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The Ketchum Report (Continued)

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Guest Tyler H


same here

But at least the Georgia boys admitted to the hoax when the jig was up, rather than digging it deeper. Plus they did not stretch it out five years past it's freshness date. I think this hoax is much worse! :)

Maybe I'm being a little too gracious here... but I still think it is possible the Melba actually believes her work is not fraudulent. Like a child who creates a "magic potion" out of stuff in the closet and the medicine cabinet, she may really believe she has discovered some special methods to uncover something, that science has overlooked.

Along the way, she likely started thinking that since Wally was so generous, and wealthy, and laid-back, and since her "pioneering efforts" were infused with such genius, that she was entitled to a very cushy 'salary' (such as the 50% commission she pitched to Justin) to go along with her efforts.

Rare samples were solicited by Ketchum and Paulides. People sent them off in good faith to be tested. If those people no longer have some portion of their samples, then possible misconduct by Ketchum makes anything in her current possession unreliable. If she sent you a sample to test, what would you do with it? If a stock of Sasquatch tissue from around the continent is no longer reliable, then years of progress have been lost.

Of course, Sasquatch could still be just a pile, so no harm done. Right?

Melba continued to ask Justin for more and more of his tissue - I became very suspicious that she was trying to get all of it, so she could consume it all , and none would be left for anyone to perform any additional testing on. ONce Justin told me of her suggestions on how to destroy the sample, I felt my suspicions were confirmed. ONe of my biggest fears was that all good evidence was being drained from the community. I am glad to hear that many resisted the efforts of 'the dark-side' and kept some of the samples in their own possession.

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So can't we just say Melba and The Sierra Kill Project both have motivations in this. Both groups have some time and money invested in it all and possibility of other gains, Books, Movies, etc...

I get it the Sierra Kill Projects DNA seems to be have tested by 1 Lab with 1 Sample as far as what I can tell I may be wrong. It comes out as a Bear. Lets see some people don't trust Justin word so how do we know he didn't pull the wool over the other members of the Sierra Kill Project. We don't.

But almost accusing Melba some kinda of fraud with the samples is not cool. Not when it is easy to see its a group spat.

I know everyone is up in arms about the journals she posted as sources.

The only time she mentioned the joke one was in the front of the journal she used a Quote. So she had to source it in the notes section. I think she quoted it because it fit her concept.

This I do not feel calls in to question the work the Labs did.

Sure we can debate her conclusions but to debate the Lab work is not for people who don't know the Encoding.

If what she said is accurate Texas A&M saw the Unknown.

Sure her personality is an issue for many.

But we can say the same about many people in the bigfoot areas. I read the entire paper I thought it was intresting.

What I dislike is when these things appear to be BF groups ~vs~ BF groups. We should all be trying to help each other and support each other. If you don't like someones work then just focus on your own right?

Let me remind you that the Sierra Kill Project according to the Law can post E-mails that Melba sent them. They do not have to have her permission. Unless they signed some kind of NDA with her. So asking people to ask Melba if they can is irrelevant.

Edited by CathMcmillan
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BFF Patron

Trust me, it's more than a group spat, that has a minor role to play in this.

I thought Melba used poor judgment in sourcing fraud papers in her citations, would you jump off a cliff without rigging, a base chute or wings if somebody asked you to?

Yah, it's interesting all right.

Edited by bipedalist
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Guest Theagenes

So can't we just say Melba and The Sierra Kill Project both have motivations in this. Both groups have some time and money invested in it all and possibility of other gains, Books, Movies, etc...

I get it the Sierra Kill Projects DNA seems to be have tested by 1 Lab with 1 Sample as far as what I can tell I may be wrong. It comes out as a Bear. Lets see some people don't trust Justin word so how do we know he didn't pull the wool over the other members of the Sierra Kill Project. We don't.

But almost accusing Melba some kinda of fraud with the samples is not cool. Not when it is easy to see its a group spat.

