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Why Not All Research Teams Get Together?

Guest roblester

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Guest roblester

For the past years, I have noticed a lack of " team work " with Bigfoot researchers. In no way am I speaking for all, as there is no way I have even seen 1/10th of them, if that. But what I have all ways seen is one saying another is doing it wrong, or that will not work, etc. It is the same with " ghost hunting "....( but that is not a topic for here )

Biologists work together for the common good, and share results in journals, and with each other.

It would seem with so many groups looking for Bigfoot, it would be beneficial to all get together for a massive attempt of finding that perfect piece of evidence. There should be more then enough to fdo this.

1. Agree on 1,2,or 3 places that are " hot spots ".

2. Schedule at least 2 months ( more if enough resources ) of staying at that or those spots 24/7. There should be plenty of people to schedule this.

3. All use the same protocol, and techniques to ensure stability, and consistency.

Any thoughts?

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Guest SquatchinNY

Each BF group wants the glory. MABRC, BFRO, so on.

And I will be surprised if there is a 2-month op like that (24/7) before BF is proven by something like a car accident.

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Guest Theagenes

Roblester, you are so right. It's really mind-boggling how much backstabbing, jealousy, and egoism there is in Bigfootery. Sad really.

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Guest Cowlitz2

Why it doesn't happen in one word: "differences" in priorities, schedules, personalities, physical limitations, motivators, locations, and yes the ego driven stuff mentioned above.

Ask: How many people do you know that you would be willing to go into the field with, knowing it could be dangerous?

People with common factors could and often do things together: Family Members; Best Friends; co-worker; military buddies; outdoor recreation buddies; etc. Mix BF into the equation and the probability goes way down, even for these groups of people.

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Guest roblester

Why it doesn't happen in one word: "differences" in priorities, schedules, personalities, physical limitations, motivators, locations, and yes the ego driven stuff mentioned above.

Ask: How many people do you know that you would be willing to go into the field with, knowing it could be dangerous?

People with common factors could and often do things together: Family Members; Best Friends; co-worker; military buddies; outdoor recreation buddies; etc. Mix BF into the equation and the probability goes way down, even for these groups of people.

I am a little confused on the " differences ". I mean, I know what you are saying, but the main thing in common should be finding proof of Bigfoot for all?

Groups with the same intentions should be able to put the other differences aside, and work as one team, finding peoples strengths and weaknesses, and working through them. People do this every day while doing their normal work.

Well, going somewhere dangerous. I used to do bridge work, and I worked anywhere from 100 to 200 feet above ground. There were 25 of us there. Out of 25, 25 hunt, and those 25 would have no problem going out to Alaska even, to go hunting. If we enjoy things, especially things in the wild, we know the risks, and are willing to take them.

I still do not understand why adding BF into the mix causes this lack of team work.

Now that I think about it more, I do not see this in some other " paranormal " fields. UFOlogy for example.

I am just on the outside, pointing out things I notice. I think it is a shame if you ask me.

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I do not know if this has been discussed on the forum before, but I

think it is a great idea, and would clearly be a priority for team players.

Now ... how to find people who are willing to give to it, and create some

workable guidelines?

Definitely worthy of discussion.

Here's my first 2¢ worth: We all have an ego; born that way. But I have

seen over & over with a bit of good-hearted maturity, most people can set

their egos aside and work for the greater good.

Find such folks, and your idea could be a go. :cheese:

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SSR Team

FAR too many ego's, FAR too many agenda's, FAR too much back stabbing, FAR too many people with ulterior motives.

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The group that I'm associated with that was recently formed has this as one of the primary objectives (working collaboratively). Here is the link to the mission statement: http://sasquatchresearchers.org/our-mission/

Time will tell if we are successful in getting all the disparate groups to come together and share their collective knowledge. Give us a chance, we're just getting started.

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Guest Cervelo

FAR too many ego's, FAR too many agenda's, FAR too much back stabbing, FAR too many people with ulterior motives.

What he said!

Besides its all ready been done folks like it or not BFRO/Finding Bigfoot is the voice of the bigfoot community as far as the general public is concerned.

Something along the lines of what Norseman wants to do or some of the current groups is as good as its going to get until......here it comes wait for it.........a body/head/hand/foot is produced then the real money comes and all the blah blah blah that we think it deserves but until then....enjoy the great outdoors!!

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Why Not All Research Teams Get Together?

Egos, different priorities/goals, personality confilicts, prospect of financial gain (everybody believes that if they are the "one", riches/glory await them), and oh yeah, I almost forgot, egos!

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BFF Patron

Start with people who play well and are self-starters with many disparate group-members as friends. Stay positive and focus on small goals or set up small interdisciplinary groups of footers who don't care what your theories are just want to follow observations and ground-truths. Oh, make sure your kill-no*kill stuff is up front and ready. Self defense rules only for any group I'm going to stay a member of ..... then you got to have rules like who owns the evidence and "If you Give a Moose a Muffin" scenarios.

Maybe best to create neighborhood groups and think locally--act locally with those you trust on second thought.

Edited by bipedalist
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Guest Scout1959

FAR too many ego's, FAR too many agenda's, FAR too much back stabbing, FAR too many people with ulterior motives.


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Northern Lights- the mission statement of your group sounds honorable. Keep focused within your group and please let us know for knowledge sacks if

there is anything you wish to share.

Roblestar- Currently there are some groups out there that collect evidence and share with the outside when the time is right and then there are some groups that will never share; thats just their choice. However IMO in the field to many people would throw up a red flag the the Sas people and scare them off. however, I agree with you that evidence should be shared but only when all collected evidence is examined and confirmed to the groups satisfaction.

Recently there has been a group that has shared their findings and has garnered a lot of intrest within the membership as a good example of transparency and sharing; plus 1 for Bart and Tyler.

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