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What If It's Real?


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I've been thinking about all the posts on the other thread stating emphatically that RD is a liar/hoaxer, & therefore the body "Does Not Exist". No "IMO's" or "probably's", just absolutes. The bleevers, (of which I'm solidly one) make it clear that it is just their opinions, leaving room to be wrong. But not the other side.

So what if you're all wrong, & there is a body? Will there be a big announcement that the bleevers have been vindicated? What will become of the skeptics? Will life as we know it end?

This is the thread to state for all to remember, which side of the fence you're on, & your plans for a future in which Bigfoot is a fact.

Just ponderings while waiting for more news......

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I have not been following that bit of fun....could you quickly summarize that matter to catch me up? Others probably are in the same situation....thanks Ms Footy. :bye:

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Rick Dyer claims to have killed a BF.

People have been allowed to see the "preserved" body, but whoever says it is real is "lying".

There is great controversy as to whether it is true or false.

Movie is coming out in March or April.

The thread is huge, but that is the mini version.

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Sassy- good question for the thread, however for myself being a proponent for protection the work starts a work that myself and the team I am working with will just begin. I had submitted a legislative bill proposal about the same time the sierra incident took place. The administative aids for my assemblywoman said if we could get DNA and especially if the DNA came back as close to homo sapiens that it could/would be processed quickly thru the legislative process and they gave us 6 mont5hs to produce any DNA proof study. When 5-11 and still no DNA the proposal was sent to the Ca. DFG and the to the Ca. F&W comm. The commission is a longer road to adopt regulation with a lot of administrative law and documentation, but still DNA AND proof that there is a viable BF population in Ca. However if those two field studies show positive then the BF would be put on the Ca. endangered species list and be adopted and elligable to be recommended for hunting restrictions and research oversight. Since last year our assemblywoman has since been apointed to a judgeship and we now have a medical doctor as our assemblyman and if DNA can be shown in future studies I will go the proposal for a bill route.

Let me just say that a hunting regulation would be nessessary not that BF is an animal but that it chooses to live free in the wild and mis-identification has been/ could continue to be a problem so a Public Sevice announcement to hunters and remote campers would/ should be considered and would be part of any proposal forwarded by the team I work with. For the record, myself I am not an advocate for land to be set aside but that we would be recommending a "free roam" policy afforded to other creatures that live in the wild.

Many other issues still need to be considered and I will leave that for my other team member to addredd who specializes in the fields of property owners, mitigation processes and select sensitive issues. More later.

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Guest gershake

Personally, I don't believe he has a body but I'm not absolute on that. Let's say 90 %. Him and Allen have both been caught in lies. Now, I'm a bigfoot proponent though (let's say 99 %) and would be ecstatic if this proved true! But I won't feel terrible for having been cautious since Rick Dyer is IMO a terrible person.

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Well to be fair, it's certainly not just skeptics who are discounting RD's story. Plenty of "bleevers" are questioning this story as well. That being said, the logic you referred to (he's a liar so whatever he says is a lie) sounds a lot like the skeptics' logic of "it's not real so any photo/video/physical proof is of something else".

This one is a firm "wait and see"... I'm cautiously optimistic. If it's real, awesome, if it's a lie, then my life changes 0%. No reason not to be excited about what comes of it.

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In regards to the RD body, except for being totally surprised it isn't a hoax, I don't see how it changes anything for me. Ptanger I applaud your efforts, but IMO the problem is with them approaching US. LOL.....no amount of legislation is going to address that.

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Oh great, just what we need, another thread giving Rick Dyer attention.

He has the attention; real or not he has accomplished that. Is it so hard to just not post in the thread if you are unhappy about it? Making a post like this seems just as attention-getting, to be honest.

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Ptangier, I applaud your efforts, also, & agree that land shouldn't be set aside for them. I don't think they need it, or would even appreciate it.

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He has the attention; real or not he has accomplished that. Is it so hard to just not post in the thread if you are unhappy about it? Making a post like this seems just as attention-getting, to be honest.

Just stating my opinion. Am I not allowed to do that?

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This is not how I would like the proof to come, but absolutely, I will send in my skeptic card immediately if there is a body. I have stated many times, the accounts are too many, and too credible for Bigfoot to not be real. I did not think I was a skeptic when I came here, but apparently I am. Dyer's past screams hoax, yet a Yale educated writer puts in his book that it is true? I will scream from the mountain top when the proof comes. All my real world friends think I'm a bleever anyway.

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This thread could quickly devolve away from its intended purpose and end up being a copy of the RDA thread.

However, I'll play along. Presuming that it's real, since it is being revealed through the festival film circuit and not through the media via press release as a scientific discovery the impact of the story will take some time to get legs.

There will be doubt cast upon it. Skeptics will claim CG and will use ad-hominem attacks against Dyer to disprove it. Any of the principle scientists involved will be ignored at first as the media and skeptics go after straw-man arguments.

It will be months and perhaps a year before its true impact is fully measured...maybe more.

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