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10 Million For Proof Of Bigfoot

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How did this thread go from 10 million bucks for Bigfoot proof to Hunters are Adolf Hitler type mass murders? Sheesh.


People running around in the woods trying to kill a squatch might just be featured in David Paulides missing 411 (updated version).

There are other ways of providing proof! Dont mean to be rude, but thats my opinion.

I really believe these creatures exist. The native americans give them their respect and there are areas that are considerd off limits to the tribes. We should respect that. I fear the day we keep these creatures in the zoo.

I would never kill one of them, no matter how much money is offered.

I dont really care if the whole world believes in bigfoot or not. They are better off now, being left alone in peace. Everything man touches somehow goes extinct IMHO.

Also I remember reading that some native american tribes called them "another tribe". They used to trade goods with them. So anyone going out to kill one, should think about that. Also in some states its illegal to kill a bigfoot, all in all its called murder. ;)


This is a reality show promotion. READ: It's all pretty fake. No one will collect the 10 million because the entire thing is likely scripted (well arranged by producers at the very least), so it is a pretty safe offer. Ain't no one gonna kill nothin', although it might cause more yahoos to run around hoaxing, or end up with a hoaxer being shot! Like Melissa said in a previous post, this is just another thing to create fallout that proponents interested in serious inquiry will have to apologize for..JMO.

Bigfoot as media tool/phenom continues...Sometimes it makes me go all "conspiracy theory," as I cannot imagine a better disinformation campaign than to relegate these creatures (if they exist) to entertainment value...I don't really believe that, but, man, it would be a most effective way to keep their existence from being taken seriously! Hiding them in plain sight, as it were...

Maybe that is all that the phenomenon is good for, anyway....(as a long time follower, not a researcher, I am personally getting tired and jaded of it all, I hate to say. Just me though, waiting for all the big reveals that never happen, or just fall apart)

So, any members here approached to be involved in this? If so, why did you decide to be a part of it or to turn it down?


If this is the same show that was being pitched earlier this year -- we were approached (Wayne and myself). We turned them down - when we started hearing specific things that we had already made very clear we wanted no part of. That's all I will say about that.

You can bet that 10 mil will go unpaid - if this is the same show. I believe it is.


Thanks for sharing, Melissa. I can only imagine what it might be like, being approached by a TV show producer for a well known network , and how it may be presented one way, and likely shot another way. The temptation to sign on must be tremendous, getting even more tempting as Finding BF has become more popular. If it is the same show, and they did things that "raised your hackles" when it was presented, good for you for turning it down.

I can't fault anyone for taking an opportunity when presented, but it seems nigh impossible to keep a reputation as an objective researcher and perform what you might be asked to perform by show producers. Ultimately, it seems that when you sign on with a TV series, you pretty automatically must move into being a performer (vs. investigator) - the nature of the beast, due to being a series vs. a "one off" documentary.


Thank you Giganto.

We would have done the show - if they had stuck to the idea of the show being about the research and less about the sensational aspects... First they were adamant that this would be a show that took a serious look at the people and the work being done in the field.. Then - slowly - as all those who had been approached started to talk - the truth began to spill out.

I have no problem with television shows that show the work we do in the field. I think the general public is very interested and would watch - they might be bored from time to time - but they would watch. I don't think the general public needs to be as "entertained" as some of these producers might think. I mean - how many people have shown up here for the first time and have said - from watching these shows they thought we would know more than they have discovered we do.. LMAO. I know I have seen comments like that.

But I have no interest in being involved with something like this - especially when things they say are important - become less important within a couple days. More and more sensational was added so we decided to remove ourselves. LOL.

There are enough problems with this field of research - I don't feel like adding to it. I also have no interest in doing anything that makes other honest researchers look silly. What's the point.

But - I have no doubt this is the same show - re-packaged.. It should be very interesting and enlightening.. LOL.


