ThePhaige Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 I appreciate your post MO. I agree there is a great deal of denial with regards to the concocted false reality of these creatures. Getting beyond and to the truth of their existence is as simple as having some exposure to them which it seems you have also had... along with the multitudes of the rest of us who are well beyond such concerns as proving they exist. In terms of the discussion I find it a shame that so many are so focused on maintaining their skepticism to the point of calling such accounts as like those that border some kind of instability. In reality if only those who had the bonafide proof were the only ones allowed to speak, then there would be no forum since no one on this or any other forum has what it takes to jump that hurdle and I would submit that even a body would not suffice. I have always maintained that a live capture is the only way, by a private party willing to show the creature publicly without involving science or the authorities of any kind. I believe even a body not only could but would be denied away to enough of a degree as to put the same kinds of doubt that is placed upon every other piece is. Having said that it is unfortunate that because of these realities many who would love to hear perhaps yours, mine and others testimonies are relegated to cryptic speak and generalities regarding what we've observed simply for the risk of being called fraudulent or worse... I dont think most of the knowers have to time or energy to defend every skeptics or naysayers push for proof or shut up tactics. I know I dont...however I do have active dialogue with many of those who know and we are always making progress on this topic. Even all of the folks like myself that I have dialog with at great length don't all agree with one another about what these things are ultimately, and what is their potential purpose in the scheme of things. That is where my battle lies. Not with those who are locked in and dug in behind some self imposed line of none to very little experience. I really wish I could share all that I have experienced with SSq here as Im sure many of those (perhaps yourself) and others would as well... until then though I guess well have to do the best we can with how it is and perhaps one day things will change. Anyhoo I plussed your post...thanks again for your valued insight and discernment.
Guest Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 This thread reveals far more about humanity than Bigfoot or the paranormal. Psychology tells us that our individual perspective of anything is our reality. It is extremely difficult for any of us to be totally objective regarding any matter of debate. Aspects of philosophy, religion, spirituality, politics, ect. have been debated for millennia without proof. It seems to me that a healthy amount of critical thinking should be applied to any topic including this one. Simultaneously, there must be respect for differing perspectives which should serve to inform, not convince. We all choose to profess belief in things that can't be empirically proven. While I remain quite skeptical of any paranormal aspect to the Bigfoot phenomenon, I am completely convinced of my own limitations and ignorance. Therefore, I remain open to other perspectives - especially first hand accounts as being viable. I participate in this forum to enrich my understanding of Bigfoot, not to convince others of anything. In my opinion, there are too many reports regarding alleged "paranormal" aspects of Bigfoot for them to be categorically dismissed. I don't feel that raising the question diminishes the legitimacy of these efforts. One of the reasons I love studying nature is discovering something new. We all want to be right, but this is an adventure and we don't know where it's leading us. Enjoy the ride.
Guest Posted May 3, 2013 Posted May 3, 2013 (edited) I have read and heard from several sources that field/game cameras 'go blank' when they put them in the Foot's territory, and that it happens several times in a row. Also, as they are so large, they move very fast, and so may appear to be super'natural' in that sense. They are certainly 'super-human' in the physical sense. The 411 books also have some very creepy stories about disaperances and next day rain. But if you live in the forest that might be a 'normal' sense in something this intelligent. Then there is the 'infrasound'. I have read and heard about the fear and panic that can overcome people, even if they don't see them. As they can move 100 feet in a few seconds, this might appear super natural, and in a way it is. So as to what they can do, just on the rational world, all of this stuff can easily seem super-natural, plus the camouflage. Then from this site, the possibility of them following you home even though its 40 miles away or something. That needs to be looked into. Edited May 3, 2013 by Wag
Bonehead74 Posted May 3, 2013 Posted May 3, 2013 Then from this site, the possibility of them following you home even though its 40 miles away or something. It's not just from this site. Just sayin'...
