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What If It's Real?


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This is not for arguing the pros & cons of the RD event, since there is already a place for that. I was hoping that everyone would state which side of the fence they are on for future reference, & what they think the future will be like if BF is officially "outed".

Ptangier's answer is an example of what I was hoping for.

Edited by Sasfooty
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If he does.....is this the same as the tent peeker BF?

If he does, I will be surprised that he hasn't already sold it on ebay.

If he does, great. The question is what will he do with it. Has he announced plans? Donate it to the Smithsonian? The JREF? Ringling Bros?

Seems like having such a corpse would be a big logistical mess. I guess he must have frozen it.

If he does, we will get to see it after payinng a price and paying homage to the great one, RD. Pay per view video on Amazon? Whatever he does, you can bet he will try to make money and that he will use it for self aggrandizement, cuz, please, he is flakey.

Edited by Kings Canyon
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Nothing would change. The scientific community won't touch it and he's already said he'll sell it with stipulations no one in the BF community ever lays a hand on it. If the most experienced people in the field can't touch it, it'll just be a showcase written off. His attitude might get more believers, but it won't progress the field any. The media will run amok and cause more danger to them as a species.

I would never throw support behind baseless claims without evidence. Especially when what information has been released is directly contradictory to long time and proven science.

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Proven science when it comes to this story is decomposition and physics related to bullet angles and what the bullets would do to the corpse. I never mentioned science related to BF itself, because to them it's a blank page until it's proven.

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This is not for arguing the pros & cons of the RD event, since there is already a place for that. I was hoping that everyone would state which side of the fence they are on for future reference, & what they think the future will be like if BF is officially "outed".

Ptangier's answer is an example of what I was hoping for.

I'm a classic fence sitter, chicken I guess. I'm on the side of Bigfoot being real, just real leary of RD. I'm ready for them to come out of the closet, woods, shadows etc.

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Ok Sassy, I'll ask you. What will you do if it's proven true and then your habituation posts make you look like a liar or fool, because the behavior you posted all look impossible because it was simply lured by ribs with multiple cameras around?

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Since when has government interference ever been a good thing? When the day comes that BF is proven to the masses and protective laws are put in place, it will just wet the appetite of the poachers that will kill for pride and profit. I think the legendary elusiveness of the creature has kept it safe all these thousands of years and the mainstreaming of their existence will just promote an atmosphere of “lets go get oneâ€. Personally I think it will be a sad day for BF.

I just thought about that for a minute and had to add. I can understand how so many people want to have this exposed and accepted as there are so many that have had experiences and have had to suppress their stories for fear of ridicule. I guess there is no simple solution and no matter how it plays out someone gets the short end of the stick BF threw.

Edited by Arrowhead
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Ok, I admit it I'm a bleever. Yup!!!! Don't deny it. My stance on RD and the body is most likely a hoax, 10% chance it's not a hoax. Not to sure Dyer's body will change to much. He says universities have looked at-----oookkk! What Dyer does with the body, how he allows the correct scientist access to assess this body is critical. An anthropologist, biologist etc etc., unless this great discovery of his is handled correctly, fullyx-rayed, ct scaned, photoed, full necrospy videod, you get the idea, his big discovery will be nothing but a Vegas sideshow exhibit and bleevers and skeptics will go forward. They'll have a lot more to discuss but no real hard proof, yup proof-not evidence, to debate. It will stay a story the RD shot a bigfoot and you can pay to see the exhibit in Vegas.

I have very little faith in this man to do the right thing. I don't think it's in him to do the right thing. I'll just call it a personality flaw.

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Ok Sassy, I'll ask you. What will you do if it's proven true and then your habituation posts make you look like a liar or fool, because the behavior you posted all look impossible because it was simply lured by ribs with multiple cameras around?

I won't do anything I'm not doing now, because I'm used to looking like a liar & a fool. That's all part of being an habituator.

I'll just assume that there was a really stupid one in San Antonio.

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