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Your first post on the forum seeking to discount the claims of Bip seems a bit might I say "curious" ?

Based on Bip's description this is not exactly the easiest place to get into yet you claim that you have blazed a trail though this area as if it were part of the Appalacian Trail.

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Right, you are basing it on Bipto's description, and haven't checked it out yourself.  There are National park trails throughout the area.  With normal people going out and maintaining those trails on a regular basis.  Forums dedicated to the thru hikers of the Ouachitas, and people who thru-hike with nothing more than a collapsible hammock as their shelter.

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Right. And I am sure you have been all through the area as well right?

I know more about the area than just Bip's descriptions.

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Guest DWA


Our options are the following:

A. Bigfoot is just a regular animal, that has a propensity to evade human classification, despite technological advances, and complete settlement of places that Bigfoot is alleged to exist.

B. Bigfoot is not a regular animal, it must have either supernatural, or alien abilities which allow it to remain unclassified for 4-5 centuries in North America.

C. The human mind is fallible, either the mind has a propensity to see things that arent there, or to make up things that should be there, or in some cases, the mind causes people to lie about a creature in order to rationalize the creature's existence. In other words Pious Fraud is a fabrication of the human mind.

A and C are correct.

I am a Realist. You can't claim that a 600 lb animal remains unclassified in North America.

Sure you can. I am also a Realist, and I know that indeed such a thing is there. Realism has to do with What Is, rather than make up stories. IOW, dealing with knowledge rather than belief.




Realism has to do with...wait for it....reality, and not what one wants it to be; thinks it is; or even is certain their own personal selves it has to be.


Some are totally certain this thing couldn't be real.


Thousands disagree...and the evidence appears to side with them.  Moreover, the evidence is just what one would expect it to be were the subject just what the witnesses thought they saw.


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Guest DWA

That said, I have walked the entirety of Valley X and have yet to encounter any item of significance. When I say I have explored it thoroughly I mean the entire length of the valley: floor, ridges, draws, knobs. I've walked transits across it to fully know the land. I did it partly out of my love of nature and exploration and partly as a product of my research of biogeography in Oklahoma. My time there has not been slight. It was done over 9 months in stretches of 3 to 5 days. I know the area very well. In that time, with one exception I was alone, save my dog Daisy. I regularly either camped or just slept on the ground if there was no rain forecast. I was never accosted. Never thrown rocks at. Never witnessed an unusual creature. Yes, I did see several of the groups cameras and blinds.


A:  I am way doubting that, the you-been-all-through-there story, way doubting it. 


B:  I've done many a walk without seeing any of the large animals that lived there.  So has everybody.  Your professed coverage, even were it true, which again I way doubt, makes it to me very likely, pretty much a certainty, that you wouldn't have seen a wood ape; you just weren't that difficult to get out of earshot and eyesight of for a wild animal that didn't want you part of its life.


C:  3-5 days may seem like a lot to you.  To have a decent chance of seeing the local critters, ten seconds is about equally likely, says one with the bootsole experience.  OK, maybe slightly less likely.


D:  I'll ask you what you are asking bipto:  what's your proof?  And without it, what's your story worth?

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^^ Hey DWA, why don't you be more proactive and prove that he hasn't walked all around area X? I mean that is your claim after all, right?

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^Well, I can't imagine he would, y'know, trespass n'all, then admit it openly on a public forum.  So, I'm assuming he abided by the laws, thusly, he did not cover all of Area X.  He made no mention of seeing the cabin, so perhaps DWA is correct.

I'm personally curious if we can consider certain animals in the area extinct, y'know, since he didn't see them.

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They can speak for themselves, of course, but I think you can spare them the trouble and get the NWAC's answer to your question by reading this thread. Frankly though, just from me-my-own-personal-self's perspective, your concerns seem fairly hysterical. If there is nothing there to shoot, as you say, it sounds to me like we have a minimal risk of anything happening at all anyway.  The attendant risk of anyone walking on N.F.S. land during any hunting season would be comparable, even more so given the small numbers of individuals involved with the NWAC on comparison to the numbers of hunters who inundate public lands during deer season.

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Now that I think about it.  I may be able to prove it.


Does anyone know how many acres Area X is?


Edit - DWA, you are correct.  There is a much greater danger of the public being shot by 'regular' hunters and not Bipto's crew.

Edited by Cotter
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Guest DWA

^^ Hey DWA, why don't you be more proactive and prove that he hasn't walked all around area X? I mean that is your claim after all, right?

When you prove sasquatch isn't real.


You first.  Sauce for the goose.


Thousands of consistent stories by people with no agenda vs. one guy with a pretty clear one.


No problem for logical minds.

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First of all, stop telling people to do something that is impossible. I cannot prove to you that Sasquatch does not exist, but you can certainly prove to me that it does. If there are thousands and thousands of consistent stories, then why no monkey? That seems odd. Thousands and thousands of people are seeing this thing yet NOT A SINGLE piece of verifiable evidence has yet to be provided.


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Guest DWA

Some of us are satisfied with those following the evidence, and figure that when they find it out they find it out.


Then there are some others of us.


I don't have to prove anything to anybody.  Neither does our friend Big-B, while we are on that.  I just don't set any stock in his story, that's all.  Don't mean nuthin' by it.


What I have a problem with is folks that don't really know how this evidence thing works.  Don't mean nuthin' by that neither.


Big-B can be discounted.  Wood apes?


They can't.

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