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Rick Dyer Again (Continued)

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I'm from New Jersey... I like it with a fork.

But let's stick to the topic. Who likes what has nothing to do with this story.

Ah noooo! This is much more fun :( No party :( No food talk :( No fun :(
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Really?? I find a nice plate of toad in the hole followed by spotted D ick and custard does very nicely ...yum yum British yum

btw spotted D ick is a british pudding with currents and nothing rude so dont complain!

Thanks for clearing that up Jacki.lol

I'm from New Jersey... I like it with a fork.

But let's stick to the topic. Who likes what has nothing to do with this story.

Ah a Joisey guy. Love those Joisey tomatoes. I'm from Philly originally

I think y'all need a big heaping pile of scrapple!

I love scrapple

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NJJ it all comes back to basically the same thing, people being secretive and probably lying about what they do and do not have.

I mean really- 90% of the conversation is political backtalk and based on relationships and deals going bad. If osmeone has evidence- bring it out. If someone has a body- bring it out.

Whoever has the body in hand will make plenty of money on it. Hiding it won't help anything. Waiting for "the big score" won't either.

Show the body or shut up.

Like seriously no one cares if you have a bad radio show (I should start one for the hell of it), or take people on tours. You either have the body or you don't.

That's it. That's all anyone should reply to anything Dyer says ever. "Do you have the body yet?" If no then walk away.

St. G-

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Listened to Derek's interview last night. Great interview. This guy has packed in 7hrs into the backwoods searching...SOLO! Serious researcher and HATES drama. He's looking forward to Vegas viewing and the date is set..no papers yet.

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if bigfoot is so super smart.....wouldnt he of known you weren't homeless? lol sorry this interview is hilarious

If rick doesn't look for tracks...hair..or howls....how exactly does he "track" bigfoot?

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