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Rick Dyer Again

Guest Scout1959

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I don't believe for a second that Dyer saw a bigfoot behind that home depot in 2009. I think he knew about the area, as we all did because of the 911 calls and bigfoot sightings. Great place to start a hoax right?

That couple was living in the woods for 6 years and they have a cell phone? In it they say a BF ate an entire deer, but police found no bones or blood? Yes grest place to start a hoax.

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ok gotcha....wasn't sure where you were going with that. You know what, you would probably make some money my friend.

Just promise you won't kill one of those majestic creatures just to prove their existence.

I would never kill anything to prove their existense, any how a unicorn would be worth more alive than dead, pony rides etc...........

I do believe that if RD ever saw an actual BF he would crap his pants and run away like a frighten little school girl.

Edited by Joey Rebar
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Those are just big hands... wings are fake. The beak is a camera artifact.

I just watched a Monster Quest show called "Hillbilly Beast" and they did a recreation of this picture using a kid with a 3 foot tape measure for reference. It became very obvious that it was much closer to the camera. It is most definitely a bird.

Edited by Redbone
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Yes...but I don't buy the Musky /SHILL theory. He simply isn't *that good* at acting.

That's a matter of opinion, because I don't think he was that good at acting. The interview with FBFB was spoonfed. He knew he wouldn't be challenged and it wasn't live. I didn't find it impressive, especially under those circumstances.

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Guest Cervelo

Yes...but I don't buy the Musky /SHILL theory. He simply isn't *that good* at acting.

Sure he can!

Unless you know the guy, he's just another part of the fun/profit/ect for RD.

This whole thing only exist on vid and the minds of those that believe RDs story.

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Sure he can!

Unless you know the guy, he's just another part of the fun/profit/ect for RD.

This whole thing only exist on vid and the minds of those that believe RDs story.

^^^^^Musky makes stuff up....like the word "counterdictive" :slow: ..he used it over and over on some blogcast....

But that's just being a dolt---not a display of crass deceit... I haven't found any evidence he was "mentored" by Rene Dehedrin or that he ever was involved with BF research.....

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here are the Facts RD has been caught in three separate BF hoaxes. hes not sorry about the hoaxing hes sorry he got caught!!

DYer tent video fabricated suit used discovered by BIpedalist

MA lied about former relationship with Dyer

MA lied about MM suing him

MA lied about emailing Meldrum

RD said..he used a handgun, no it was a rifle then shot it once, no it was twice, RD said Only to save camera man who just happened to be there filming the whole thing in HD. RD said bullet went through the head but know has bullet for sale

RD invites DR to to see body......stand by MIB just waiting in the wings!!

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Interesting that Rhettman says that there is more, but he will not go into that at this time...wonder what he knows. ; )

He knows that there are a lot of slots in Vegas! CAN'T WAIT! But yeah, thats pretty interesting as well!
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