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Rick Dyer Again

Guest Scout1959

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"It should get really interesting soon because someone with the username of MuskyAllen just joined the BFF this morning. "

Annnnnd right on schedule...

This whole thing is too funny. For the life of me I cannot understand how a low life like Dyer gets ANY credit on this board at all from anyone. I'd rather put a cockroach in the spotlight than this turd of a human being.

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@jacki - Biscardi is a fraud, yet if he doesn't talk about it here, no one will dispute it. He's probably given interviews over there. He's burned his bridges with the media here.

I'm surprised more people didn't get the Biscardi connection earlier since it was one of the earliest things I learned about the documentary. It mentioned Biscardi but not Dyer. It's why the move to Vegas to be closer to Biscardi rang bells.

I have no idea on Allen. It didn't take long for me to find what I found on the previous page. Knowing his last name might show some earlier connection to the BF community, but his Musky persona has been building his reputation since 2010. He could just be caught up in this, but it just coincidently fits in the perfect puzzle that's been formed.

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This whole thing is too funny. For the life of me I cannot understand how a low life like Dyer gets ANY credit on this board at all from anyone. I'd rather put a cockroach in the spotlight than this turd of a human being.

Better watch it! Bucko! We will see your arrest record for prostitution!

I'm surprised more people didn't get the Biscardi connection earlier since it was one of the earliest things I learned about the documentary. It mentioned Biscardi but not Dyer. It's why the move to Vegas to be closer to Biscardi rang bells.

There is a blog post somewhere, where RD says I'm moving to Vegas to be closer to my mentor, Biscardi.

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Guest blackbriar

I'm trying to catch up to where this thread has gone since yesterday, squatchin' is a high speed thing!

I have been watching and reading a lot or stuff on and by Dyer the last couple of weeks, and while I think his 08 fiasco was unforgivable I do get the feeling I would like the guy! Definitely on the right side of crazy but without doubt he's crazy, if this is a hoax I'm looking forward to his eventual statements...

One other thing that has me a little worried, the company involved are staying tight lipped about their film, they describe it as;

A fascinating and touching portrait of men who are obsessed with monsters and their adventures to find them.

From a solid background in documentary film making why they would be open to such an often ridiculed subject as bigfoot? Which makes me think the description leans towards it being a film about the people that believe in monsters, that doesn't sound so exciting but maybe it's a film about the type of people who believe so strongly that they back up their belief with hoaxes to prove existence of monsters.

If they have been trying to make this film with Dyer involved sine 08 as was previously stated then maybe, just maybe it's an exposé of how crazy bigfooting makes people go and their attempts at hoaxing, would explain their silence on the subject, and is a rather worrying alternative to is Ricks dead bigfoot real or not.

Having said all that, this thread is moving so fast the photos of the corpse could be two pages back by now! :D

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I'm not out to ruin anyone. I was just trying to put the pieces together.

njjohn, no one thinks that. This thread has teeter tottered on the line at times. But, I think most people, who have posted on both sides of the isle will tell you, we all want the truth! Plain and simple!

Unfortunately, in this world, that is driven by money, fame, egos and such, the truth is somewhat a convenience when it provides a service to our cause!

You can quote me on that!

Wow! One of my deep moments! Lol

Edited by lhlyda
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Guest VioletX

Apparently Musky Allen joined the forum so he could clear up a few things but he tells me he was unable for some reason to post in this thread so I am relaying what he has written me.

  • Musky Allen

    Your people say i joined the Facebook in 2010?..NO, i rejoined in 2010 under AllenMusky. The Shawn evidence Blog about some phony pictures were not mine. I posted them under behalf of my Brother-in-law. I lay no claims about them other than they are not Bigfoot in my opinion!




    Alexes Pereira

    Would you like me to relay that?




    Musky Allen

    Bigfoot creates a skeptical edge

    I spoke last night on a radio show with Muskey Allen who was a prodige of Rene Dahinden considered a pioneer in Bigfoot research. Allen was a committed field researcher for years, often spending weeks in the field. He is now a skeptic and has no faith in Bigfoot. I found Allen to be intelligent and perhaps on to something. At what point does this research project end? No other scientific venture continues for decades with no evidence surrounded by hoaxes. More on this latter.

    This I found on Bigfoot Encounters.

    "Rene Dahinden, John Green, Grover Krantz and Peter Byrne, the three other veteran Bigfoot researchers who, with Dahinden, were known as "The Four Horsemen of the Sasquatchery" and whose unifying characteristic was their inability to stomach each other.

    Dahinden’s 47-year search resulted in two books, hundreds of eyewitness interviews and tantalizing footprint casts—but no indisputable evidence of Sasquatch’s existence. When he died of prostate cancer, he left behind volumes of meticulously documented reports and photographs, all of which have been packed into boxes and removed from his trailer. Former colleagues wonder what will become of his legacy, and how it will affect the hunt for Bigfoot. "That’s one of the problems with the curious business we’re in," says Green. "Scientists have never taken us seriously, and it would be difficult to donate reports or footprints to museums because they’re just not interested. A person’s life work could easily be tossed in the garbage, even though it might eventually prove to be important."

    And for the record, Yes I do have 70% of Rene's work which I'm currently in the process of handing the mountains of papaerwork to Jack Barnes in Minnesota Mid Febuary in St.paul...




    Alexes Pereira

    OK, should I post this for you?




    Musky Allen

    Yes, this was a Report was from Tim Fasano's blog. I just wanted to point out my connection in the Bigfoot world and the long history i can prove. You know me as Allen Musky, Others know exactly who i am!




    Alexes Pereira

    If you don't mind I will quote you verbatim...easier that way; )




    Musky Allen

    Go ahead....I'm reading the BFF comments and realize they are Green horns of Bigfoot research. They validate me based on a Facebook profile... really?

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No one's validating or invalidating by facebook. I specifically said, nothing under that name shows up prior to 2010. If everyone knows who you are, there's no need to hide behind a screen name.

Didn't you say yourself that when someone hears noises or things that go bump in the night, there very well could be logical explanations that aren't bigfoot? Well, your involvement in this whole things is a lot like that. Because you've kept your identity under wraps and have only let out the basics after it's brought up, not all of us are going to assume it is what you say it is. It's possible the logical conclusion is that it doesn't add up.

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Violetx, I'm not sure if you realize it, but your post has your real name on it from your facebook conversation. Anyone can look up all your information so I want to make sure you saw it because my guess is you don't want it posted here.

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