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Rick Dyer Again (Continued)

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Clue: listen very carefully to one of the lines in the video about "a cricket being very q---- " :P

Relating the behaviour of an insect has nothing what so ever to do with whether Musky Allen did infact see a Bigfoot or not? LOL
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Jacki - because he contradicted himself multiple times IN his interview. Then commented the day after the exit wound was the neck, then it was the mouth. He proved it, not me.

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Jacki - because he contradicted himself multiple times IN his interview. Then commented the day after the exit wound was the neck, then it was the mouth. He proved it, not me.

No sorry njjohn. That is nowhere near the amount of evidence you can put forward to give a thorough argument for Musky not seeing a Bigfoot. Sorry.
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Bipedalist: Clue: listen very carefully to one of the lines in the video about "a cricket being very q---- "


We're creating a diversion, Bipedalist.

How many times has this thread been shut down already? Twice? Three times?

And that's with everyone knowing the "rules".

Musky Allen has my heartfelt admiration, lemme tell ya..........

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I understand what your saying, and stands true in most cases, but you have to remember that RD's stunt in 08' hurt the people that had encounters and sightings, many of them those events changed their life forever, lost friends, broken marriages,etc... all those people felt that they would finally be taken seriously. Then, he pulled the rug right out from under them, and made it even worse for them. One of the first line of defense in our culture is our ability to communicate with one another. In this case, this snake bit a lot of people, and people are just warning others that he bit before and is most likely looking to bite again. For how many people were impacted in a negative way by his actions, I think some people making him a punchline in a joke, is a very soft punishment.

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Jacki - because he contradicted himself multiple times IN his interview. Then commented the day after the exit wound was the neck, then it was the mouth. He proved it, not me.

Agreed, I think he went there meet with RD contrived the story and went out drinking. He did not see a body cause there isn't one.

The pictures that were posted say a lot.

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I understand what your saying, and stands true in most cases, but you have to remember that RD's stunt in 08' hurt the people that had encounters and sightings, many of them those events changed their life forever, lost friends, broken marriages,etc... all those people felt that they would finally be taken seriously. Then, he pulled the rug right out from under them, and made it even worse for them. One of the first line of defense in our culture is our ability to communicate with one another. In this case, this snake bit a lot of people, and people are just warning others that he bit before and is most likely looking to bite again. For how many people were impacted in a negative way by his actions, I think some people making him a punchline in a joke, is a very soft punishment.

Wow, Zigoapex. Thanks for that. I understand what you're saying, and I understand that people feel that RD is responsible for the hurt they experienced.

There are some things that could be said about that, but I won't say them here, because I don't want anyone to feel that I'm trying to minimize their pain, because that would not be true.

But I will say this: To believe that you can correct a "wrong" by turning around and inflicting that same "wrong" on someone else, in the exact same way, is a mistaken belief.

When we are hurt so badly, what we should be learning from that is how not to cause that kind of hurt ourselves.

People are not making RD (or Musky Allen) a "punchline in a joke". They are using very harsh language. I won't repeat it here, it's that bad.

We're just creating a vicious cycle of endless finger-pointing, endless name-calling, and endless pain.

It would be nice if we could finally end the cycle here, right now.

But I do appreciate what you're saying, and I'm glad you said it!!!!

Edited by LeafTalker
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errrr.....njjohn....I'm waiting for your answer??? :slow:

Ah maybe njjohn has gone off to play golf too?

Hey now i've said it before and i'll say it again.....golf courses are very very squatchy, it's not a game it's field research.

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No sorry njjohn. That is nowhere near the amount of evidence you can put forward to give a thorough argument for Musky not seeing a Bigfoot. Sorry.

Crickets in meaning their is no response, it so quite you can hear crickets. or like when a comedian tells a joke and no one laughs, all you heard were crickets.

as far as the proof, I say i rode on a magic carpet last night, now do you think it is up to everybody to prove i didn't fly on a magic carpet, or do you think it would be up to me to show some kind of proof that I really did fly on a magic carpet , instead of just taking my word for it ?

That's what john is getting at, their is no evidence to back up his claim

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Hey now i've said it before and i'll say it again.....golf courses are very very squatchy, it's not a game it's field research.

Every time I hit into the rough, BF steals my golfball!

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BFF Patron

Relating the behaviour of an insect has nothing what so ever to do with whether Musky Allen did infact see a Bigfoot or not? LOL

Thanks for your sense of humour, you really haven't a clue, have you...... no need to answer...... literal is literal! :no:

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Hey now i've said it before and i'll say it again.....golf courses are very very squatchy, it's not a game it's field research.

If that's the case frosty, I do a lot of research, and boy, how I love to research !!

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BFF Patron

See there ya go....colaboration on my therory.

Every time I hit into the rough, BF steals my golfball!

Well you know what they say, Old St. Andrews Squatches never die they just lose their balls!

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