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Every now and again, a hoaxer is able to do a pretty good job of getting one over on me. I've realized that I'm at the mercy of my own personal hope and belief. A hoaxer is a person that manipulates and takes advantage of people's hopes for the purpose of reward or gratification. In short, it's despicable behavior.

Currently, there is a thread about hoaxing and who is and who isn't a hoaxer. There are a lot of subjective views on this subject but, despite differences of opinion, the majority agrees there are some very black and white instances of hoaxing. For example, the Georgia hoax is very clear cut, in that it was an obvious hoax with the intent to gain publicity, notoriety or financial reward.

That being said, we have to accept that we can't stop hoaxers but we should be able to dissuade them. Nobody will ever pass a law, prohibiting somebody for perpetuating a Bigfoot hoax, but we, as a group, can put into effect some consequences that would, at the very least, alert the Bigfoot community to individuals or organizations that have been involved in a hoax.

I suggest that the BFF has a dedicated page, listing hoaxers and the circumstances of the hoax. Everything about the individual, group or organization would be posted on this page. This way, the Bigfoot community as a whole, would be made aware of who is or isn't a hoaxer.

We would only list hoaxes like the Georgia one, where we had definitive knowledge it was a hoax. We should not add people that are "suspected" of perpetuating a hoax. Only the ones that have been proven or admitted to hoaxing. We can even have a "suspected" list of hoaxers? We can include videos from YouTube or photos that have been proven as hoaxes, as well.

I really think that being formally labeled and listed as a hoaxer on this website, would be a good way to permanently discredit hoaxers, now and in the future.

There should be consequences.


I agree with what you say, but the "suspected hoaxers" could be a bit of a stick wicket as it could leave the site subject to libel lawsuits. I suppose as long as there was a disclaimer making it clear this list is the opinion of posters here and not endorsed by the BFF itself, it might be alright.

Either way, I think we need the council of those who administer the site before moving forward here.

BFF Patron
Posted (edited)

Virtual pink-belly!

to got with the Most Likely to Be Chicken (never mind this ain't the Tar Pit)..... move it over there if you really want to know what I think.

Edited by bipedalist
Posted (edited)

leaving aside for a moment those who feel they've had a sighting that places them in the "knowing" category, there's a fine line between wanting to believe and straight up gullibility.

i tend to hold both hoaxers and the gullible pretty equally responsible.

Edited by cheech44

How can one believe in something and not be gullible? Belief, in it's very essence, makes it impossible to not be vulnerable to a hoax? That's the reason we need to have consequences for people that take advantage of our faith.

Common sense is a factor but it's pretty easy to take advantage of people if you're willing to do the work. Nobody is immune to it.

Guest Luckyfoot

There should be consequences.

Absolutley !

We should use them as experiments for future expeditions. ie. Let's roll Ed Smith in honey and zagnut bars then tie him to a tree somewhere in Northern Canada with only Todd Standing for company.

  • Upvote 3
BFF Patron

I'd rather see a horde of Argentinian wood ants and potent fire ants added to the mix personally.


Lol...as much as I think that harsher consequences should be in order for certain hoaxers, such as Mr. Smith, I don't think this forum will allow it.

However, just for fun, how about dressing them up in a female Bigfoot costume and then hand cuff their hands to a thick root?


Seems to be a double standard.

Un-named posters were already calling out a BFF regular regarding the Elbe Tracks with no evidence.

Anyone?...... Class.... Anyone?...


I'm not familiar with the Elbe trackway so I can't comment on any of it. However, a hoaxer should not be exempt from consequences, regardless of their name or affiliation with any group or organization.


Deception is not going away anytime soon. Hoaxers are people looking for attention. Who knows why. There are a lot of hoaxers in the world hoaxing lots of things besides Bigfoot. I'm not a fan of hoaxers by any stretch, but as for cosequences, i'd say Karma is about the best hope for punishment. Except, maybe getting fined in parks for not having a permit while running around in your Bigfoot suit, LOL. No better place to hit someone than their pocket. There are a whole lot of things people do, without suffering any consequences, than hoaxing Bigfoot.


make em sit in the corner of room with dunce cap......being serious ...folks should just ignore anything by said hoaxster till they get the point .......


I don't understand how people can't discern the obvious hoaxes. I hear people talk about having a sixth sense in the woods, yet so many folks will swallow the sketchiest stories, and get all caught up and emotionally invested in these tales.

I never for a second believed the Ed Smith thing, nor the Rick Dyer thing, and I hate to say it, but the Melba Ketchum thing sends my bovine-manure sense off the scale. I'm not sure if this violates forum rules, but I've heard that there are establishments in Las Vegas that will secure "novelty" bets between private parties. I'd be interested in taking some of you "Knowers" and "I've got inside info" folks to task with some attractive odds.

If there were some real repurcussions for proven hoaxers, it would cut down on it tremendously. This guy could have damaged the reputations of legit folks from the scientific community who are already sticking their necks out to lend credence to this type of research.

Hoaxers are pathetic liars and miserable scum who waste peoples time, money, and resources. If I were personally made a fool of by this Ed Smith guy I would handle it the old school way, not the way keyboard commandos do. Real life, real consequences.

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