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Organizational Announcement From The Tbrc


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BFF Patron

I kind of like forest giants myself, but for some reason that name has a sort of stigma attached to it.

Well contrary to popular organization opinion, they are not all giants and they are certainly not all wood apes.

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I really don't care what you choose to call it. I don't live in Texas so I have no idea how people there perceive the term Bigfoot versus Wood ape or Sasquatch or Bukwas or Booger.......whatever. It's your neck of the woods and it's your organization, so good luck on that!

What I really do care about.....really, REALLY care about is your organization's philosophy.

I wanted to join your organization a while ago, but decided not to because I live in the PacNW and your focus is Midwest south and I respect that. But when I watch your latest organizational videos? I could be one of your speakers, you are basically saying everything I have been saying for years. It's truly a breath of fresh air that I welcome, and most importantly it so very badly needs to be said. So I have the utmost respect for you guys and what your trying to do.

You have a ally and a supporter in me and if you ever need anything from me just ask!

I kind of like forest giants myself, but for some reason that name has a sort of stigma attached to it.

Well contrary to popular organization opinion, they are not all giants and they are certainly not all wood apes.

Well if you support them and their mission statement? We shall soon find out EXACTLY where they fall on the tree of life.........correct?

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I live in California, and I'm a member (bipto is in Minnesota). The organization is called the North American Wood Ape Conservancy - anyone in North American can apply and join. If you support our mission, please do apply!

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I live in California, and I'm a member (bipto is in Minnesota). The organization is called the North American Wood Ape Conservancy - anyone in North American can apply and join. If you support our mission, please do apply!

I do support your mission, 200 percent.

But because I support your mission 200 percent ( it is also my mission), as I work in the oil field in N. Dakota my free time is precious. I do not have time to do some of the requirements that was explained to me in the membership packet of the old TBRC.

My time is spent with my butt in dark timber with a rifle.

If it was OK to get down to your area once a year or something like that with my butt spent in the brush with a rifle? I'm game. But I understand there is trust to be built and protocol to be followed.

And right now money is tight as I'm buying property and building a yard soon. But hopefully this will all pay off and I can do more in the future in the way of donations and such.

What I really would like to do is kidnap your organization and drop them into the Selkirks! :) I think the inter mountain north west has the right combination of rainfall, flora, fauna and most importantly elbow room. There is a reason most of the Grizzly recovery zones sit in the northern Rockies and not in the Cascades. And it's also a reason why we don't get a lot of reports from our region........reports need people to do the reporting.


Look at the amount of green per National Forests in the Pac NW. (That's not to say that every thing outside of the green is devoid of trees, rather Federal ownership). Couple that with the amount of people living along the I 5 corridor vs. the inter mountain region.

Simply put we have a lot more elbow room than they do.

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You have chosen this category because through your observations and experience that the behavior and/or physiology is that of an ape. Would you mind explaining the difference between Ape behavior/physiology and non-ape primate behavior/physiology?

I have extensively in the Operation Persistence thread but am willing to do so again once the conference is over.

I too have been wondering recently on this point. Would yoube able to provide the explanation please Bipto?

Many thanks

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As I said in March, I already have. I don't feel the need to do so now (regardless of my saying I would back then). You can reread the Operation Persistance thread or the Operation Endurance thread or the Echo Incident thread or watch my presentation from the Texas Bigfoot Conference which can be found here.

If you have specific questions about any detail I've already mentioned or discussed or presented, fine, but I'm not going to rewrite and summarize the thousands of words I've already typed yet again.

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Net result- "No Resolution" to this mystery.

The thing is, changing a name doesn't change the result, it changes the expected result for just a short while. It is a good question ask what to call an eventual specimen taken, such that it would satisfy all research groups that the mystery is over. Nawac obviously wouldn't acknowledge a new hominin as a wood ape or am I wrong?

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Net result- "No Resolution" to this mystery.

The thing is, changing a name doesn't change the result, it changes the expected result for just a short while. It is a good question ask what to call an eventual specimen taken, such that it would satisfy all research groups that the mystery is over. Nawac obviously wouldn't acknowledge a new hominin as a wood ape or am I wrong?

Think this through...

They are an organization that relies on the raising of funds and the support of people to achieve their goals.

Just like many other organizations (be they non-profit or for-profit).

And - just like many other organizations- they have determined that they needed to be rebranded to help achieve their goals.

Big whoop!


"Methinks you doth protest too much"

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I think they feel they have a real chance of being on the national stage soon, and wanted a national name when that happens...

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You can bring whatever "proof" you want to the table, until there is a body, it won't be classified as anything. A body could be dead or alive, so if someone has the stones to bring in a 7", 400lb, superstrong animal in alive, good luck with that.

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Net result- "No Resolution" to this mystery.

The thing is, changing a name doesn't change the result, it changes the expected result for just a short while. It is a good question ask what to call an eventual specimen taken, such that it would satisfy all research groups that the mystery is over. Nawac obviously wouldn't acknowledge a new hominin as a wood ape or am I wrong?

Think this through...

They are an organization that relies on the raising of funds and the support of people to achieve their goals.

Just like many other organizations (be they non-profit or for-profit).

And - just like many other organizations- they have determined that they needed to be rebranded to help achieve their goals.

Big whoop!


"Methinks you doth protest too much"

Who's protesting? I'm just questioning the Logic of it. A brand suggests there is something to sell. Are they selling truth or a filtered version of it? It's the same people that would be sold on the myth, the legend and the reality anyways. Putting their spin on it with the strict wildlife biology approach won't change what they ultimately have to deal with. Bigfoot just walks that line between man and animal and it will always be a hot potatoe.

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Everybody's selling something. We're "selling" the position that study of "bigfoot" is the study of a real animal, not a pop culture phenomenon. Therefore, we think it should be given an animal's name, not what the wife of some guy on Jerry Crew's crew named the individual who was walking around their equipment (whoever or whatever that was).

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Everybody's selling something. We're "selling" the position that study of "bigfoot" is the study of a real animal, not a pop culture phenomenon. Therefore, we think it should be given an animal's name, not what the wife of some guy on Jerry Crew's crew named the individual who was walking around their equipment (whoever or whatever that was).

Just a fyi. The kootenai indians called the woodland caribou "bigfoot". As they do have big hooves and spend all winter in the mountains away from predators. What iam trying to say is that the term "bigfoot" is actually a pretty good term from a native american standpoint. And other tribes use similar descriptions to descibe the animal, "hairy man", "skunk man", "big brother", etc.

its just the name the media latched onto.... iam partial to grendel myself;)

The bottom line is is that your goal is a type specimen, so do whatever it takes to make that happen and if changing the name of the org is what is needed? awesome.

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