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Bigfoot Research--Still No Evidence (Continued)

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"... in the face of all evidence, donning nor'wester and slicker against a storm of indications that, well, he might be wrong on this one"

That sounds exactly like you DWA. In fact, you will not even admit that there is a possibility that you could be wrong on this. Because then you would have to posit an explanation for the evidence other than Bigfoot. And we all know that just does not compute inside your head.

And not sure why you are using Ranae from FB as an example of a Bigfoot skeptic as you name it. She is no where near that. She is actually fairly mild in her comments.Quite often she will just say I don't know what did X or Y, but has never once said Bigfoot does not exist, period. Do you even watch the show? Just because she doesn't agree with every ridiculous thing that comes out of Matt or Bobo's mouth does not make her less competent or closed minded.

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OK, now here's my problem: you can't show me that you know enough about this topic to say the things you seem to think are facts. (Bindernagel. Page 1 yet?) Ranae makes comments, constantly, that show her lack of acquaintance with the evidence. (And an apparent lack of understanding of how wild animals behave.) She only pays any attention to the claims of the woo-woo proponents (just like all the bigfoot skeptics), and believes those the sole content of the opposing viewpoint.

And you keep saying I allow for no possibilities but one, when a simple reading of both our posts shows that I allow for all of them, and you for one. (The "oh they could be real" dodge is a bigfoot-skeptic classic, belied by everything they put before and after it.) I simply know, because I have read up, and thought about it, which possibility a bettor should bet. (Hint. Keep your money in your wallet.)

Edited by DWA
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So if you allow for the possibility of BF not being real as you claim, then if you were to hazard a wild guess, what would you imagine is making all the evidence?

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Couldn't tell you. The only possibility I see is a random concatenation of lies, hoaxes and honest (or addled) misidentifications, that are coming together to provide a guidebook description of an animal, down to details generally known only to primatologists. I just find that extremely unlikely, so much so it would be hard to bet a popsicle on it.

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"a random concatenation of lies, hoaxes and honest (or addled) misidentifications..." fueled by centuries of myth and decades of pop culture attention. That is exactly what I am betting on.

At least we had a moment ( however brief) of shared opinion there. I'm shocked. It's Sunday and that truly was a miracle. ;)

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Well, when one drops the part after "misidentifications," one can deceive oneself that it's a bettable proposition. Me? I like money too much.

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Yeah, I don't know about that. All we're really talking about are general behavioural things. Nothing terribly clinical or specific. I don't find that all that compelling. It's not like anyone has pinned down their diet based on skat analysis. Or know how they survive winters through observation or scientific analysis of a possible den. All you are really talking about is general behavior. Primates can throw rocks, so people say Bigfoot throw rocks. Primates can grunt and howl and shake bushes, guess what, so can Bigfoot according to the tales. I could go on and on. I won't even bother to mention the extraordinary feats Bigfoots are supposedly capable of. We'll keep this grounded in , at least potentially possible, reality. People attribute lots of things to Bigfoot all the time. Some of them are ridiculous, some of them are not. Some of them echo primate behaviour, some of them clearly do not. With the sheer magnitude of behaviour that Bigfoot apparently exhibits, then obviously, yeah, some of those traits are going to align with the supposed real animal at the center of the myth. Doesn't really mean anything though. Throw enough crap at a wall and you'll eventually have some stick and see what you want to see.

Edited by dmaker
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"a random concatenation of lies, hoaxes and honest (or addled) misidentifications..." fueled by centuries of myth and decades of pop culture attention. That is exactly what I am betting on.

Centuries of myth that cause combat hardened Special Forces, Marines, and law enforcement to refuse to go back into areas of the woods in 2012.

That's quite a myth.

Edited by BipedalCurious
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Guest McGman

"a random concatenation of lies, hoaxes and honest (or addled) misidentifications..." fueled by centuries of myth and decades of pop culture attention. That is exactly what I am betting on.

Centuries of myth that cause combat hardened Special Forces, Marines, and law enforcement to refuse to go back into areas of the woods in 2012.

That's quite a myth.

I've gotta ask. What are you referencing here?
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^^^ Indeed, probably why it has lasted so long. Do you personally know any of these Special Forces, Marines or LEOs that you mention? Have you spoken to them and got the details of their first hand encounter? Or is this anecdotal?

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Yeah, I don't know about that. All we're really talking about are general behavioural things. Nothing terribly clinical or specific. I don't find that all that compelling. It's not like anyone has pinned down their diet based on skat analysis. Or know how they survive winters through observation or scientific analysis of a possible den. All you are really talking about is general behavior. Primates can throw rocks, so people say Bigfoot throw rocks. Primates can grunt and howl and shake bushes, guess what, so can Bigfoot according to the tales. I could go on and on. I won't even bother to mention the extraordinary feats Bigfoots are supposedly capable of. We'll keep this grounded in , at least potentially possible, reality. People attribute lots of things to Bigfoot all the time. Some of them are ridiculous, some of them are not. Some of them echo primate behaviour, some of them clearly do not. With the sheer magnitude of behaviour that Bigfoot apparently exhibits, then obviously, yeah, some of those traits are going to align with the supposed real animal at the center of the myth. Doesn't really mean anything though. Throw enough crap at a wall and you'll eventually have some stick and see what you want to see.

Just about every type of behavior that is reported now was reported well before we knew much of anything about the known apes other than that they existed. And we were getting enough by 1871 that a New York Times editorial said, when are you scientists gonna get out and solve this, huh? And you are really glossing over those "fine points," but since you won't know that until you are better read up and better thought up on what you have read, I'll leave it at that. And you are right about the crap-throwing; it is basically the bigfoot-skeptic research, analysis, conclusion and position, from my careful observations.

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^^^ Indeed, probably why it has lasted so long. Do you personally know any of these Special Forces, Marines or LEOs that you mention? Have you spoken to them and got the details of their first hand encounter? Or is this anecdotal?

First hand. Army SF and hardened skeptic left the campsite area at 7am and refused to speak about what he saw. Will not speak about it to this day.

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I am happy for you that you are impressed with the information bipedal. I have yet to meet someone that I would trust that has anything decent BF related to share.

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So you mistrust. Law Enforcement, Vietnam Vetrans, Military Personal, Experienced hunters, and Park Rangers?

Who in your eyes has credibility? Nobody?

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