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Operation Persistence


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Bigfoot is just a regular animal, that has a propensity to evade human classification, despite technological advances, and complete settlement of places that Bigfoot is alleged to exist.

You continue to demonstrate an embarrassing lack of understanding regarding the wild places of North America.

No. I am a Realist. You can't claim that a 600 lb animal remains unclassified in North America. This shows your unwillingness to accept the basic fact North America, despite your desire to have a wild place where ape-men can exist, cannot hold such a creature, in the places where it is reported, and have it remain unclassified.

A Romanticist can claim such things, a Realist cannot.

Which, I suppose Bipto, is Drew's oblique way of calling your veracity into question. Or your sanity. Or both. (And that of many others participating in your study) Take your pick!

As long as folks have the chutzpa to substitute their judgment for those who actually have the experience, this sort of nonsensical dialogue will continue. It is a very peculiar kind of narcissism, and has to be immensly self-satisfying. Sic transit gloria mundi!

In my part of the world, a bald challenge like that delivered in person is most likely to earn the challenger an old-fashioned and freshly opened can of the whoop-**s. I expect in OK the result would be much the same. Not very civilized, I admit.

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Hi Bipto.

Say, can you share with us when this year's operation will be starting in Area X?

Will you be able to cover the entire summer with the crew you have?

And finally, any new techniques you're going to employ that you can share?


Edited by Cotter
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I learned at an early age how foolsh this practice is when my grandmother told me about one afternoon, with a lightning storm approaching, and she canning tomatoes in her smokehouse, when a ball of white/blue electricity entered through the door, circled the room and exited the same way. Me, having just completed my first semester of colllege, I laughed her off. I mean, she was a lovely woman, but only had an 8th grade education, right? If she were alive, I'd apologize today for being so all-fire self-important.


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Cotter, we prefer not to disclose the specific dates we're on-site, but yeah, it would seem obvious that we'll be back again this year. I expect our crew will end up being about the same as last year, give or take. WRT to techniques, we have some ideas and new things up our sleeve, but again, I'd prefer not to disclose those plans as of now. I'm sure you understand. There are those who would like to disrupt and/or complicate our work.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

Has the possibility of these creatures possessing a theory of mind been considered? I've heard a few things that strongly indicate this might be the case. One of which was during the recent Texas Bigfoot presentation done by you. It was the throwing of rocks to distract you guys from their buddies. I'm not an expert on primate behaviour, but I do know that that requires a level of awareness/understanding greater than what has been observed in other apes, in particular, the chimpanzee. It could be that these creatures are a bit smarter than what we give them credit for. I'm saying this from the perspective that there really are these woodapes creatures at Area-X.

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They do things very much like chimps, even their use of rocks. We believe they are smart. Smart apes. All their behavior is ape-like.

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Our options are the following:

A. Bigfoot is just a regular animal, that has a propensity to evade human classification, despite technological advances, and complete settlement of places that Bigfoot is alleged to exist.

B. Bigfoot is not a regular animal, it must have either supernatural, or alien abilities which allow it to remain unclassified for 4-5 centuries in North America.

C. The human mind is fallible, either the mind has a propensity to see things that arent there, or to make up things that should be there, or in some cases, the mind causes people to lie about a creature in order to rationalize the creature's existence. In other words Pious Fraud is a fabrication of the human mind.

A and C are correct.

I am a Realist. You can't claim that a 600 lb animal remains unclassified in North America.

Sure you can. I am also a Realist, and I know that indeed such a thing is there. Realism has to do with What Is, rather than make up stories. IOW, dealing with knowledge rather than belief.

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Salubrious, I believe that your personal account is one of Drews favorite reports to shower with sarcastic derision, as he bestows upon us the glorious gift of sharing his infallible logic and wisdom.

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Our options are the following:

A. Bigfoot is just a regular animal, that has a propensity to evade human classification, despite technological advances, and complete settlement of places that Bigfoot is alleged to exist.

B. Bigfoot is not a regular animal, it must have either supernatural, or alien abilities which allow it to remain unclassified for 4-5 centuries in North America.

C. The human mind is fallible, either the mind has a propensity to see things that arent there, or to make up things that should be there, or in some cases, the mind causes people to lie about a creature in order to rationalize the creature's existence. In other words Pious Fraud is a fabrication of the human mind.

A and C are correct.

I am a Realist. You can't claim that a 600 lb animal remains unclassified in North America.

Sure you can. I am also a Realist, and I know that indeed such a thing is there. Realism has to do with What Is, rather than make up stories. IOW, dealing with knowledge rather than belief.

Yep. A plus from me.

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