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Rick Dyer Again

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KB - i agree. His first step would be recanting all those words about the BF community never being able to study it or having no part of it. Having the attitude of always wanting to stick your thumb of anyone who says ill of your past will never win anyone over. If he had brought forth the proper attitude directly after 2008, he could have been accepted eventually. He's the only one to blame for the current view of himself by almost the entire community.


But I think when he originally admitted to the 2008 hoax, he basically lined himself up to become a scapegoat. BF hoaxers out there, hoax all the time but Rick Dyer has somewhat taken the brunt of all this hoaxing. We dont bash the many guys in furry costumes on YouTube and their weak attempts to try fool us, but that is because they havent introduced themselves to us. Rick Dyer did introduce himself and he has taken a bashing on behalf of himself and many others. It sometimes takes a lot of guts to apologise and he has apologised so many times and I have scrutinised him and I came to the conclusion that it was very genuine.


Jacki - He admitted he did 2008, but he started blaming others. Less than a year later in 2009, he claimed another body. The he claimed it was taken by the Men in Black. He didn't apologize. In 2011, he posted a fake picture. Then he claimed he had a permit to kill one in Canada. Another lie. Then in an interview he claimed the 2008 body was real, but it was taken by Men in Black and they had to buy the suit to look legit.

This wasn't a mistake. This was a genuine effort to defraud and make a mockery of the BF community. He hasn't been bashed even half as much as he's been doing the bashing because most are intelligent enough to ignore it. Every loon that creates a fake video does get ridiculed. They just don't keep trying to do it over and over again.

Sorry if for when you mess up or make a mistake. Sorry doesn't work if it's after you were caught. Multiple times.

And he hasn't introduced himself. He's proclaimed himself to be #1 and anyone that has been doing it longer than him sucks at it so they should quit. Anyone that comes after is riding his coattails. There is no one else. That's not an introduction, that's demagoguery.

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Posted (edited)

Jacki. There is nothing genuine about the multiple hoaxer/fraudster/wife beater that is Rick Dyer.

Can I suggest you save yourself a whole load of disappointment by leaving liar Rick be and hoping that some science can be salvaged from the Ketchum Study. The Ericsson project footage may also quench your strange thirst for proof.

Edited by AaronD
to remove antisocial comment

One thing I find interesting now. Dyer just apologized to Randels BIG TIME ..as evidenced in the recent video on his blog. Do you think he would then turn around and stab Derek in the back with a hoax now? I don't think so..just my take.


Go look up how many times he's done the same to Kulls, Meldrum and everyone else he's bashed. You're answer is there. Absolutely he would. Will he? We'll find out.


One thing I find interesting now. Dyer just apologized to Randels BIG TIME ..as evidenced in the recent video on his blog. Do you think he would then turn around and stab Derek in the back with a hoax now? I don't think so..just my take.

That's exactly what he does!!!


It is because we have demanded this. We have demanded to know the truth immediately because we are passionate about this subject. If someone says they shot a bigfoot, we want proof now! The rest of the world will find out at the right time and when they do they will merely go 'eh? oh wow' and thats it. We are not like that however and we have demanded the proof ever since the leaks first appeared back in Sept. None of us have allowed ourselves to sit back and say 'ok, we will just sit and wait till the film comes out'.

We have demanded over and over again for proof. You just have to read over this thread to see how much impatient we have been. And this impatience is totally understandable too as we just love Bigfoot.

And your demands have amounted to what? Another piece of hope? Time will tell, tic tock!

And don't go shooting Bigfoots in your undies!

This just in! Michael Jordan to shoot commercial with Dyer for Haynes underwear!

Guest Scout1959

The details of this shooting story, as compared to the Sierra Shootings story, doesn't add up to anything close to believable.

And I was and am still not convinced Smeja shot anything either.

I'm more inclined to believe Dyer over Smeja. IMHO there is no way, no how Smeja saw much less shot a BF.

I don't think Dyer has anything either though.


Shooting bigfoot in my undies is what I'm all about. I've shot several deer wearing nothing but my underwear :). It was HOT!


Wow SS, you should have been wearing orange!!


Posted (edited)
tumblr_md9qr1rhgO1ri1p5ro1_1280.jpg Edited by clubbedfoot

Wow SS, you should have been wearing orange!!


Orange undies?
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