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Why Not All Research Teams Get Together?

Guest roblester

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I am a little confused on the " differences ". I mean, I know what you are saying, but the main thing in common should be finding proof of Bigfoot for all?

Some of the differences are in the kill and no kill camps and another big one is proof (photo, audio, video, casts etc) vs experience (personal experience of getting to know this relic homin personally). For me, right now, I first have to prove to MYSELF 100% that bigfoot exists and since I've had numerous experiences that are extremely indicative of probable bigfoot involvement, it's come down to needing to SEE one to get to that 100%. I am at 95%, but there's that shadow of a doubt.

I might be willing as I said on my thread to get a very small group together later on this year. I do NOT like to go alone, but I have one good friend who is always more than willing to go out and she's far braver than I am, lol. That's why *I* drive, hehehe, so I get to decide when we leave and how far we go :) But, I will consider a group... maybe of three, maybe one area researcher, plus us two. I have a huge minivan big enough for us all.... but you can imagine my concerns about doing this, that have nothing to do with bigfoot or evidence or whatnot.

Let me make some connections with these ones I've been encountering and see where it goes for a while. I'd personally LIKE some folks here to corroborate some of these encounters, for verification purposes - especially if you have anything like night vision or audio recorders or video capability.

I also think that a large group of strange people would scare them away (um, I mean "unknown" people, but I thought that funny so I didn't edit it). I have also never had any contact with this troop I think I'm encounter when men have been present. So.... we'll see! Maybe I can find another troop. Maybe the one(s) who howled last night are a different troop entirely. No way to know right now. So many questions....

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Guest roblester

Some of the differences are in the kill and no kill camps and another big one is proof (photo, audio, video, casts etc) vs experience (personal experience of getting to know this relic homin personally). For me, right now, I first have to prove to MYSELF 100% that bigfoot exists and since I've had numerous experiences that are extremely indicative of probable bigfoot involvement, it's come down to needing to SEE one to get to that 100%. I am at 95%, but there's that shadow of a doubt.

I might be willing as I said on my thread to get a very small group together later on this year. I do NOT like to go alone, but I have one good friend who is always more than willing to go out and she's far braver than I am, lol. That's why *I* drive, hehehe, so I get to decide when we leave and how far we go :) But, I will consider a group... maybe of three, maybe one area researcher, plus us two. I have a huge minivan big enough for us all.... but you can imagine my concerns about doing this, that have nothing to do with bigfoot or evidence or whatnot.

Let me make some connections with these ones I've been encountering and see where it goes for a while. I'd personally LIKE some folks here to corroborate some of these encounters, for verification purposes - especially if you have anything like night vision or audio recorders or video capability.

I also think that a large group of strange people would scare them away (um, I mean "unknown" people, but I thought that funny so I didn't edit it). I have also never had any contact with this troop I think I'm encounter when men have been present. So.... we'll see! Maybe I can find another troop. Maybe the one(s) who howled last night are a different troop entirely. No way to know right now. So many questions....

Am I reading this correct?

You are claiming you are 95% sure you know of a group of Bigfoot, and where they are, yet you are not willing to show or let any " strangers " come with you?

See what I mean?

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No, I'm 95% sure they exist with 5% doubting.

I might know where some are.... there are a few places where I've had activity. I have no guarantees that they are there. In fact, this new place I went to a few nights ago was BECAUSE I cannot find the original group and I am trying to determine if they are seasonal migrators.

The last time I took a couple of folks out there, they took my audio data and my hand-drawn map and saw my whole area, and disappeared. So, yeah, that makes me a little gun shy.

I am not blindly going out in the woods with a couple of strangers. I don't know your intentions. You might be who you say you are and you might not be. How am I supposed to judge that from 50 posts? You have to EARN my trust before I'd consider ANYTHING. Frankly, pouting and complaining online has just about killed your chances of going out with me right now.

It's not so much about Bigfoot's safety, it's MINE.

This really isn't some mythical monster hunt and ooohing and ahhhing in the dark scaring ourselves silly. This is a hunt for a 800-lb apex predator who is incredibly strong and we are walking right into his living room uninvited and hopping up and down to get his attention. I want people at my back that I can trust to a reasonable degree.

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Guest roblester

No, I'm 95% sure they exist with 5% doubting.

I might know where some are.... there are a few places where I've had activity. I have no guarantees that they are there. In fact, this new place I went to a few nights ago was BECAUSE I cannot find the original group and I am trying to determine if they are seasonal migrators.

The last time I took a couple of folks out there, they took my audio data and my hand-drawn map and saw my whole area, and disappeared. So, yeah, that makes me a little gun shy.

I am not blindly going out in the woods with a couple of strangers. I don't know your intentions. You might be who you say you are and you might not be. How am I supposed to judge that from 50 posts? You have to EARN my trust before I'd consider ANYTHING. Frankly, pouting and complaining online has just about killed your chances of going out with me right now.

It's not so much about Bigfoot's safety, it's MINE.

This really isn't some mythical monster hunt and ooohing and ahhhing in the dark scaring ourselves silly. This is a hunt for a 800-lb apex predator who is incredibly strong and we are walking right into his living room uninvited and hopping up and down to get his attention.

