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Bigfoot Research--Still No Evidence (Continued)

Guest Admin

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Oh good gravy, I wish people would stop it with the fear already. I have zero fear involved in anything related to Bigfoot. It's getting very annoying telling me what I feel and what I don't feel.

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it's just anti-skeptic rhetoric

it doesn't even fit anyone in this thread IMO

^^^ Indeed, probably why it has lasted so long. Do you personally know any of these Special Forces, Marines or LEOs that you mention? Have you spoken to them and got the details of their first hand encounter? Or is this anecdotal?

First hand. Army SF and hardened skeptic left the campsite area at 7am and refused to speak about what he saw. Will not speak about it to this day.

how does anyone know about it if he won't speak?

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Oh good gravy, I wish people would stop it with the fear already. I have zero fear involved in anything related to Bigfoot. It's getting very annoying telling me what I feel and what I don't feel.

well people will come to their own conclusions when it seems you are being unreasonable:)

it strikes me odd that we trust these people completely in certain situations and then dimiss them in other areas.

if special forces is seeing bigfoot we have a problem.

a) either there is a potentially dangerous undocumented species out there in our wilds.......

B ) our most elite military soldiers are hallucinating and not seeing clearly. which would beg the question what else are they not seeing clearly in a combat zone.

tough choice. but luckily our military has a pretty good track record.

Edited by norseman
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Guest McGman

^^^ Indeed, probably why it has lasted so long. Do you personally know any of these Special Forces, Marines or LEOs that you mention? Have you spoken to them and got the details of their first hand encounter? Or is this anecdotal?

First hand. Army SF and hardened skeptic left the campsite area at 7am and refused to speak about what he saw. Will not speak about it to this day.

I understand. I know who wore the Patty suit and where it is only they don't want me to tell anybody because they're scared.
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Unfortunately, details of the Patterson-Gimlin fake which so obviously happened aren't even anecdotal. Unless it's this guy who says he was; this guy who says he was; Ray Wallace's wife who says she was...

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Norse, have you ever considered that the special forces tale is just that, a tale? It has a certain campfire ring to it. The whole, and he won't even speak about it thing screams scary urban myth to me.

But then again, maybe I'm just being unreasonable and I should just accept as true more things I read on the Internet.

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No, you might want to consider it a wee possibility that some stuff you read on the Internet could conceivably be true...or wonder why the heck you are even on the Internet, which if I had your mindset I would be doing.

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Guest LarryP

Norse, have you ever considered that the special forces tale is just that, a tale? It has a certain campfire ring to it. The whole, and he won't even speak about it thing screams scary urban myth to me.

But then again, maybe I'm just being unreasonable and I should just accept as true more things I read on the Internet.

The same can be said for anything you have to say on the internet, dmaker.

So why do you bother?

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Guest Tontar

Norse, have you ever considered that the special forces tale is just that, a tale? It has a certain campfire ring to it. The whole, and he won't even speak about it thing screams scary urban myth to me.

But then again, maybe I'm just being unreasonable and I should just accept as true more things I read on the Internet.

Yeah, that kind of thing kind of causes me to have doubts as well. Makes me think of the whole boogieman thing all over again. Someone who is a solid badass with nerves of steel, reduced to being so afraid of something that he cannot even talk about it to people who are sympathetic to the subject? Also sounds lime it is one of those things that takes it past the physical experience and back into the paranormal once again, as if speaking about it might invoke additional horrors. My BS alarm is buzzing a bit... ;-)

Also goes along with the "I have photos and videos that are certain proof, but I won't share..." routine.

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Norse, have you ever considered that the special forces tale is just that, a tale? It has a certain campfire ring to it. The whole, and he won't even speak about it thing screams scary urban myth to me.

But then again, maybe I'm just being unreasonable and I should just accept as true more things I read on the Internet.

well if the bfro is just manufacturing reports? i understand your concern, do you have evidence that they do?

i think we are talking about two different reports

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I was talking about the comment from bipedalcurious. Which when pressed for more details about the story, gave the rather vague response with the oh he won't even talk about it anymore line in it. Not suggesting that bipedal is being dishonest at all, but it could be a story from a friend of a friend kind of thing. In other words, an urban myth.

I don't think the BFRO fabricate reports, but I don't think they show the most rigor when vetting them either. If what I have read and seen, actually, on Finding Bigfoot,is any indication, they sure don't really try to reign in their bias too much. And I can just hear DWA rushing to the keyboard to remind me that Finding Bigfoot is a joke, blah, blah..but when the leader and founder of your organization is displaying behaviour on TV every week that shows not the greatest investigative technique, then yeah your org as a whole is going to take one on the chin for that.

Edited by dmaker
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i agree with you that you cannot take a story told to you as gospel. but i suggest you dig alittle bit, there are very credible reports made by our military regarding this issue.

also finding bigfoot is not a total measure of the bfro. the bfro investigator in my area is a retired ak state trooper. the bfro and i do not see eye to eye but i do not think they fabricate reports.

the report i reference is a sf team in alaska having an encounter similar to mine.

Edited by See-Te-Cah NC
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Hey heres an idea,

Lets see a pic thats not a blobsquatch, a video thats not a blobsquatch and a hoax that isn't a video from a tent flap.

Show me a pic,a vid or something on a slab thats not a muppet . Show me some DNA evidence that dosn't take 5 years to prove with out buying a online magazine and self peering.

I want to believe like the next guy/gal.......if you got evidence bring it on, take me by the hand and show me a squatch.

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