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bipto With all the DNA talk and other things in relation, I was wondering do you and or rest of the TBRC employ DNA collection tactics ? I have found that shotgun bore brushes make great hair snags. { not a joke inferance toward the TBRC !! } If you had samples and other things to backbone them { footage and or prints } , would you and the rest of the TBRC conduct your own DNA study ?

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I don't mean to answer a question directed at Bipto, but FWIW.........

They show some clever bait stations made to collect hair on the TBRC website, they are essentially a triangular shaped tube hung high enough off of the ground to lessen the possibility of so many different animals taking the bait. The walls are line with steel bristles. When something reaches in to take the bait, the hair is collected on the bristles. I have read and heard that they have submitted DNA in the past, and if I am not mistaken they have some submissions in the Sykes/Oxford DNA study.

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bipto: Thanks SO much for this thread...I know what you are doing cannot be easy. I have been around BFF long enough to remember the first podcasts and interviews, and the many great discussions that have been held on a wide range of topics. As an old timer, I think you have shown exemplary poise in this discussion, and I am pleased that you still value the 'skeptical' opinion. I think this skepticism is what has always made the BFF community special...We are just mostly NOT Kool Aid drinkers. Mostly.

Anyway, just another word of thanks, for showing up, taking some lumps, and telling a fascinating story. I was especially freaked out by the 'hickory nut' story on the podcast...That is a real head scratcher.


(Now in Florida)

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They show some clever bait stations made to collect hair on the TBRC website...

Yes, that's one way we've attempted to collect evidence.

I was especially freaked out by the 'hickory nut' story on the podcast...That is a real head scratcher.

Yep, and that same basic behavior is still happening today.

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Yes, that's one way we've attempted to collect evidence.

Yep, and that same basic behavior is still happening today.

bipto: Thanks SO much for this thread...I know what you are doing cannot be easy. I have been around BFF long enough to remember the first podcasts and interviews, and the many great discussions that have been held on a wide range of topics. As an old timer, I think you have shown exemplary poise in this discussion, and I am pleased that you still value the 'skeptical' opinion. I think this skepticism is what has always made the BFF community special...We are just mostly NOT Kool Aid drinkers. Mostly.

Anyway, just another word of thanks, for showing up, taking some lumps, and telling a fascinating story. I was especially freaked out by the 'hickory nut' story on the podcast...That is a real head scratcher.


(Now in Florida)

I hate to ask this. But....

I listened to the podcasts, and must have gotten called away (or a big play in the game) or something, but I missed (or can't remember for whatever reason) the 'hickory nut' incident.

Could you or bipto point me to the approximate point in the podcasts where this is discussed? If you can't, I get it, I'll run it again and listen better this time... :mole:

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Bipto - I've just listened to the first part of the latest podcast, the interview with Todd Disotell. And very interesting it was too. Did you guys get chance to talk to him about your Wood Apes in Area X, given his expertise in primates and obvious interest in the Sasquatch subject? I'm sure it would have been interesting to hear what his thoughts were on what you claim. Or are you perhaps doing the sensible thing and waiting until you have evidence?

Seems like he'd be a good person to send any samples to that you may have also.



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I listened to the podcasts, and must have gotten called away (or a big play in the game) or something, but I missed (or can't remember for whatever reason) the 'hickory nut' incident.

It was in the last episode of the BIPcast. Daryl related the story of how, during his first visit to the area (not for bigfoot research - they were just visiting), the cabin in which they were sleeping (not the one we operate out of now) had hickory nuts impact the walls at night. Not violently, but clearly and only when the cabin's inhabitants appeared to be asleep. That cabin had a fence around it and no overhand of trees and there was no wind. At the time, neither Daryl or anyone else knew what to make of the nut impacts, but we've become quite accustomed to the behavior since it happens when we're both awake and asleep and also includes very large rocks.