That makes sense...

And I do not have it in my plans to come up there, you do not have to worry about that. If I was heading that way ( only have twice, for Ducks games ) I would be interested only if I had no other plans for a day. I would also invite you here first, or some where to meet me and my wife. ( who has no interest what so ever in this, let alone tromping through the forest)......I just want it clear, I do not mean me going out with you. I meant you sharing the information of where it is......

Why keep it a secret?...( no answer needed )

That is one thing the researchers do that I feel is bogus, and also is a cop out. If someone may have a place with evidence, then share it so others can research claims also.

Anyway, you are not a researcher that I am refering to, although you are reporting claims. I do understand not wanting to go out with strangers.

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Thank you Roblester.

I want to try a few more areas and see what happens. I am following the rivers and having some success - you could try that, too.

What I did in August/September when I first started, was to go to every site that has reports and chart them out by catagory in a notebook. Every report for the last ten years. Then I wrote out a map (can't find county maps) and charted the reports out onto the map.... it was very illuminating. I suggest you do that, too. It gives you a feel for how they might think.... what they apparently look for in territory and a home base, so to speak.

As for the Eugene area, Cottage Grove Lake/Reservoir is an obvious hot spot (with the London Tracks being found there). A friend told me on Friday that she thought she found tracks there in the mud, but she couldn't remember where exactly :( The Bohemia Mines area is also very active. That's two for starters that I can think of right off the top of my head. But seriously, any direction from here has reports.

Go Ducks! I work sometimes for UO.

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" Why Not All Research Teams Get Together? "

I think it's great idea, and I'm for it. Imagine what might be possible, if all were on the same page.. and the egos or bigfootery politics didn't get in the way .

Unfortunately, I think (realistically) that there is a better chance of it happening in congress (for the good of the nation), than in bigfootery.

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Guest roblester

. I am following the rivers and having some success - you could try that, too.

Go Ducks! I work sometimes for UO.

No thanks Madison.

I have hunted Oregon, Washington, and the great basing most of my adult life. I had a bit of belief that Bif could exist, but after many hours reading, on the phone, and in person, and out in the " field ", I am 100% sure, they can not, and do not exist.

My " interest " is not so much in Bigfoot, but as into why do some people believe so much.

With that being said, I still read cases. This latest hoax of a live bif being captured is what brought me here. Now, I have asked research groups if I could go along on some investigations. I either do not get a answer, or I am asked to pay a fee. If you had a research team, why would you tell a non believer they could not go? Especially one with tracking and hunting experience?

Look, if I can get within 15 yards of a Elk, Bear, Deer, etc. and watch them graze, or sleep, I surely should be a good candidate. They do not want a naysayer there, telling them what that structure is, and how it was made. They know I am wrong, even if I have facts and experience. This needs to stop, facts need to be absorbed, and not ignored. Process of elimination.

Anyway, enough rambling.....I have zero interest in tromping around looking for something that is not there......Now, if a person told me they think, or know a Bif is in a area, and they have good claims, I would have interest in going out to see if I could find any answers for them.

And, I would love to see one day that Bif exists, as much as anyone. I would be very happy.

If it is not to late, can you find a way to convince Chip Kelly to stay at Oregon?

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^And your proof that they "do not and can not exist" is? You not having personally seen one isn't "proof" they don't exist.

But back on topic: the OP is saying something that many of us have said repeatedly. It's a nice idea and absolutely correct. Ideally all the BF research groups and "lone wolves" would be networking, coordinating, and sharing information to advance the date of documentation of BF in the interests of knowledge.

In reality, unfortunately, trying to bring that many outsized egos together, along with some serious conflicts over ideology (kill/no kill, hominid/ape, etc) and the resulting critical mass and explosion would easily equal the Tunguska blast in destructive potential.

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Guest roblester

^And your proof that they "do not and can not exist" is? You not having personally seen one isn't "proof" they don't exist.

You can not prove something does not exist :)

I said :

" I am 100% sure, they can not, and do not exist. "

That meaning I am..Me.

As for why, that would be another topic, and a very long post from me. I would love to be wrong, that is for sure.

To topic...It sounds like egos is the biggest issue. Maybe some day, everyone will weed out the bad ones, and do a group effort investigation. ( year round, on going )

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It's funny. I came to the forums as I always had a bit of interest in the subject and with all the attention lately I started thinking there might be something to it. Now I haven't been here all that long but the longer I am here, the more convinced I am that there is no Bigfoot. I say it's funny, though, as it's not the skeptics here that have me changing my mind.

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My " interest " is not so much in Bigfoot, but as into why do some people believe so much.

I believe because they exist.

I'd like to put together a small team of interested parties some day, one person at a time. Maybe all women.... we could be the Bigfoot Anti-Chicks. I have one person on board, and I'm pretty sure I can outrun her, so it's all good... until she joins the boards here, then she'll see what I just posted! :)

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Guest thermalman

Pick me!! Although I'm not female, I can bring my thermal equipment, AND............I'm likely to lazy to run. ;)

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