was one more skeptic turned believer. If you want to know the truth, hook up with someone who already knows and understands how to gain their attention, where to go, etc. Persist, put in a real effort and it will happen....or sit behind the computer and argue that there's no way they exist. I'm having the time of my life. It's an incredible adventure when you realize the truth and discover how to gain their attention and interact with them. Always on their terms. Nobody said it'd be easy. I'd literally wager my life that this species is real. That's my level of confidence. Just too many incidents in too many places. I'd have a harder time believing it was humans in multiple locations all doing the same thing, especially humans that can whoop like a giant, sound ancient, human and animal all at the same time. GREAT trick, especially getting another involved thumping its chest and breaking a tree limb. Guess those people knew we were going there although we didn't tell anyone. Must have a boring existence to sit in a forest and wait for someone to possibly show up so they could have a very brief moment of insanity. My experience has taught me they're more widespread than black bear and in areas you wouldn't normally consider. That tells me their stealth is unprecedented. We're just so ignorant that we can't believe they could pull it off for this long. If science shuns the possibility, that says alot. They don't even want to acknowledge the casts dating back 65+ years except for a few who at least have the open mind to accept the fact that there is something leaving large deep prints, sometimes corroborated by sightings. Most scientists are too worried about their jobs or being shunned by their peers. They'd rather stay away from the subject and trace evidence instead of acknowledging it and studying it. Edited September 8, 2012 by toejam
Guest RayG Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 I guess being an expert on what their reactions mean tells me you're holding back pertinent info and just playing with us. I'm only going by what you're telling us about the supposed sasquatch you've apparently never seen, and comparing that to gorilla behavior that has actually been observed. All that activity and nary a glimpse means you really have no idea whether it's bigfoot or not. For all you know it's another bigfooter, who, when you knock on a tree, turns to his sidekick and says, "Hear that? That's a bigfoot. Let's reply to him." And they proceed to do so, knock-for-knock. I respect them. I'm not out to kill them. Then forgive me if I don't take your word that a legendary undiscovered creature of mythical proportions is playing games with you in the forest. Maybe if you quit arguing about it and went and found out for yourself, you might be surprised. They're not that rare. If they're not rare then obviously you'll have no problem getting pictures, right? Present a nice clear picture and you'll easily knock me off the undecided fence, otherwise you're just telling stories. Ah, but I bet you won't want to give away their 'secret' location, hence the title of the thread comes into play once again. Really Ray?....... The Inquisitor?? LOL, to funny, but a good video at any rate. And how long did it take to get this photo and video? If BF has intelligence greater than other animals, then it's quite conceivable that they are more stealthy and shy, and have some degree of logic and reasoning to avoid humans etc. Yeah really. Would it help if the video was from the Fox40 website? Is the California Department of Fish and Game more acceptable as a source of information? According to them "Wolverines have not been scientifically confirmed in California since the 1920s." That would seem to answer your question about how long it took. Thing is, they've captured this incredibly rare wolverine on film, and done so multiple times. When the hiker got the pic of him crossing the frozen lake, that wolverine likely had no idea he was being filmed. He was just trying to get from point A to point B. We never see clear pics of bigfoot doing the same. Here's another interesting website about the California wolverine. The best we bigfooters have is the PGF from 45 years ago? RayG
Guest thermalman Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 I love watching vids of nature, especially the rarer species. Just a point of information, it took 92 years to photogenically prove wolverine in Cal., while we've known BF on the PGF for the past 45 years (amongst other films and pics of BF since then). Is that telling us that the wolverine is more elusive than BF?
Guest toejam Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 RayG. Why even have an interest in a subject you don't have any belief in? It boggles my mind. Maybe one day you'll understand how this species moves, how they operate. They're a myth for a reason. They're intelligent, shy and don't want us to see them. You think that makes it easy to get a sighting or a clear photo? C'mon don't be ridiculous. They move in on you with stealth. When you hear the clear voice bellowed from a squatch up close, you know without a doubt there's nothing else it could be. I wish I pushed that record button immediately after hearing those chest thumps the first time and I would have had a GREAT piece of audio evidence. Whoops unlike anything else I've heard. That was the first time I encountered them. They're smart. They catch on quick to the point that they know when I've entered the area by showing me with wood knocks that they know who I am. It's not some grandeur delusional fantasy. I photograph wildlife as a serious hobby. Once I learned the truth of their existence, I've barely photographed anything else since. They hide behind bushes, rocks, trees and do whatever it takes to not be seen. To catch one in the open is a task of immense proportions. It's made a mistake or been caught off guard. That won't happen when you're calling them in. They already know you're there. I prefer the approach technique and hope for another incredible vocalization. A sighting would be great and I know it's just a matter of time the way things are unfolding. Too many incidents in too many locations. Some of us will just never understand. We'll just keep denying and running around in circles getting nowhere. An open mind is a good start. I've learned things I'd never have believed in the past.
