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Rick Dyer Again (Continued)

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Guest WldHrtRnch

'VioletX' said

^ I do not know why I have assumed two camera guys, heard it some where or construed it from something???

It was CN, on the radio show, $130,000.00 cameras, two of them

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Guest miller44

But for some reason I think that Ricks altercation with the fim crew was also filmed so I am still thinking two cameras.

Interesting, did you hear that somewhere VioletX?

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I think its cos he is fed up of people misinterpreting him and reading into statements in the wrong ways myself. Rick Dyer says 'I am going to make a cup of coffee' and two days later someone here says 'he never did make that cup of coffee as we never saw that coffee so therefore he is a liar' LOL

Misinterpretation? Really?


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He tried pulling hair, but couldn't.... on a 5 month old corpse with partial embalming. Anyone that talks to a coroner or funeral director will get laughed at for that question on the phone...

Okay, thank you. This "partial embalming" is actually confusing. I interned with a coroners office (while getting my degree) and I never once heard of a "partial embalming" - how do you partially embalm anything? Embalming is done by way of the arteries.. Or is this something else?

Yeah - 5 months old - even embalmed fully - I would think the hair should pull out very easily

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Guest VioletX

Interesting, did you hear that somewhere VioletX?

Something Dyer said early on I believe...

@ WlddHrt Rnch- It may have been Noel, but I think it was something earlier than that, not that it matters because I really don't remember specifics.

Here is an interesting conversation on FB/FB, (today I think)

poster writes:

This page has gone dead. They must be (naughty word)themselves right now for promoting this hoax and even referencing the tent video in their book. and on top of that Dr Ketchum comes out and prove their 'we are sasquatch' theory to be complete BS. No wonder they're hiding their faces in shame.

FB responds:Bigfoot Hulk Banner on the contrary. We are gearing up for a run.

2 hours ago

Edited by VioletX
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Guest VioletX

What does GM stand for? Gullible Muppet? LOL

lol, yes prove you are a real person Jacki LB, I think I saw a video where you were a prop bust with a guy animating you in the background.

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Okay another question... On that link you provided, Violet, this person says the tent video (I am assuming Dyers) is referenced in the book written by the FB/FB guys.. Did they add the tent video info - and put out a re-print of the book? Anyone?

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Something Dyer said early on I believe...

@ WlddHrt Rnch- It may have been Noel, but I think it was something earlier than that, not that it matters because I really don't remember specifics.

Here is an interesting conversation on FB/FB, (today I think)

poster writes:

This page has gone dead. They must be (naughty word)themselves right now for promoting this hoax and even referencing the tent video in their book. and on top of that Dr Ketchum comes out and prove their 'we are sasquatch' theory to be complete BS. No wonder they're hiding their faces in shame.

FB responds:Bigfoot Hulk Banner on the contrary. We are gearing up for a run.

2 hours ago

VioletX - I don't take anything that FBFB says as true. They are proven liars. I know this for a 100% fact. All this cloak and dagger stuff from them is nonsense. They are playng a game and hedging their bets. I would not be in the least bit surprised if they'd emailed people privately in response to questions, saying "Yes we've seen the body but cannot talk about it and please don't you mention it either. But there is gonna be fireworks" etc' ad nauseum.

I am not saying you believe them either, and I definitely agree that it is interesting what they wrote, but for different reasons from those who believe this story.



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JackiLB - what are the politics of Minnow and how would they be at odds with those of the Daily Mail would you say? You're correct about the Mail having a political bent, but I'm not sure how you know about Minnow's and how that might be at odds with the Mail.

Hi - no good point. I was just trying to point out that this story is beginning to hit the media. No I dont know whether the mail actually did contact Minnow but I would have thought they would have done for the report? I was just speculating. I think it is interesting that Minnow have not come forward and said there are false accusations coming out in the press though? Even by sticking their necks out and saying this, it would bring attention to their film, whether they said it was a hoax or not a hoax either way it would bring about some kind of attention? Edited by JackiLB
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Guest VioletX

@ Melissa, I am sure someone knows more than me on that, I think they just used an illustration that is similar to the video, but I have not read the book.

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Guest VioletX

VioletX - I don't take anything that FBFB says as true. They are proven liars. I know this for a 100% fact.

The only thing I had heard was that may have been wrong about a video that was a hoax and maybe did not admit to that?? What are you talking about please Lee?

Well, do you know if they did a re-print?

Sorry I am the wrong person to ask, maybe the info is on their FB pg or Amazon?

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