Guest Posted May 4, 2013 Posted May 4, 2013 (edited) You know.... I am a late comer to what was/is widely considered fantasy topics, such as bigfoot or other cryptids, or UFos, or New Age stuff really. I have been aware, but all too willing to assume if serious scienctists won't take a look... I'll wait till they do. But, that was then. Over the decades to now (and my crash course in UFo continued with a documentary called Sirius) I do believe UFOs receive more serious investigation than I realized, and in a more cooperative (are they?) way, than bigfoots do. So, it does seem a little laughable anymore to see such a conventional line drawn, that might include ignoring witness testimony, in a attempt to gain credibility... Why have UFOlogists made these gains? Have they? Is it only because so many can imagine technology rather than lifeforms? Or from "out there, the vast Universe?" in contrast to a terrestrial remote/wild bi-pedal primate? Or is it, b/c unlike bigfoot there isn't a continuous supply of those who think I'll prove it... the UFOers seem to go after disclosure, (although self promotion is rampant too...but not quite in the "Bigfoot Expert Tracker" way.. sans the professional youtube troller/posters) aware that no single person will crack the mystery and no species to name? But, it does seem in some ways UFology has figured out how to gain some momentum culturally that I do not see for bigfoot witnesses. And, the UFO stuff is very heavy in the paranormal/inter dimensional/telepathic/whatever dialogue... so? Have UFOers gained a credibility BFers haven't and are less likely to be sneered at? There is a rural/urban stereotype factoring in as well maybe...and the idea that anything so mundane as a cryptid...can't be? I don't think it makes any difference, on the downside, to discuss genuine witnesses, and experiences, and to not do so is a fiction .. How that's addressed might be the better issue...what vocabulary, what possible conclusions, if any other than noting the witness statement accurately? Perhaps if we could create a climate of some respect among BFers and their varying views, we could carry that information with some dignity...however it ends up. Edited May 4, 2013 by apehuman
Guest WesT Posted May 4, 2013 Posted May 4, 2013 It's human nature to assign a supernatural explanation to something they cannot find a logical explanation for. But to answer the question the op asks, imo, no. But I can see how it would happen.
clubbedfoot Posted May 5, 2013 Posted May 5, 2013 I don't know the definitive answer to the OP's question......But sometimes you have to think outside of the "Squatch"....
Guest DWA Posted May 26, 2013 Posted May 26, 2013 It is only really necessary if there is a magical/paranormal/spiritual/supernatural aspect to bigfoot. The bigger question is, "Why are these aspects a part of the debate in the first place?". These questions are injected into the discussion because some reported sightings/experiences with purported bigfoot, by credible witnesses, seem to contain 'supernormal' elements. Eliminate those reports (as many 'researchers' do without consideration, based solely on their presuppositions), and the issue conveniently resolves itself (with the added bonus that they'll sleep better at night). The problem is that doing so may not truly represent the reality of the phenomenon. Well, maybe not. But I let Occam do a little extracurricular shaving in the interest of science. Now, me personally, I have never read a report with 'supernormal' elements in which same appeared to be directly connected to the creature observed; the dual observation, in other words, seemed to be coincidence. Helluva coincidence, but nowhere near what would have to obtain for the skeptics to be right about the totality of the evidence. But I digress. Maybe, after confirming sasquatch, we will have one telepathize with a researcher through the bars of his cage: ...and the doors will magically fly open on a New World of Interaction. But the animal would have to be confirmed first; there is insufficient evidence of 'supernormal,' from my read, to include it in search parameters; and the mainstream - whose attention appears essential, barring luck none of us can foresee (OK, go NAWAC!) - isn't going to reach through a cloud of 'supernormal' with an 11-foot pole to touch this.
bipedalist Posted May 26, 2013 BFF Patron Posted May 26, 2013 (edited) If you include eyeglow and reflective ocular oddities and manifestations of that supernatural: Check, you can bank on it. (sits back and waits for the obligatory "laser beams out of the eyes observations doing harm to the field" comments, LOL) Edited May 26, 2013 by bipedalist
Guest DWA Posted May 26, 2013 Posted May 26, 2013 I'm just not telling people to search on "reflective ocular oddities." What we learn after confirming the animal is what we learn. If they are Saucer Pilots Extraordinaire, I may visit another star system in my lifetime. If that's kismet, I'm down.
Guest Posted May 27, 2013 Posted May 27, 2013 Is it necessary? Only as an excuse to explain away the abysmal failure to produce evidence of the creature's existence.
Guest DWA Posted May 27, 2013 Posted May 27, 2013 Which is pretty much solely due to the mainstream's utter refusal to get involved. Everything else with this much evidence? Proven.
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