Guest RayG Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 Wolverines more elusive than bf? Judging by the thousands of bf reports, it sounds like it. So if wolverines are more elusive than bf, what's the excuse for the lack of photos? Oh yeah, bf can detect/avoid cameras, even at great distances. It's the most effective way to NOT see a bigfoot -- bring a camera. And wolverines are probably the only animal that wouldn't back down from a bf. They is just plain nasty. RayG
Sunflower Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 Toejam, Thanks, we that know need more people like you. They are smart, elusive, protective, stealthly and remember those of us who mean no harm. I have pics and my friends have pics and we keep them to ourselves. There is no more need to try and convince those that come here with closed minds and unhealthy attitudes towards them. Peace
Guest RayG Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 RayG. Why even have an interest in a subject you don't have any belief in? It boggles my mind. Let me try to unboggle it for you. I've had an interest in this mystery for the past four decades. In that time I've gone from being an avid believer of anything and everything being peddled about bigfoot, to someone much more skeptical. Do I 'disbelieve' in bigfoot? Not exactly, but to get me back to believing anything and everything about bigfoot, I'll need some actual evidence. When people makes claims, such as yourself, I simply ask that they/you prove it, otherwise I'm under no obligation to believe something I'm being told by an absolute stranger, using an anonymous handle on a bigfoot forum. Maybe one day you'll understand how this species moves, how they operate. They're a myth for a reason. They're intelligent, shy and don't want us to see them.You think that makes it easy to get a sighting or a clear photo? C'mon don't be ridiculous. I'm not being ridiculous. Forty years ago we didn't have hand held cell-phones with built-in cameras, lightweight portable computers that allow us to interconnect with each other at the drop of a hat, or motion-sensing game cams. So in forty years we have made gigantic leaps in camera and communication technology, yet it hasn't made one bit of difference. Still no bigfoot. A hiker can get a clear picture of the only wolverine that inhabits California, but we can't get pictures of a creature ten times the size of that wolverine. They hide behind bushes, rocks, trees and do whatever it takes to not be seen. To catch one in the open is a task of immense proportions. It's made a mistake or been caught off guard. Just like wolverines. And yet, a clear photo of one WAS taken and the wolverine likely had no idea he was on camera when it happened. That won't happen when you're calling them in. They already know you're there. I prefer the approach technique and hope for another incredible vocalization. A sighting would be great and I know it's just a matter of time the way things are unfolding. Too many incidents in too many locations. Good luck, and keep your camera at the ready, just in case. Some of us will just never understand. We'll just keep denying and running around in circles getting nowhere. An open mind is a good start. I've learned things I'd never have believed in the past. I try to keep an open mind, really I do, but I can't do it without your help. See, I have no idea if you're an upstanding, honest fellow, or someone who is spinning tall tales, or the next perpetrator of a 'bigfoot-in-a-freezer-hoax'. It's nothing personal. RayG
Sunflower Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 Ray, Good points and I've been where you are now. Go to the woods, without guns or weapons, just visit or hike, whatever floats your boat. Listen and look, maybe whistle to them a bit. Leave a cookie tied in a tree where you are positive that another critter can't get it. See what happens............ Good Luck!
Guest toejam Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 (edited) I understand Ray. First off I can say I'm honest to the point of downplaying incidents and that's what my friends will say. Again though it's just talk. You don't know me and neither to most on here. I've missed opportunities because of denial myself. As far as getting a clear shot. First off there's a huge difference between a wolverine and a sasquatch. One is believed to be sentient with cognizant thinking. The other just a tough little mofo that can take down a moose. As smart as it may be, there's no comparison to a BF. Cameras. Sure everyone has one these days. Phone cameras will not get a clear shot due to the fact that BF tend to keep a distance and hide, blend, etc. They don't want to be seen. A wolverine doesn't act with the same intentions and intelligence, not even close. You've been at it for 40 years? Maybe a change of approach is in order. I'd even take you out if you were in my neck of the woods. I love to give that big fat "I told you they were real" and see the look on your face when the truth is revealed. Back to cameras. By the time one wraps their mind around what's just happened during an encounter, it's over. It's usually over in a flash and thinking about getting a clear shot is long gone. Your mind is still trying to dissect the situation and get a grasp on what's just happened. It took me 2 days to fully engulf my first incident. I knew exactly what happened but was stunned in disbelief and walked around in a daze. Those close up whoops played like a broken record all day every day for months after the first incident. No other animal would have such a profound effect. As far as hoaxers go, I have absolutely no respect for anyone that pulls crap like that. As I stated, I downplay incidents. I don't exaggerate in the slightest. I go the other way. If I make a mistake, I own up to it and I've done just that on this site earlier this year when I thought rocks were being thrown at me and my better half. I spoke too soon and had to retract my statements. There were too many things going on that seemed like it was real including an awesome new structure right where it was all happening. That led me to believe what wasn't. I saw a beaver later on and disregarded the whole scenario. I felt like a fool but I still spoke up and said it wasn't what I thought. Did I have to do that? No. I could have kept my mouth shut an nobody would have known. This is one subject that I take very seriously. I don't hoax and I don't b.s. The last thing I want to do is destroy any chance at credibility. My experiences are real and my pursuit is persistent. If it takes me 40 years to get a photo, so be it. I'll never claim any different if it doesn't happen. Edited September 8, 2012 by toejam
Guest RayG Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 Been there, done that, minus the cookie. I've walked woods in three different provinces. No interaction with bf though, must be my aura or negative energy. So you've seen the critter Sunflower? RayG
Guest toejam Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 You can hunt all your life and never see one. I recall a report with an RCMP who hunted for 35 years and said it you told him they were real, he'd laugh. Then he saw one. It comes down to maximizing your potential. I must be doing something right.
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