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What If It's Real?


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njjohn, are we to assume that all individuals of the species have the exact same instincts and cognitive abilities?

If they're all family oriented and taught while being raised, as a baseline yes. Every habituator describes the same general tendencies and behavior. If there was the chance a few would be mentally retarded compared to the rest, you would have had corpses a long time ago. Then again this is RD's third.

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I am still saying no it's not true, but I will admit after the last couple of days I've gone from 100% confident to about 90% confident.

We shall see if i'm 10% gullible or 90% wrong.

Edited by simplyskyla
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Guest VioletX

I won't do anything I'm not doing now, because I'm used to looking like a liar & a fool. That's all part of being an habituator.

I'll just assume that there was a really stupid one in San Antonio.


Or maybe no Sasquath can resist the lure of Walmarts Special Sauce ; ]

Edited by VioletX
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I'm on the (wobbly) fence. Honestly, to me this whole drama is so bizarre, I don't know what to think. Besides, I'm new to the whole Bigfoot scene so I'm not really emotionally invested. Before I joined here I'd never heard of the 2008 hoax.

IF this turns out to be true though, I don't think it will be very beneficial to the Sasquatch. I think it would be the start of Bigfoot as a commodity. Open season will be declared on them. They'd be better off being elusive... a mythical creature.

I hope humans and Sasquatch will find a way to live together peacefully.

Edited by Didi68
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The real question is what to do when this is finally revealed to be a hoax as his other attempts have been? Shall we completely disregard the opinions of those who were so easily mislead? Do we lump them in with habituators who claim sightings of overall wearing bigfoots riding trains or claim near constant contact with no proof? When reason is cast aside and the ability to discern reality from fiction is lost is there any contribution they can meaningfully make?

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Guest Sasquatchum

I was hoping that everyone would state which side of the fence they are on

Ok, well I would like to state I am 100%, unequivocally, without a doubt, absolutely certain that I'm unsure... but if I was laying down $100, I would say "Nyet". Just too much baggage.

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If they're all family oriented and taught while being raised, as a baseline yes. Every habituator describes the same general tendencies and behavior. If there was the chance a few would be mentally retarded compared to the rest, you would have had corpses a long time ago. Then again this is RD's third.

Maybe the mentally challenged Bigfoot is attracted to the even more mentally challenged RD.

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SSR Team

This isn't directed at you Sas but this has got to be said.

A lot of people on this forum need to wake up and smell the coffee.

I'm not following it extensively at all, because i see it for what it is.

However, i'm under the impression that nothing more is to be said on it because it's all going to be in a movie ? Are you serious ?

Rick Dyer has done this before, and he's doing it again, what can be clearer than that ?

This man is insulting the intelligence of everyone and i can see why he's doing it, because people, lots of people fall for this nonsense.

The entire episode is an embarrassment to Sasquatchers WITH a brain.

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I'm used to looking like a liar & a fool. That's all part of being an habituator.

I'll just assume that there was a really stupid one in San Antonio.

A strange assumption Sas. If there were 'really stupid' BF's around we wouldn't be having this conversation.

The existence of BF would have been proven decades ago.

Real sasquatch's would routinely appear in superbowl ads.

Patterson/Gimlin who?

'Pet' Bigfoot's would be common place.

Gifting baskets not required.

Edited by MarkGlasgow
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Yanno reading the threads surrounding Rick Dyer, I've come to several conclusions.

1) For all of the banter about how morally repugnant pro kill people are, if one of them promises that they have a body, the whole community drops their anti kill stance and runs over to the circus show to buy a ticket.

2) No matter how many times a con man has conned them, people will come right back for more. Why? BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BELIEVE SO BADLY IT HURTS.

3) There is a right way and a wrong way to go about releasing evidence that Sasquatch is real. Why is it that concerning Rick Dyer it's all about him and not the body? For pete sake's he still has "press release" pictures up on his website from his last HOAX!!! What does that tell you? It tells me he is more interested in attention than anything else even if it's associated with negativity that HE SHOULD NOT BE PROUD OF!

