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Rick Dyer Again (Continued)

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OK, I've read back a few pages. Perhaps I should have done that earlier, so apologies if this has been answered.

JackiLB - this one is for you (again!).

So you had an email conversation with Musky Allen and he told you that you weren't allowed to reveal specific details of your conversation?

Or is it that you don't want to reveal details yourself?




I'm confused.....

Actually Skyla - can you send me a link to that posting. Are you sure its about the Dyer story and not the Daisy story?? Just wondering??

@keeping the blade.....those of us that have been here from the start of this thread have seen major players or posters should I say. My dear friend jackie has always been on the other side of the fence. It's human nature to be curious, I certainly don't hope u feel "attacked" jacki.................


So you had an email conversation with Musky Allen and he told you that you weren't allowed to reveal specific details of your conversation?

Or is it that you don't want to reveal details yourself?

What do you mean DopeLyrics? No I dont want to reveal specific details of the conversation. What do mean about not wanting to reveal details about myself? Are you wondering if I am James Bond?

JackiLB - no, no. I mean - did Musky ask you not to say anything or is your decision off your own back?



Posted (edited)

If I changed my mind and said " I totally believe RD now...I really do!" Wouldn't you be the least bit curious why. If you had been keeping up with this thread, I think you certainly would. Don't worry folks I'm still not drinking the koolaid.

Edited by simplyskyla

Certainly Dyer could have picked a more believeable witness and one without *issues*. After all is said and done, Musky's testimony will be *HISTORY* and, in retrospect, either confirmation or a fable. Musky is currently in the lime light because he's *all we have* at the moment. This will pass and we'll have the answer very soon. In the meantime, those that don't trust or believe Musky will remain unconvinced to the bitter end. Why people like myself and Jackie continue to *defend* him is simply because we believe him. So...Musky watch continues add nauseam.

A better witness you think HOW ABOUT a REPUTABLE SCIENTIST!!!!!! Insteda of this circus act!


@keeping the blade.....those of us that have been here from the start of this thread have seen major players or posters should I say. My dear friend jackie has always been on the other side of the fence. It's human nature to be curious, I certainly don't hope u feel "attacked" jacki.................

No I dont feel attacked at all. Any major storyline has people going from one conclusion to another - its only natural. My goodness look at our own dear Ronn1!! When I very first heard the story I thought 'that sounds real'. Then when I started talking to more people on BF blogs, (and I remember in my naivety hanging around bigfoot evidence for a bit (!)) I only encountered a wave of 'do not believe this story as its Rick Dyer' sweep into my thoughts. But like I said, when I joined here, I was able to discuss the story more sensibly and I rapidly returned to my original feelings which was that it was true. Then after weeks and weeks or thinkings and research from so many of us, well, my feelings about it havent swayed. Has that explained everything for you?

JackiLB - no, no. I mean - did Musky ask you not to say anything or is your decision off your own back?

Oh right - he asked me to not say anything. I kind of wish he hadnt told me things as information is so dangerous to be honest. :(

Mooohooaoaoaowawawa! She jsut added me!


@jacki...So you are saying you always believed, but felt peer pressured to following along with the majority and believing it was fake, but then you followed you heart and decided you would "openly" believe again?

Yes i guess you are kind of right! I met fellow believers here and we just clung together picking up more as the months have gone on. Its safety in numbers LOL

A better witness you think HOW ABOUT a REPUTABLE SCIENTIST!!!!!! Insteda of this circus act!

I really think Rick enjoys the Circus act...and I really do think he has a body. Just a gut feeling, and hopefully we will all know the real truth soon.
Posted (edited)

Hi JackiLB,


I am just interested to know how you know he was telling the truth.

As someone who has studied both body language and the psychology of lying extensively over the last 12 years,(Pease/Navarro/Eckman/Floyd/Houston/Carnicero/Freud/Collett/Vrij et al), I would be extremely interested to know how you knew Musky Allen wasn't lying. Detecting deception is not an easy process, even in ideal circumstances i.e. face to face. Via email is more difficult, but there are indications that people are not being truthful with the things they put on email.

Anyone can check it out if they don't believe me :D :D



I use Scarface, Tony Montana's advice " The eyes, they NEVER lie !"

and I'm just like him "even when I'm lie, I tell the truth" :)

Edited by zigoapex

JackiLB - thanks for the response. I am curious as to why he might give you this dangerous information. He is taking a risk with someone he doesn't know. But maybe he told you because you asked!

But I respect why you don't want to go back on your word. Perhaps after this story is over, when we are dissecting it, we can reveal what infomation we had as to why we thought what we thought: conversations, contacts, inside information/what we do for a living etc'.



I admit that I am always a trusting kind of a person. Some would say this is a bad thing others say a good. But whatever the case I do put trust in people. However, I am also known in 'the real world' as being someone who is very astute and sensitive. Many of my friends would vouch for that. In real life, I can usually tell instantly if I am going to dislike someone and most times in my life I am right. Now talking to someone over the internet is different to face to face but considering all of us of a certain generation are talking to eachother aloton the net and we in turn have built up trust even though we dont know eachother, that shows that us humans are very quickly adapting to be able to read between the lines of whether someone is lying within an email?

If I didn't know better, I'da thought I wrote this^^^ statement.......

BTW-I liked you after reading your first post :bye:

I look forward to following along with all of you on this new adventure, no matter how drug out it is. I remember hearing about the Finding Bigfoot show coming to AP well over a Year before it aired.........eventually it showed up.

Eventually a Bigfoot IS Going to be Killed and it will probably be someone like a Rick Dyer who gets it done.


@JackiLB Good morning. First I have no idea why you would even bring this up in the open forum? I frankly could care less what Musky told you. There is absolutely nothing he could say over a FB conversation that would make this circus story any more believable. Hes a con man and what he is doing is perpetuating this HOAX. I dont care how convincing you say he sounded at the end of the day its just hearsay from a third party. One who has already lied about his dealing inside the BF community. You wanna prove to the world that you have one of the major discoveries in the last 300 years than prove it by letting an uninvolved non BF scientist examine the body. RD his a con man MA is his lacky they are just stringing this long to get every little bit of attention they can. Be careful on being so trusting of people you have never met. All your statement will do is give us another 5 pages of the same things we have speculated over the last 300! In the end we are where we were when this fiasco started..NO BODY and NO PROOF that he has one.

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