I know everyone is up in arms about the journals she posted as sources.

The only time she mentioned the joke one was in the front of the journal she used a Quote. So she had to source it in the notes section. I think she quoted it because it fit her concept.

This I do not feel calls in to question the work the Labs did.

Sure we can debate her conclusions but to debate the Lab work is not for people who don't know the Encoding.

If what she said is accurate Texas A&M saw the Unknown.

Sure her personality is an issue for many.

But we can say the same about many people in the bigfoot areas. I read the entire paper I thought it was intresting.

What I dislike is when these things appear to be BF groups ~vs~ BF groups. We should all be trying to help each other and support each other. If you don't like someones work then just focus on your own right?

Let me remind you that the Sierra Kill Project according to the Law can post E-mails that Melba sent them. They do not have to have her permission. Unless they signed some kind of NDA with her. So asking people to ask Melba if they can is irrelevant.

Trust me, it's more than a group spat, that has a minor role to play in this.

I thought Melba used poor judgment in sourcing fraud papers in her citations, would you jump off a cliff without rigging, a base chute or wings if somebody asked you to?

Yah, it's interesting all right.

And to be clear, the joke references are not the primary reason this all looks fishy. That was just the last in a long, long series of nails in this coffin. The biggest red flag, imo, was the creation of a fake journal and her attempt to make everyone think this had pass peer review. And her coming up with the non-sense story about buying a journal that first appeared on Scholastica on January 4.

On second thought maybe it did pass a peer review if Robin Lynn was the reviewer. After all she was initially listed as the editor of De Novo, until the folks at JREF started talking about it. Then her name was removed and replaced with "Robin Haynes."

How many red flags do you need? I can go on.

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I believe the paper was Interesting.

No she is not a "Scientist" like you all would want. She is an Animal Vet, She delt with mostly Horses and Tracing the DNA on Dogs and other Horses for Studding from what I understand.

I understand everyone else's Hesitations on it. But I also see many attacking her Character or the quality of the paper not the DNA findings.

I am more than willing to wait and see these other "experts" she says she has to look at it.

Just like the RD situation. I am more than willing to wait and see what comes up.

I can see as another woman how she has been attacked from the start of this by many. How she became bitter i guess is the word I would use.

I am curious though since a Show like Destination Truth Used her prior what they think of the findings.

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Trust me, it's more than a group spat, that has a minor role to play in this.

I thought Melba used poor judgment in sourcing fraud papers in her citations, would you jump off a cliff without rigging, a base chute or wings if somebody asked you to?

Yah, it's interesting all right.

These are not good analogy's. One my life would be at risk. With citations like she used her life is in no danger. She already had a bad reputation from many peoples feelings.

Now lets not forget that even if Sykes confirms her findings several people over at JREF have already said they would place him in same boat as Melba being a crazy person.so how is this suppose to be skepticism if people are already ready to bash Sykes on something he hasn't said yet.

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Cath, you mentioned destination truth, was Josh Gates listed as a contributor? I thought his yeti sample sent to her was the catalyst for a callout by her and Paulides for more samples. Anyone know?

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Guest Theagenes

When I see a person being dishonest, whether it's a monetary fraud or just academic dishonesty, you're **** right I call into question their character.

If more people in this community would use common use when it comes to this sort of thing you would all keep from getting taken for a ride so often. Your bringing up Dyer is a great example:

"I know he's pulled a hoax exactly like this 47 other times in the past, but maybe---just maybe---he's got the real thing this time. I'll hold off judgement until I see more."

People! Stop enabling these hoaxers and scammers with your well-intentioned credulity!

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Cath, you mentioned destination truth, was Josh Gates listed as a contributor? I thought his yeti sample sent to her was the catalyst for a callout by her and Paulides for more samples. Anyone know?

I know he did use her. I like Josh Gates so just would love to see his opinion on the paper.

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