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Bigfoot Research – Still No Evidence, But Plenty Of Excuses To Explain Why There’S No Evidence


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The intelligence of orangutans, gorillas, dolphins ects doesn't prevent them from being undetected.

Intelligence has nothing to do with it. Sasquatch are being detected, by just about every normal Joe and Jane type one can imagine.

Inadequate follow-up of evidence is all that is keeping the sasquatch from confirmation. But thousands already have their proof.

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The intelligence of orangutans, gorillas, dolphins ects doesn't prevent them from being undetected.

And they actually are hunted, so unlike, bigfoot, they've got a real reason to not want us to notice them.

But one thing about a dormouse. They aren't particularly smart.

You're kind of missing the point here. I mentioned dormouse not that I was trying to equate dormouse discovery to a potential bigfoot discovery, but to address Stan's contention that it should be appropriate to conduct ecological studies of bigfoot without really being sure that they exist at all. To paraphrase Stan, why is it okay for him to publish a dormouse study without having to prove that it was a dormouse he was studying but not okay to publish a bigfoot study without having to prove that it was a bigfoot he was studying? My predictable answer of course is that it would NOT be okay to publish that dormouse study if we had no proof that dormouses exist.

As for the great intelligence of bigfoot . . . I don't assume humans are the smartest thing in the woods. I assume we're the dumbest, with the exception of aboriginal peoples living off the land in different parts of the world and the fraternity of highly experienced hunters and trackers. So if bigfoots are real, I have no doubt that they're smart, and probably at least as smart as we are. But . . .

I don't see how intelligence, knowing the woods really well, quickness, etc. can keep the entire evolutionary history of an entire continental population of a species from ever being collected. You can invent as talented a bigfoot as you want, but its Ninja-smarts skills will be at odds with patterns of behavior in the sightings reports that often display anything but stealth. Also, no amount of intelligence or stealth can keep your molars from eroding out of a stream bed 8,000 years after you die.

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But the assumption is also made that, when bones and teeth of these things are uncovered, they are identified as BF and not "large native americans".

There are indeed stories of graves being exhumed with 'giant' remains in them. If they were categorically shipped away to a 'museum', or simply disposed of on-site, or sent to the First Nations People, we (modern white man) would have no remains at this time to examine.

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Intelligence has nothing to do with it. Sasquatch are being detected, by just about every normal Joe and Jane type one can imagine.

Inadequate follow-up of evidence is all that is keeping the sasquatch from confirmation. But thousands already have their proof.

Salubrious brought intelligence up as reason why we don't get better evidence..

Edited by Jerrymanderer
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Guest thermalman

There are a couple of BFF posters, supposedly living amongst a family or tribe of BF, and they are claiming the intelligence of the BF is what is preventing the posters from getting pictures or concrete evidence. Lots of circumstantial evidence and game playing, but no actual proof. :)

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There are a couple of BFF posters, supposedly living amongst a family or tribe of BF, and they are claiming the intelligence of the BF is what is preventing the posters from getting pictures or concrete evidence. Lots of circumstantial evidence and game playing, but no actual proof. :)

A documented print find involving dozens of prints from numerous individuals and supported by John Bindernagel is excellent supporting evidence backing up such a claim.

Not to mention the multiple eye witnesses, sightings, close vocalizations, whoops, etc.

If Ketchum's report states that we're dealing with something very close to human, it's a no brainer.

Decades of attempts have failed. It's time to try other approaches and so far so good in our habituation area.

Edited by toejam
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But surely the posters can get help in studying the creatures? Maybe if someone offered their professional opinion about possible mimicry of bird calls or offered to loan them a thermal camera? Do they need legal advice? I know a poster who has a lawyer friend...

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There are a couple of BFF posters, supposedly living amongst a family or tribe of BF, and they are claiming the intelligence of the BF is what is preventing the posters from getting pictures or concrete evidence. Lots of circumstantial evidence and game playing, but no actual proof. :)

I know that I posted that I question who these rascals are....but, what can these same rascals tells us to their theory as to why they believe that BF is circumventing these photography measures.

Edited by treadstone
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But surely the posters can get help in studying the creatures? Maybe if someone offered their professional opinion about possible mimicry of bird calls or offered to loan them a thermal camera? Do they need legal advice? I know a poster who has a lawyer friend...

LOL! Nice one Bill.

(Hey, you gotta appreciate the humor in it no matter what side of the fence yer on!)

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But surely the posters can get help in studying the creatures? Maybe if someone offered their professional opinion about possible mimicry of bird calls or offered to loan them a thermal camera? Do they need legal advice? I know a poster who has a lawyer friend...

I've personally documented what I believe is a young sasquatch walking behind my tent, breaking a large tree limb (that didn't hit the ground like it should have, but was seemingly placed down) only a few feet from the audio recorder. It waits for just over 5 minutes after the limb break before it goes into a "lesser heard" barred owl call right behind my tent which in fact we've heard a couple of times in the distance since. No other regular BO calls, just that one and never a response. So far just one call and I've never heard another BO in the area.

If I call them and if they're in the area they'll answer or show up. I've pulled that off many times (not in our habituation location). They're territorial and will respond. Not here. Just the one odd call.

An Ornithologist will never see past it being a BO. Same with any other wildlife specialist. They'll all say the same thing because that's all they know. Nobody has ever documented a sasquatch mimicking a BO. My personal experience IMO gave me a very important insight into a possible vocalization from a young sasquatch.

I'll stand behind that for the rest of my life until someone can prove otherwise. I have the audio pertaining to my story and it shows before and after. That little squatch crapped behind my tent and stuck around for the entire night from what I can hear. So far that stool came back as intestinal bacteria. I wasn't told it was anything else, like another creature.

I can post prints, casts, vocalizations, stool, eye witness accounts, sightings, a very long list of incidents pertaining to activity but trying to prove their existence is another matter.

Those who aren't in the know just can't understand.

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How about setting up some game cams?

I have several times. Had one on the front of my tent the night of the scream. That one came up the back of my tent.

Tried a couple times hiding one near the gazebo but notta.

Whenever I have the audio set up, they know it's there and they show me they know by thumping my vehicle or throwing things towards the mics.

It's way too often to be a coincidence. IMO trying to deceive them doesn't work. I will however put up a trail cam on the gazebo and keep trying.

Maybe I'll get lucky one day and capture a young one who maybe isn't as careful as the adults may be.

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Dear Saskeptic,

From my private land, I have several plaster casts of footprints, a list of stories of people who have seen the creatures here.

Would you please drop whatever it is that you are doing, and come to my private Bigfoot land, and study these creatures? Just a heads-up, the creatures are averse to getting their photos taken, and don't like guns.



Can't pack my bags till I know which direction to head too.

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Guest thermalman

But surely the posters can get help in studying the creatures? Maybe if someone offered their professional opinion about possible mimicry of bird calls or offered to loan them a thermal camera? Do they need legal advice? I know a poster who has a lawyer friend...

They have been offered advice and equipment from forum members, but have always outright refused the offers for various reasons.

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