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Bigfoot And Esp, Interdimensionalism, Aliens Etc... Brings Down Bigfootery?

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Guest armchairesearcher
Posted (edited)

If you go on any bigfoot sight or chat forum, sometimes spread out through all the posts you might come across a little something like this:

"Bigfoot has supernatural powers! You can't ever find an exact location of one because they walk between different dimensions!"


"bigfoot uses telepathic powers to mess with your mind to make you forget that you ever saw it, that's why there's so few sightings!"

or my personal favourite:

"Bigfoot are avatars for aliens inspecting earth. Ever hear of those sightings of bigfoot being beamed from a UFO?"

First of all, I'm gonna summarize my thoughts: These questions get me pd-off. Why? First of all, bigfootery already has such a poor reputation in mainstream science, mostly because of it being tabooed as pseudoscience, so you think explaining the phenomenon with ESP, another subject tabooed as pseudoscience, is going to convince anyone of bigfoot's authenticity? All you do is make a fool of yourself and the subject your trying to defend to the world. If you think that bigfoot uses any kind of supernatural powers, then I think your first goal should be first proving that PSYCHIC powers exist before you even begin cognizing the idea of bigfoot being psychic, am I right? Your basically covering up one enigma with another enigma, which is lame.

second of all, if no other living thing in the world has been found to have those characteristics, then why would you assume bigfoot uses them? Mind you I don't follow Matt Moneymaker, but I have to agree with him that these kinds of things just sorta bring down the whole subject.

Do you agree? Sorry but these things get on my nerves too much. What's your stand on the whole ESP. theories that get attributed to bigfoot?

Edited by armchairesearcher

It's hard enough convincing others the creature exists. I think adding in the hocus pocus element narrows the success a great deal.


Despite my humorous avatar, I believe BF are animals. Flesh and Blood.


You have your crackpots and then you have your original thinkers. It's hard to sort one from the other, and in a field of study which is not accepted by the mainstream yet, it's rather harder to tell the psychos from the Einsteins.

For example, continental drift was considered crackpot until about 1968, the year my geologist father sheepishly conceded it as fact. The main fellow who proposed continental drift in 1912 was not a geologist. You can imagine how that was received. A problem we amateur bf reseachers face, too.

And any area of inquiry that is ....peripheral ...to mainstream science or conventional wisdom is going to draw a few real crackpots. But so does religion. And some professions I could name but wont that you can probably guess.

It might drive you crazy, but it's part of the territory. Time usually sorts it out.


Do you agree? Sorry but these things get on my nerves too much. What's your stand on the whole ESP. theories that get attributed to bigfoot?

To each his own, whatever it might be.


First ! prove them physical and then prove the rest later.


Yes, but --

We have to find a way to block their psychic powers before we can see and prove them!

If we weren't under their thrall, all would know that. :wacko:

Guest wudewasa

Where's paraape and Erik Beckjord when you need them? NOT!

Guest MrMudder

This subject has been beat to death on BFF recently actually. Read the forum.


This stuff doesn't make BF research itself look unreasonable, but it taints those involved in it at any level.

From my experience with news work, no one cares about legitimate study- they only want to see the crackpot, and that is all they remember. No one cares about the hard working scientist or dedicated amateur working in the field. All they remember are the people who are as far out there as possible.

As others have said, let's prove they exist first, then start worrying about whether or not they have psychic powers or are aliens, or the sons of Cain, or whatever.

None of that other stuff matters in comparison to simply proving BF exists, and all it does is make the hole that legitimate BF studies are trying to crawl out of.

St. G-


Well, I'm one who does not rule out the contingency of the paranormal being in play -- in some way, who knows how? -- in the matter of Bigfoot (which has never been a popular position on the BFF). Feeling as I do on this issue: I wonder whether there might be a hole in the proposition "find the creature and establish its existence first, tackle any other attributes of it afterwards." Oonjerah's post below is in jest; but I wonder whether it perhaps illustrates a genuine problem -- not necessarily concerning "psychic powers", but of stuff beyond mankind's ken, at least at present, which makes it difficult or impossible to pin Bigfoot down.

Yes, but --

We have to find a way to block their psychic powers before we can see and prove them!

If we weren't under their thrall, all would know that. :wacko:

armchairesearcher writes: "Your basically covering up one enigma with another, which is lame."

I've always wondered why this thing of "explaining one mystery by another" is so anathemised in cryptozoological circles. OK, it's not very intellectually satisfying; but I feel that the degree of loathing of it that's expressed, at times smacks of Bigfootery being regarded as some kind of sport or game, with rules in place to stop it becoming -- heaven forbid -- too easy; which seems to me, to trivialise the Bigfooting scene.

This stuff doesn't make BF research itself look unreasonable, but it taints those involved in it at any level.


None of that other stuff matters in comparison to simply proving BF exists, and all it does is make the hole that legitimate BF studies are trying to crawl out of.

I can understand -- more than I can "explaining one mystery by another = unforgivable sin" -- the stance that: mainstream science, with its great resources, needs to be got on board to solve the Bigfoot mystery. Mainstream science is utterly repelled by the airing of any "paranormal" notions whatever: so in the interests of not scaring the scientists away, Bigfooters are urged to completely avoid and renouce such notions; to the point of -- even if they consider that ideas of paranormal involvement might be valid -- pretending that they do not. Which strikes me as disingenuous, and regrettable; but I can see "where people are coming from" on this.

Guest truetalk

as far as trying to convince people and maintaining credability i will leave that up to the people who are concerned with that sort of thing, im not

our society is built in a way that keeps people confined to a box and cant think for themselves. we are at a point where we are just now being able to see that most of what we are taught especially concerning history is flat-out wrong or just lies. im glad im not one of those people. im thankful for the ability to be able to think for myself and not worry about how others feel about it or me

as far as the pysic stuff thats attributed to bigfoot well guess what, thats a part of it and has been for hundreds of years. even in my thread of bigfoots mental powers. i didnt make any of that stuff up its stuff that people whom have had contact with them comes back and says

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^^ Quote truetalk: "our society is built in a way that keeps people confined to a box and cant think

for themselves."

Oo-ooo!! One of my favorite topics, 'cept I don't blame society that most folks can't/won't think

for themselves; my notion is that it's biological and no one's fault. ... But neverMind!

Promote Sasquatch as an interesting and acceptable topic, not so fringe anymore.

As I have said before, this can be done, and it's largely because most folks are easily led.

Advertising, PR, molding public opinion: Madison Avenue's ad industry is built on this and it

works very well!

If some of the monied folk would hire a good ad agency to improve Bf's image, pretty soon he'd

"be cool" instead of ridiculous, and people would want to know him -- or they'd imagine they did.

That would open the door enough that even mainstream Science could afford to have a go at it.

And those who are already doin' it be seen as heroic pioneers, which they are!

BFF Patron
....From my experience with news work, no one cares about legitimate study- they only want to see the crackpot, and that is all they remember. No one cares about the hard working scientist or dedicated amateur working in the field. All they remember are the people who are as far out there as possible.

Funny in my world, I see hard working researchers that don't see things the same way, but certainly seem to be able to qualify and in some cases quantify the things they do see in very acceptably reliable ways, despite what the mainstream media or so-called average researcher chooses to place faith in.

Plenty of people care about both groups, some people just care more or less; one or the other; this or that; believe it or don't

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