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"is Squatch Eating Our Kids" This Makes Me See Bf Differently, It's Scary!

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So, if a lot of you believe this, why would any researcher in his right mind go out looking for these things? A big hairy monster that eats people and has a %100 success rate? Yeah, that certainly sounds inviting. This is the same board that refuses to even accept the possibility that Sasquatch is POSSIBLY paranormal, yet everyone is ready to jump on the, big hairy blood thirsty boogie monster band wagon?

Posted (edited)

Good questions, Guitarman! B)

Edited by LeafTalker

So, if a lot of you believe this, why would any researcher in his right mind go out looking for these things? A big hairy monster that eats people and has a %100 success rate? Yeah, that certainly sounds inviting. This is the same board that refuses to even accept the possibility that Sasquatch is POSSIBLY paranormal, yet everyone is ready to jump on the, big hairy blood thirsty boogie monster band wagon?

I cannot do anything about a shape shifting ghost........

But I can say that as a biological entity, and primate, it's certainly possible that Squatch could be preying on humans........it's not a stretch. Chimps prey on humans and Humans prey on chimps, it is what it is.


Okay, well if we have a predator that preys on humans with a %100 kill rate, would it not be our responsibility to hunt these things down then. I mean all other predator only have a %20-30 success rate, but a %100 accuracy, shouldn't we be flooding the country side with bounty posters. To do anything less would be completely irresponsible to humanity, or at the very least post warning signs stating "hike at your own risk."


Okay, well if we have a predator that preys on humans with a %100 kill rate, would it not be our responsibility to hunt these things down then. I mean all other predator only have a %20-30 success rate, but a %100 accuracy, shouldn't we be flooding the country side with bounty posters. To do anything less would be completely irresponsible to humanity, or at the very least post warning signs stating "hike at your own risk."

Well I don't know where the 100 percent comes from......

But your not going to get a warning sign from your government entity until a type specimen is brought in proving they exist to science. I could imagine that if a ONE percent chance exists......mothers and fathers on camping trips everywhere would want to know about it.

Along with that the do's and dont's that need to be observed with any predatory species.


Well, the %100 comes from all the reports. There are no reports about how "this Bigfoot came after me, but I managed to get away from it" you know, prey that got away. Second, as a parent of 2, I would be beyond concerned about my kids being in the woods if I thought any of this was anything more than sensationalisam and "camp fire stories of the boogy man" to help sell books. If there really is a blood thirsty giant out there, we need to elimainate it. Plain and simple. It's eating our kids and some adults with ninja like skills. This should be a top priority.


Well, the %100 comes from all the reports. There are no reports about how "this Bigfoot came after me, but I managed to get away from it" you know, prey that got away. Second, as a parent of 2, I would be beyond concerned about my kids being in the woods if I thought any of this was anything more than sensationalisam and "camp fire stories of the boogy man" to help sell books. If there really is a blood thirsty giant out there, we need to elimainate it. Plain and simple. It's eating our kids and some adults with ninja like skills. This should be a top priority.

Absolutely not. Cougars and Bears prey on us all the time..........do you also advocate their eradication?

And keep in mind.........the 411 books only deal with missing persons who fit a specific parameter. A story comes to mind that was told by Derek Randles, in which he was pushed out of an area by a Sasquatch. Is that not an escape? Maybe? Saying that Sasquatch is 100 percent successful in preying on humans using the 411 books as a guide, is like looking at a list of Grizzly bear attacks on human that proved to be fatal. As the list only addresses the attacks that were fatal, and not the near misses. Does this make sense?

Posted (edited)

Norseman, you are completely missing my point. You are talking about a "super predator" that has a, now listen closely, %100 kill rate. NOTHING else has that. NOTHING. Cougar, bear, whatever, NOTHING. People have near misses with the afore mentioned creatures all the time. Vancouver Island is a HUGE cougar attack site, but there are survivors. There are no "near misses" with the BF eating kids and some adults. According to the books and reports cited by Paulides. What I'm suggesting is that you are saying this is something akin to the Predator in the Predator movies. Always hits the mark and no near misses.

Edited by Guitarman

Norseman, you are completely missing my point. You are talking about a "super predator" that has a, now listen closely, %100 kill rate. NOTHING else has that. NOTHING. Cougar, bear, whatever, NOTHING. People have near misses with these creatures all the time. Vancouver Isalnd is a HUGE cougar attack site, but there are survivors. There are no "near misses" with the BF eating kids and some adults. Acording to the books and reports sited by Paulides. What I'm suggesting is that you are saying this is something akin to the Predator in the Predator movies. Always hits the mark and no near misses.

I think your missing the point, Paulides ONLY reports on the people missing under mysterious circumstances! How many people see Sasquatch and live to make a report? Alot. Nobody is suggesting that Sasquatch is akin to the Predator of Hollywood fame. Nor should anyone construe his reports to saying that there is something out there that kills 100 percent of the time if a human is in close proximity. No 100 percent........no where.

Look, if you enter the wilderness? Your on the menu......it's that simple. You, your wife, your kids, your dog and your picnic basket. The diners include many predator species........which may include Squatch. Nothing has changed here since the beginning of time. By taking precautions and being smart? Nothing is predetermined........

Posted (edited)

Then clearly, all humans should stay away from parks and nature areas and only occupy big cities and houses. Additionally, all Squatchers should get the hell out of the woods, NOW! There is an 8 foot tall half ton monster waiting for you. Ther should be bounties on them like wolves and cougars were back in the 1800's. They are eating people with impunity, for God's sake we need to stop them now, before any other children or adults get eaten.

Edited by Guitarman

Then clearly, all humans should stay away from parks and nature areas and only occupy big cities and houses. Additionally, all Squatchers should get the hell out of the woods, NOW!

If that floats yer boat.......more power to you.


I have to take back my opinion about BF being responsible for the cases Paulides writes about. I have read the eastern edition and im close to finishing the westcoast. Before reading about all the cases and doing some research on my own, it was easy to blame BF for the disapearances. But now, I don´t believe that even BF has the ability to make people disappear into thin air. I strongly encourage you all to read the books, because the cases he talks about on the radio are just a tiny fraction of all the cases and offer only a glimpse into what is going on. The only way that BF could be responsible, would be that he has some type of supernatural power. (but who knows ehh?)

The supernatural.. spirits, ghosts, aliens all make more sence, than BF. I know this sounds way strange and crazy, but thats what these cases are!! I watched the movie blair witch project a couple of weeks ago and strange enough, there are a lot of things happening in the movie that David also writes about in the books.

I know it´s hard to believe, but to me there is something so strange going on in the woods that most people would not even believe it..

I have just recieved Paulides new book thats about new cases in the US and also in Europe & Asia. Since when do we have BF in the UK or France?

Just wanted to share my latest thoughts on this.




So, if a lot of you believe this, why would any researcher in his right mind go out looking for these things? A big hairy monster that eats people and has a %100 success rate? Yeah, that certainly sounds inviting. This is the same board that refuses to even accept the possibility that Sasquatch is POSSIBLY paranormal, yet everyone is ready to jump on the, big hairy blood thirsty boogie monster band wagon?

The only things I can say about this are: First, tigers and lions have a pretty decent success rate against us. Look at ours against them. They may both be gone from the planet within the century. Second: humans may be the easiest mammals for large predators to kill. Young ones are meat on two feet. Third: your success rate will be very, very high when you "don't exist."


There are many predators in the woods, and honestly I'd rather run into a BF than any of the others.


The people predators are probably the most dangerous.

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