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Rick Dyer Again

Guest Scout1959

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Wow another really constructive and worthwhile post there BobbyO. Well Done!

Constructive and worthwhile ?

We're 61 pages into a thread regarding a known hoaxer and you're sarcastic to me with regards to " constructive comments " ?

Bwah, don't make me laugh.

70, I take it back, we are 70 pages into the thread.


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You have got to be kidding with the embalming! For heaven's sake. Can we make this story even more outlandish?? Now we're moving 500+ pound BFs to funeral homes. Or wait, maybe the mortician made a house call. And oh yes, the NDA again. :huh:

Oh. I didn't realize there was a weight limit on embalming!

What if a 500+ pound human dies? No embalming? Just stick em in the ground quick?

Isn't that discrimination?

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I found this interview of Chris Noel here. Provides a lot of info on his perspective. Note his comments on the Dyer incident:


Constructive and worthwhile ?

We're 61 pages into a thread regarding a known hoaxer and you're sarcastic to me with regards to " constructive comments " ?

Bwah, don't make me laugh.

70, I take it back, we are 70 pages into the thread.


This thread is exploding..you haven't seen ANYTHING YET.

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Guest VioletX

Why don't we ask Bipto what he would do, I am sure he or Norseman have put more thoughts into body storage than anyone here.

Why not sign a NDA? The morticians I've known don't talk much about their work anyway.

I don't know, but it would be a lot longer than if it wasn't.

Hehehe..Sasfooty thanks you are cracking me up- funniest post of the day.

Excellent. Everyone should read those.

Either he is lying or his memory is unreliable, I know I am defending him, but how many of us said something casually and then been wrong about a date, especially if you have been traveling a lot.

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Either he is lying or his memory is unreliable, I know I am defending him, but how many of us said something casually and then been wrong about a date, especially if you have been traveling a lot.

Did you read the first link? He was saying those things while he was supposedly spending the past 4 years on 90 expeditions, moving his family all over, bilking the people who paid to go on his expeditions and making fun of them. There goes the harmless aspect. But maybe he was just joking. Sounds like satire to me. He's a joker that one. Harmless.

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70, I take it back, we are 70 pages into the thread.


It IS pretty long, huh?

I think part of the reason it got to this point is that there are some contributors here who have been pretty rigorous in their examination of the information available to us, and very clear in the way they present their thoughts about it all -- and these rigorous thinkers still see some possibility that the story might be true... Their analysis has been so good -- and their research, too (people have actually made their own phone calls and sent emails and even 'put boots on the ground') -- that the rest of us can't help but think, hmmmmm, could be something here......

I guess we all know it's kind of a long shot; but there really does seem that there's enough doubt about the outcome that it could be worth it to stick with it to the end.....

Seriously, I think I'm learning more about research techniques and critical thinking skills than I am about whether RD has a body or not....

It's kind of a cool thread that way.

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Constructive and worthwhile ?

We're 61 pages into a thread regarding a known hoaxer and you're sarcastic to me with regards to " constructive comments " ?

Bwah, don't make me laugh.

70, I take it back, we are 70 pages into the thread.


Well Said Bobby. Its sickining what some people believe. And because of their naivety it just gives guys like RD all they need to keep doing this sort of thing. Hook line and sinker. Get a grip on reality HE (RD) doesnt have jack %$$#!! this thread is meaningless

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Someone is saying Musky views *body* tomorrow?

Footprints to nowhere: Musky Allen will visit Rick Dyer Tuesday

Musky Allen is a Bigfoot skeptic. He is also part of Bigfoot history. That history will grow larger Tuesday when Musky Allen reports to the world that he has seen a Bigfoot and that Bigfoot is in the possession of Minnow Films. This will happen; I am certain.


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