Edited to add a link to the BIPcast episode: http://www.bigfootproject.org/articles/bipcast/bip_006_dl.mp3

Seems like he'd be a good person to send any samples to that you may have also.

He does. If we ever get any acceptable samples, he's on our list. In the mean time, we haven't approached him regarding any activity we've experienced.

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It was in the last episode of the BIPcast. Daryl related the story of how, during his first visit to the area (not for bigfoot research - they were just visiting), the cabin in which they were sleeping (not the one we operate out of now) had hickory nuts impact the walls at night. Not violently, but clearly and only when the cabin's inhabitants appeared to be asleep. That cabin had a fence around it and no overhand of trees and there was no wind. At the time, neither Daryl or anyone else knew what to make of the nut impacts, but we've become quite accustomed to the behavior since it happens when we're both awake and asleep and also includes very large rocks.

OK, OK, I might have glossed that over because I have read so many reports of people being pelted with relatively lightweight stuff (pine cones, very small rocks, etc.) that weren't easily explainable.

The first one I read was John Mionczynski's account from the Wind River Range. That was pine cones; and it also featured his tent being flattened by a hand approximately twice the size of his own. Given that he was a bighorn sheep researcher at the time, and that's what he was doing when this happened, it seems somewhat doubtful from the possible locales alone that he was being bothered by a really big fellow camper who just suddenly got an urge to have some fun. With pine cones. And oh what the hell, flattening the tent of somebody who might be (he was) armed.

All is apocryphal, but here's one derivation of the account:


Thanks a bunch. I was wondering whether "gifting" hickory nuts for shotgun slugs or some such was going on and that I really missed something.

(And for your trouble, and others' pleasure, let's add this too. This just doesn't sound like a guy who's going to make up getting pelted with pinecones by a bigfoot. Pelted with a bighorn sheep by a bigfoot, now maybe.)


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I apologize if this was covered as I haven't yet read this thread from the beginning but about the rock throwing... do they ever take out the windows or does the cabin not have any?

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The first one I read was John Mionczynski's account from the Wind River Range.

Oh, yes. Well aware of Mionczynski's tale. We had him down to X a few years back. He found ample food supplies for a large omnivore (one of his areas of expertise).

... do they ever take out the windows or does the cabin not have any?

Not so far that I'm aware of. In the case of the initial nut throwing episode I described above, they consistently impacted in one area of the wall between two sets of windows. When the rocks are thrown, they seem to be from a longer distance and usually hit the metal roof. The nuts appear to be a more close-range kind of phenomenon. Even if one hit a window, they're not thrown with sufficient force to break the glass.

Forgot to mention before that I also experienced that exact same thing last summer in X. Everyone but me was asleep when I heard, in conjunction with other activity, nuts striking one of the walls of the cabin we stay in now. My assumption is now that it was a probing action to see if anyone was awake or would awaken and, when nothing happened (I didn't make a move or a sound), it came closer and eventually up onto the porch of the cabin next to where I was laying.

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How did you know it was on the porch of the cabin next to where you were laying?

Who was staying in that cabin? Was it someone all alone in the cabin?

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No, the porch was next to me. I was laying beside a small window on the other side of which was the porch. I was perhaps six to eight feet away from whatever came up on the porch. When the animal stepped up onto it, it caused the end of the cabin in which I was laying to shift quite noticeably. I was wide awake when it happened, but it caused at least two others in the cabin (there were five of us that night) to wake up. Whatever stepped up on the porch was very heavy and most likely also grabbed the roof over the porch as it stepped up, based on our recreation the next day. The stepping on the porch alone didn't make the ceiling shift the way I heard it. You had to grasp the roof and pull down on the edge of it at the same time to get close to the same thing I heard and felt. In any event, it took a series of actions prior to that. I relate the whole story on BFS episode 38.

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Putting it on my Iphone right now.

Thanks for the tip.

I have listened to #40 I believe, I will get 38, what are some other ones that detail the area X situation?

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