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Rick Dyer Again (Continued)

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Skepticism is fine, Cornelius!!!!

Name-calling is not.

Name-calling is not skepticism; it's plain old vitriol.

And as I've tried to point out before, IF this is the "boy who called wolf" story, the person who gets hurt in the story is........the boy.

No need for the boy's village to keep howling about its injury.

The boy gets hurt, not the village.

You're concern for Rick Dyers feelings are touching. And curious.

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It matches the length of that font. You won't be able to match up letters because pen used is distorting the letters. Remember the intent was to hide it. And not all strokes of the pen on that screen grab are side to side.

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Skyla,I would never judge you,Njohn,Adam,or anyone who is not a believer. All of you seem to be very intelligent. You take the subject seriously,and I respect your opinions.

Believers vs non believers...

I am a believer in Sasquatch just not a big fan Of any hoaxer....

Excuse me, not a fan in any way of a HOAXER especially a known documented hoaxer...

I searched for muskyallen and musky allen in member directory, can not find him. Is my computer being silly or has he "again" retracted his attempt at membership here.

Found this blog


It's Allenmusky one word I think

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Frostikins darling!!! Where have you been?? How was golf??? I hope you scored a hole in one or whatever the expression is? Do you wear those stripey trousers too? :maninlove:

Been busy sweety, golf was great. Nope no hole in one mabey you can caddy for me and i'll get one next time. no stripey pants it's been nice and warm in ca. so it's shorts and a t-shirt.

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It's Allenmusky one word I think

Thanks, found it. Going back and forth between BFF and watching Danica Patrick, so I thought it was possible I missed something.

@frosty, I hope you are not playing with BF. I hear he is a sore loser.


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And as I've tried to point out before, IF this is the "boy who called wolf" story, the person who gets hurt in the story is........the boy.

No need for the boy's village to keep howling about its injury. The boy gets hurt, not the village.

Everybody keeps talking about the boy who cried wolf, but they conveniently leave off the ending.

Eventually there was a REAL wolf.

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Ok, here is what I Allen posted about his brother in law and with my screwy memory that say I got it all backwards :

Your people say i joined the Facebook in 2010?..NO, i rejoined in 2010 under AllenMusky. The Shawn evidence Blog about some phony pictures were not mine. I posted them under behalf of my Brother-in-law. I lay no claims about them other than they are not Bigfoot in my opinion!

Haha! I just realized that I made myself an example of people who say things that are incorrect and then later try to clear it up... I guess some could say I am a liar too!!

Ok..so The pic WAS Musky, and you were confused because he posted pics under his BROTHER IN LAW's NAME when he re-registered on FB?

Also...the earlier pic DOES look like Musky...I mentioned this earlier...note the strong CHIN in both pics.

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Thanks, found it. Going back and forth between BFF and watching Danica Patrick, so I thought it was possible I missed something.

@frosty, I hope you are not playing with BF. I hear he is a sore loser.


he only gets upset when he 3 putts a lot
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Guest DantheMan

I am not suggesting that Musky has lied about any of these points as it doesnt prove anything at the end of the day.

The important thing was Muskys statement. And it doesnt matter how much his past history is discussed, YOU WILL KNOW IN TIME IF MUSKY WAS TELLING THE TRUTH WHEN HE SAID HE SAW A BIGFOOT. This is what IS important.

Jacki, discussing his lies DOES prove his credibility, which ultimately is all we have to judge the likelihood of his truthfulness, and credibility on his witness statement.

You are right about one thing though, time will tell. We could be proven wrong IF this is proven real. However for the time being, there is no proof and I think we have every right, and a duty to analyze every aspect of this, especially the lies, which I and many others find blatantly obvious.

This is something I think you, and the other Dyer believers should respect at this point. The important thing is NOT Musky's statement, its his credibility.

Until the proof is revealed, respect our position as possible.


Still on the fence, teetering toward the hoax side


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