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Rick Dyer Again (Continued)

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Heck yea V just invoked the Dalai Lama as a comparisons for persecution of RD....which made me want to puke a little quite frankly!

Well they are both human after all?? :tease:
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I know it is not fair and a bummer even to mention that one has info. that they cannot share, you would then have to put faith in two sources and that is not realistic. So I am not expecting anyone to believe based on that, but it is part of Jacki's experience here , (mine as well), and it may be relevant to some reading here. We are not just pulling things out of the ether anyway ; )

I would like to know more about Adam2323's LE angle too,lol.

Her source is Musky.....not credible period

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Is anyone curious as to why the FB/FB guys have not offered up one of their videos - confirming the "dead body" story - on all points?????? Why else did they go to Vegas - to just take a peek at the body? If Minnow Films is controlling who can view - what was the point of allowing the FB/FB guys in? They have not confirmed or denied anything -- other than they say they are "getting ready to make a run".... A run? To where, Mexico?? What the heck does that mean?

So apparently anyone can view the alleged body - whether they contribute anything to the conversation or not... :) Why not just release photos?? Oh wait, Dyer did that back in 2008.. Nevermind..

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Belmar, could you elaborate? I guess I either don't remember or don't know.

Gladly. Give me a moment, just have to finish something and will be right back.

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Kulls released his name because FB/FB was censoring anyone that pointed out contradictions in Dyer's story. People were just banned from posting and messaging them. He removed the info when they stopped the censoring.

And they didn't misidentify a squirrel as a BF... it was a leaf on the end of a branch, blowing in the wind. Those Leaf BFs are a tricky sort.

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njjohn, I think Belmar was discussing the outing of others by Musky and Dyer... I know they outed at least one person. I just didn't know why they went after this person.

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Shawn Evidence. And they just can't stand team tazer. They keep repeating the same crap over and over. They're upset with anyone that refuses to buy into their BS.

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@jacki and V....unless you have been privy to actually seeing this bigfoot body, you have nothing more than words....which are rather meaningless when it comes to evidence.

I would also love to see some proof that kulls gave out FBFB home address. Lest we not forget, it was Musky who admitted to working with Dyer to reveal who Shawn Evidence was. It was also Musky who attacked some random woman on fbfb by posting her "criminal record" in defense of Dyer. If you had a body people....you wouldn't need to do anything but sit back and shutup. Everything would fall into place.....rick has been doing quite the opposite of that.

Well they are both human after all?? :tease:

hmmmm.....human, yes....humane NO

As I have mentioned MANY times....I will gladly say..hey, I was wrong. RD does have a bigfoot. I just can't do that without evidence.

Anyone can say exactly what you want to hear and spin the thread of deceit. I will not allow myself to be so "trusting' without substantial proof.

Edited by simplyskyla
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Shawn Evidence. And they just can't stand team tazer. They keep repeating the same crap over and over. They're upset with anyone that refuses to buy into their BS.

Which actually brings up a good point.. When Dyer first arrived on the scene back in 2011 (I believe or 2010) he cozied right up to the TT folks. There were videos and all kinds of "hey, your great researchers". Then, I don't know what happened... There was a falling out of some sort - not sure why and neither side has really said. If TT says it's because RD is a hoaxer - duh. They had to know that going in.

Something happened - and I think Dyer keeps alluding to it - but has never come right out and said. He keeps threatening to - but hasn't yet.

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Shawn Evidence was the only person giving Dyer any press for a long time, but then when Dyer started lying and hoaxing more he also posted those stories and Dyer couldn't handle it.

At some point one of the guys from team tazer went out with Tim Fasano and they had a sighting or something. The TT guy claimed Fasano hoaxed him and Dyer came to Fasano's defense and trashed TT. This was awhile back and I don't remember it exactly, but I think that's about how it happened.

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Belmar, could you elaborate? I guess I either don't remember or don't know.

Edit to add: I should probably say - can you elaborate on the circumstances? I know who - I just don't remember why he did it.

At the risk of being accused of dredging up the past:

One night, in the comments section on FBFB, someone named Anita posted the RD ebay fraud video. RD lost his **** and in retaliation posted Anita's private info on his blog, including her alleged prostitution record (still there btw). RD didn't respond to her again on FBFB. The next morning, while simultaneously posting here on BFF that he didn't want his name attached to RD in any way, MA felt it necessary to come to RDs defense and stir it up with Anita. He harassed her for hours until he apparently had to leave to catch a plane to LV. (I'm almost certain it was that day because I remember thinking that he would not have let up if he didn't have that plane to catch).

For the Shawn Evidence thing, MA blurted out during one of his rants on one of RDs radio shows that he and RD worked together to expose Shawn Evidence. (his words from his own mouth - I can find you the quote verbatim if you like). Shawn Evidence and RD apparently had a fight. MA was not involved in the fight but felt it necessary to work with RD to out SE.

Hey NJJohn, look at this little tidbit I found on the old thread. post 2154

From Musky through Violet:

"And for the record, Yes I do have 70% of Rene's work which I'm currently in the process of handing the mountains of papaerwork to Jack Barnes in Minnesota Mid Febuary in St.paul..."

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75 pages in 6 days (and 290(!) pages in the first thread) about the latest adventures of Rick Dyer? That Rick Dyer?!?

By discussing his antics (other than to denounce them and move on) we're all complicit in any hoax he and his compatriots commit, folks. His ability (and motivation, IMO) to hoax is facilitated and perpetuated by the dysfunctional social echo chamber that is bigfootery as a whole. He has shown his stripes over and over, yet still we in the bigfooting community give him a platform.

Dysfunctional indeed...

Edited by Bonehead74
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Shawn Evidence was the only person giving Dyer any press for a long time, but then when Dyer started lying and hoaxing more he also posted those stories and Dyer couldn't handle it.

At some point one of the guys from team tazer went out with Tim Fasano and they had a sighting or something. The TT guy claimed Fasano hoaxed him and Dyer came to Fasano's defense and trashed TT. This was awhile back and I don't remember it exactly, but I think that's about how it happened.

I'm not sure, but I think the split happened before Damien Bravo met up with Fasano for that expedition.. But, I could be wrong. I think something else happened - that neither side has discussed. Heck, Dyer trashes Fasano all the time then they are best buds again, then they are trashing each other...

Something is up with that split - but I think there is more than the Fasano incident. Honestly I think RD intended Shawns blog to be his first victim in this latest hoax - but something happened - and RD fell back on FB/FB.. Eventually I think we will find out what is going on.

Belmar said:

For the Shawn Evidence thing, MA blurted out during one of his rants on one of RDs radio shows that he and RD worked together to expose Shawn Evidence. (his words from his own mouth - I can find you the quote verbatim if you like). Shawn Evidence and RD apparently had a fight. MA was not involved in the fight but felt it necessary to work with RD to out SE.

Was this revelation made by MA before or after he allegedly seen the "body"? Do you know?

Edited by Melissa
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And they didn't misidentify a squirrel as a BF... it was a leaf on the end of a branch, blowing in the wind. Those Leaf BFs are a tricky sort.

I'm referring to the one Skyla posted a few days ago. It was surely a squirrel. But anyhow, leaf, squirrel, what it was not was a BF.

Here, this one:


Was this revelation made by MA before or after he allegedly seen the "body"? Do you know?

The revelation of SE's identity was before. The revelation that they worked together to do it was after.

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