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  On 8/29/2012 at 3:29 AM, arizonabigfoot said:

So does the TBRC have people drop by Area X periodically throughout the year, or do they give it some time off? It just seems like you guys are so close to having some type of crazy breakthrough. I know it's easier said than done, but man someone has to out there as much as possible.

I know, right? Everyone involved wishes they could be on-site as often as possible, but the real world intervenes. We do have people there periodically but it's just not possible for a group of volunteers to cover it as well as it probably should be.

  On 8/29/2012 at 12:30 AM, bipto said:

We've heard whoops, whistles, Ohio howls, growls of various kinds, and other kinds of vocalizations that are difficult to categorize. It's a crazy place.

Were those actual audio files on the Podcast?


I put some of the chattering audio on a BFS from last year, but none of this year's audio has ben released yet. We're still going though it.

  On 8/29/2012 at 4:24 AM, Hairy Man said:

Anthropomorphism...it is our biggest obstacle. Wood apes are not our friends....they aren't talking in someones head. At any time they could have zapped us or talked to us in our heads that we were horrible. It didn't happen. We have to get out of this Forest Friends crap because it's going to get someone killed.

I suppose their disposition would run the gamut from group to group. The fact that the group you have studied has been hunted and fired upon could skew the data a bit.

Posted (edited)

Different groups might be different yes, but he's right it is alarming so many people think that sasquatch/wood ape/bigfoot whathaveyou, are totally peaceful and incapable of causing harm. Bottom line is they are a large, strong, wild animal, very very capable of harming a human, and as an animal (or even if you believe they are human even more so) they are totally unpredictable. Same as bear, buffalo, cattle, horses, gorilla, etc all are large mammals that should be treated as potentially dangerous, perhaps lethally so. Yet people want to think these are some hippie, totally pacifist beings. Scary.

-KW, who hopes to learn more about this project in the near future.

Edited by KidWolf

I'm kinda with you, Kid. I don't buy in to the "hippie, pacifist beings" philosophy either. However, based on what I've read here over the years, Sasquatch has been encountered under circumstances that would have resulted in an attack, at least most of the time, by the animals you listed above. For example bears that are encountered with young present, especially by surprise, almost always attack. Sasquatch that are surprised with their young apparently scoop them up and run off or chase them while yelling at them. Once again....based on what I've read.

I believe they are capable of harming a human. I think they choose to just avoid it. I recently read a story (that I thought was fairly compelling, as far as stories go) about a witness grabbing the hand of the interviewer/storyteller and saying something to the effect that they (Sas) possessed superior intelligence. Our intelligence is probably higher, but who's to say that our intelligence is "superior". Superior intelligence might teach us to avoid violence. It's been proposed before....

Whether they're a human or an ape, they're a being somewhere along that line. They're a primate. Monkees and chimpanzees "feel". They may not possess our DNA and our "superior" intelligence, but they "think"...they experience a lot of the same emotions that we do. They make choices. I believe that Sasquatch chooses to avoid us and, if we do come in contact, they choose not to harm us. Not saying they wouldn't do it if they had to. I don't think it'd be pretty, either. I'd be skeered.

Guest scooterdad

Great job out there !


Beach, your attitude towards it seems a bit more sensible. I'll use the monkey and chimpanzee reference to point out that there's quite a few cases of pet chimps attacking and maiming/mutilating their owners and "friends". Wild animals, use caution.

To be a bit more on topic, any details about how long this "Round 2" has been going on? Or how much longer this phase, for lack of a better word, is expected to carry on if it's a time thing rather than a set goal phase?


  On 8/29/2012 at 9:55 PM, KidWolf said:

potentially dangerous, perhaps lethally so. Yet people want to think these are some hippie, totally pacifist beings. Scary.

My feelings exactly. But I wanna see one again! How weird is that??

  On 8/29/2012 at 11:04 PM, BeachFoot said:
I recently read a story (that I thought was fairly compelling, as far as stories go) about a witness grabbing the hand of the interviewer/storyteller and saying something to the effect that they (Sas) possessed superior intelligence. Our intelligence is probably higher, but who's to say that our intelligence is "superior".

There are different kinds of intelligence. Obviously, they have a very keen understanding of their environment, their own abilities, and even perhaps our limitations. And they are, to be sure, very clever animals. But they're just animals.

  On 8/29/2012 at 11:24 PM, KidWolf said:

To be a bit more on topic, any details about how long this "Round 2" has been going on? Or how much longer this phase, for lack of a better word, is expected to carry on if it's a time thing rather than a set goal phase?

Operation Persistence ended at the beginning of August after a three month run. We still have members in the area from time to time, but our continuous presence was May-August.

  On 8/29/2012 at 9:55 PM, KidWolf said:

Bottom line is they are a large, strong, wild animal, very very capable of harming a human, and as an animal (or even if you believe they are human even more so) they are totally unpredictable. Same as bear, buffalo, cattle, horses, gorilla, etc all are large mammals that should be treated as potentially dangerous, perhaps lethally so. Yet people want to think these are some hippie, totally pacifist beings. Scary.

Couldn't agree more. Their nature doesn't appear to be aggressive or violent. If it were, they'd be known to us already and likely have been exterminated by early European settlers (or even Native Americans).

I often see people in this community project onto wood apes all the attributes they themselves wish we humans had. They're turned into these paragons of natural perfection far superior to us nasty humans. I think that's more revealing about the person who implies that than the animals themselves.

  On 8/29/2012 at 12:32 PM, bipto said:

I put some of the chattering audio on a BFS from last year, but none of this year's audio has ben released yet. We're still going though it.

Surely you got something better than audio. Why would you even go through all of that if you had video or photos of the creature?

  On 8/29/2012 at 9:55 PM, KidWolf said:

Bottom line is they are a large, strong, wild animal, very very capable of harming a human, and as an animal (or even if you believe they are human even more so) they are totally unpredictable. Same as bear, buffalo, cattle, horses, gorilla, etc all are large mammals that should be treated as potentially dangerous, perhaps lethally so.

KW is right. I just got a report from an appalacian trail hiker who said he was pelted by a volley of rocks one of which striking him in the head. He stated he heard something following him about 20 yards away in the bush. He got spooked so he stopped to call a friend on his cell phone to come to where he was to ckeck it out. While he was talking to his friend he stated it sounded like someone or something was mocking him while he was talking on the phone. After he ended the call, he turned around to leave the same way he came in. After taking about fifteen steps or so he was bombarded with rocks. He's got bruises all over and a nasty laceration to the head. So yes, be very carefull out there.

BFF Patron

How about starting a new thread on that one WesT so we can stay on topic here.

I have several questions to ask about that.


Sorry bout that. I'll be more mindfull of staying on topic in the future. I've never started a thread on here, maybe it's time I do....

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