4) Yanno, it's all about the species, the betterment of the species that a type specimen provides. If this betterment comes through Rick Dyer? Great. Awesome. I will eat all the crow anyone wants. If Rick Dyer is the instrument that brings about scientific recognition and conservation? I will eat my hat.

But don't ask me to hold my breath...........

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I've been thinking about all the posts on the other thread stating emphatically that RD is a liar/hoaxer, & therefore the body "Does Not Exist". No "IMO's" or "probably's", just absolutes. The bleevers, (of which I'm solidly one) make it clear that it is just their opinions, leaving room to be wrong. But not the other side.

So what if you're all wrong, & there is a body? Will there be a big announcement that the bleevers have been vindicated? What will become of the skeptics? Will life as we know it end?

This is the thread to state for all to remember, which side of the fence you're on, & your plans for a future in which Bigfoot is a fact.

Just ponderings while waiting for more news......

I think the scientists who have been chosen to work on the body, will come under fire. Thats what I think will happen. Maybe findings wont come up as being what some people maybe have predicted and that will cause controversy. I also think that some people dont actually want Bigfoot to be discovered as the really like the mystery. I wonder therefore that some of the people who followed the Bigfoot community may transfer their interests to another subject that has yet to be discovered. Now dont anyone take what I just said personally, please. Its just we all like escapism in our lives and if Bigfoot gives that to some people and that disappears, I can understand why another phenonema might become an interest.

I think its absolutely fascinating to imagine a world of Bigfoot without any more hoaxes? If this is a real body (and you know how I feel), then I reacon hoaxes will go. Strange world that will be and is that poetic justice??

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I'm on the (wobbly) fence. Honestly, to me this whole drama is so bizarre, I don't know what to think. Besides, I'm new to the whole Bigfoot scene so I'm not really emotionally invested. Before I joined here I'd never heard of the 2008 hoax.

IF this turns out to be true though, I don't think it will be very beneficial to the Sasquatch. I think it would be the start of Bigfoot as a commodity. Open season will be declared on them. They'd be better off being elusive... a mythical creature.

I hope humans and Sasquatch will find a way to live together peacefully.

I disagee as bigfoots will be just as hard to find and shoot as they have always been. Also, there will be protection measures put up pretty soon I reacon.
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A strange assumption Sas. If there were 'really stupid' BF's around we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Well, it's just an assumption. Time will tell, then we can have it again if you haven't gone slinking off to lick your wounds.

Or maybe he sacrificed himself for science & the vindication of a "known hoaxer".

They have weird senses of humor.

(The smileys aren't working, so I can't add the sarcasm thing, so just imagine that it's there.)

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Arrowhead, though I respect your opinion about less exposure for the BF would be best it wouldn't play out that way. Without regulations that intail very stiff penalties and if HSS then murder 1 it would leave the field wide open for who knows what. One of the whole keys to the legislative part is education of what,

how and possibly where BF are and that being educated might lead to a recognition that there are/would be penalties in place for non-compliance. Public Service announcements for the general public IMO would also help in case of inadvertant encounters for hikers, campers and recreational hunters. I will say that leaving the BF alone is the best senario but that isn't nessesarily the effect that some people would seek without restrictions, wishfull thinking. Let me just say for the record, I have more hope in the Ketchum report and even more hope in the Sykes report that I do with this other fellow. I can see a frozen block of costume creature in a 2ft. thick block on display for $50.00 on the horizon.

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I'm on the "it's true" side of the fence. (Like y'all don't know that.)

I thought Chris and Chuck and Stacy's conversation last night about the likely aftermath of all this was interesting. I bet there will be some hysteria, but I hope it's as Chris says: that it will be a relatively brief period of it, and then it will die down.

Chris did mention he thought we might be looking at congressional hearings, which made a lot of sense to me..... Some people on this board may end up on national TV!!!!!!!

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