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Rick Dyer Again (Continued)

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The only thing I had heard was that may have been wrong about a video that was a hoax and maybe did not admit to that?? What are you talking about please Lee?

Well, they have been wrong about a number of videos, and their refusal to acknowledge that is frustrating, but that is how they are.

For their Top 10 videos of all time (which, incidentally includes hoaxes and misidentifications), they claimed that they interviewed every single person relating to each of the videos and had in depth conversations with them.

One of the videos was the Freeman Footage. Given Paul Freeman died in 2003, way before they started their page and before either of them were "into" Bigfoot, it would have been absolutely impossible that they interviewed him. They were challenged and never answered. They have never produced any video of them interviewing Paul Freeman, or transcripts.

Let me say that I like FBFB's enthusiams for the subject, and they do put a lot of work into collating information. But credible they are not.



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Not boring Lee. Your ideas give a different slant on this. Many ideas have been put forth in this thread, many of them then construed as fact. All in all, most of it is still only hearsay and rumors and theories really. I appreciate your outlook and opinion.

RD may be selling his BF rifle? As he said he would, for the right price? $100K was the offer he said he had.

Lol.......he will not get $100K for that rifle. Honestly; what is he expecting? Does he think a collector will just call him and purchase the rifle because it was the weapon used to kill a Bigfoot? There's no way anybody would pay that kind of money without tangible proof.

I'm a recreational shooter and a hunter. I do own some nice guns and one that I purchased just because it belonged to somebody famous and he autographed it. I would never have purchased that rifle without the documentation that was included. Collectible guns must have unquestionable verification and documentation to justify the value. The "claims" of a known hoaxer are not enough to make a rifle worth $100,000.

He would need to provide video, photos and access to the body; in order to prove it was the rifle used to kill the Bigfoot. In addition, he would have to provide a legal letter of guaranty that stated this rifle was used to kill a Bigfoot. The only way he would do that is if his story were true. Otherwise, he would be committing a crime.

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Even by sticking their necks out and saying this, it would bring attention to their film, whether they said it was a hoax or not a hoax either way it would bring about some kind of attention?

Yes I see what you mean.

However, if the film is indeed about a hoaxer, then they wouldn't say anything either way because it would give away the whole story.


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Guest VioletX

@ Lee Maybe they misspeak or mis-write,lol, and then feel they do not have to explain themselves,but I cannot see them as being in Cahoots with anyone or telling a lie this huge.

What will happen to them in 5 weeks if this is revealed as a hoax? They will lose all credibilty and many supporters.

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I don't think they are in cahoots either, VioletX. I think they have been suckered in. They are gullible. But they tell porky pies!


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@ Lee Maybe they misspeak or mis-write,lol, and then feel they do not have to explain themselves,but I cannot see them as being in Cahoots with anyone or telling a lie this huge.

What will happen to them in 5 weeks if this is revealed as a hoax? They will lose all credibilty and many supporters.

Yes they have made the odd mistake (like all of us) but deliberately fabricating information would only bring negativity to their research.
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"GM" means "generous magnificent-one" (all one word).

Violet, that FB comment was another great find.

And I agree with your sense they're not in "cahoots" with anyone.

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Guest WldHrtRnch

LOL, seems like there are many who mis-speak and mis-write in this whole saga. And if it is proven to be hoax, all FB/FB will really lose is some book sales, a fb page. I think they have day jobs and this is a side line hobby. Not many know who they really are, they could potentially wait a year and create another fb page and start all over.

@Cisco, on one of the only radio shows of RD's that I watched on the video feed, he had his rifle, showing it off, he was like an excited kid, said he LOVED this gun, said he paid about $300.00 for it, $50.00 for the scope, did not know it had a composite stock when the caller asked, said "yeah, it's plastic", let it slide down the wall when he put it aside, lol. In this show he said he already had an offer of $100K, and that he would sell it to the highest bidder. At this point, I would not be surprised if some gullible person wouldn't buy it, maybe not for the reported price, but he really does have some groupies from what I've seen.

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Cisco, I agree with you about needing to authenticate the rifle before purchasing. However,it is very possible that it was a conditional offer based on proof.

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I know it all sounds ridiculous but stranger things do sometimes happen. Some people would put the same logic into the very existence of Bigfoot and people who have had sightings are often viewed as deluded.

comparing seen a BF, or believe in BF, that thousand's of people with like experiences had, to Freezer boy's volume II of" Dyers Fables "

is like comparing "War in Piece" to "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", there not even in the same library .

No disrespect intended, And If that one chance in one less than infinity came to be true, I'd eat crow if it weren't for the fact that I'd be wearing a straight jacked at belleview, just walking in circles, blabbing to myself " Are you kidding me ! no way... no way, it can't be true..." :)

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It seems that we want to over evaluate and scrutinize every word people say when this topic is being discussed. Good grief, I don't even do that when the President speaks. I am able to grasp the general context of things people say,and not hold them accountable for every single word.

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WOW njjohn, JUNE 2012?? That's telling if true?

CN's was published at the first of this year right?

Just looked at a copy of the book on amazon online. I notice on page 2 of the Forward it says : one day a Bigfoot will be caught and DNA will be tested..... Here is a link to the contents of the book. Doesnt look like there is any reference to the tent video or Dyer: http://www.amazon.co.uk/You-Are-Sasquatch-Humanity-Descended/dp/1478279893/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1361466922&sr=1-2#reader_1478279893
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