Let's not forget the fact that many of us in this thread believe these animals exist. If you begin with the premise that they are real, then it is certainly possible for someone to find definitive evidence they exist, and that makes it possible for someone to collect the $10 million. If they are real, then it is plausible that this show could pull the evidence. I'm not so sure a camera crew is the best way to do it, but who knows?

Guest wudewasa

You'd think that the cast from Finding Bigfoot, Destination Truth etc. would be all over this, but perhaps they signed noncompete clauses.

Guest thermalman

Agreed Jon. I suspect BF will see and hear the group coming a long while beforehand. :)


They've had big rewards before and it never worked that's what they count on. :girlwacko:


If $5M can't buy college and passport records, I doubt $10M will buy proof of bigfoot.


Why are killers despicable? C'mon...I know you don't really need to ask that. Hitler was a mass murderer (AKA a killer), there are plenty of psycho killers out there. They are despicable because they prey on innocent lives and take them without a second thought.

By the way...I don't advocate eradicating ANYTHING from the face of the earth - man or beast. I advocate eradicating VIOLENCE, unless absolutely necessarry.

Your dodging the issue.........

Hitler was a killer because of strange voices inside of his head, and not because he was trying to feed himself.

A part of being HUMAN is taking life in order to sustain your own life. Just because some of us make a choice to distance themselves from this process doesn't make it any less so.....

Do you have any idea how many animals corporate agri farming mows under in order to grow vegetables, wheat, soy and other edible plants for the masses to eat? The heartland where all the wheat is grown in the nation was the home of the plains Grizzly and the Buffalo...........they are gone, so humans can enjoy their bread and feel warm and fuzzy about it.

Last weekend I thrust my hands into the warm chest cavity of a bull elk and pulled out his heart. I quartered his body and hauled it out on a mule and a horse.........and got 338 pounds of meat so that my family and friends will eat this winter. I do not do this to a elk because I HATE elk..........on the contrary, I love elk. They sustain my life, just as being raised on a ranch, so did pigs, chickens, cows, a garden, mountain huckleberries and forest mushrooms.

There is nothing wrong with killing something ........it's how the planet we live on operates..........eat or be eaten. We as humans have simply forgotten this simple fact.

How did this thread go from 10 million bucks for Bigfoot proof to Hunters are Adolf Hitler type mass murders? Sheesh.

Very simple.

Some of us feel that someone shooting a bigfoot is akin to Hitler killing millions of Jews. It's a question of human perception.........what is moral and what is not moral.

If I was able to kill a Sasquatch to prove his existence to science and collect 10 million dollars for doing it? I'd turn right around and sink the 10 million dollars into a conservation fund to help the species. Apart of being a hunter is being a conservationist, and putting back more than what you take in the first place. And in the case of a bipedal ape in north America? Hopefully permanent protection forever.........


Moderator Statement: While I understand the mentioning of Hitler in a historical context is within BFF rules and general guidelines, there is a potential for the subject to turn political, not to mention off topic. Please continue with caution :)


I agree with Melissa , and Pteronarcyd. First, can anyone say "Media Hype" ? Finding Bigfoot.. got the ball rolling with it's TV "reality" success. They ain't going to pay out the big $$, because they won't have to, and would probably get out of paying on some fine print excuse, with their team of bottom feeding savages (lawyers)...If by a miracle, someone Really did get one. More chance of being hit by lighting in a snow storm, IMHO.

No need for ugliness between the pro and no kills.. because the sasquatch are still safe, from hunters. I would be Much more concerned.. about a person being shot out their, being mistaken for one, while the shooter has visions of big $$ dancing in their heads.

As far as making BF research and researchers look bad and their evidence foolish.. many posters and even "knowers" on this forum, have Already done a good job of that, before this joke of a show was ever thought of.


It says the "contestants" are already defined and will be followed through the show season...anyone know who those "groups or individuals" are? Besides the undefined "irrefutable" term there doesn't appear to be any guidelines for the competition (such cheap tv) like "no injury to Bigfoot," Or did I miss that? Could this be interpreted as an invitation for $$ to kill a Bigfoot?

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