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Not Advertising What You Are Doing In The Field

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Posted (edited)

This is from a recent field experience. If you plan to research / investigate on public lands, especially.. consider removing anything BF related (stickers, magnets ect.) off your vehicle, or at very least.. covering them up. We were camped a good distance (40 minute hike), from where we parked....but the public access parking, was used by other campers, fisherman, and day hikers. The sites were spread out plenty far enough, to not hear anyone else, and most day users.. leave for the night. The few campers that remained in a large forest area, were a distance away.. and we chose the farthest area, we could possibly haul in our equipment.

On Saturday night, it wasn't far enough. Upon returning to the vehicle to make some dinner and relax, I discovered a large hand print (on my dirty vehicle window) over my "sasquatch crossing" sticker. It was obvious.. someone had made the print, and enlarged it by moving their normal sized hand. Later in the evening, after dark.. we could faintly hear screams, wood knocks, and Bobo style yells... from where we sat out, and Very clearly.. through my audio listening / recording setup. Much of the night's recording, was just that.. until the youths went to bed.

Lesson learned, the hard way. Who is to blame ? Me, for having the stickers on my vehicle, and visible to anyone parking there. 

"Finding Bigfoot", and like productions... Have changed the game. What would once only draw curiousity, at best.. now , might ruin a night of research audio, listening, or any call outs.. you might have planned for an area.  Just some things to consider.

My stickers.. or Anything that could possibly ID me as doing this topic related past time, are gone. I'm just another camper / hiker / fisherman.  I / we will be going into even more remote and unpopular,  bug infested locales... and as deep in, as can be managed, safely.

Edited by imonacan

There are Knuckleheads everywhere. Don't let it dampen your efforts. Look at it this way, if these jokers were some distance from you doing woodknocks and vocalizations you could use it to your advantage. You may just luckily be in the travel path of a curious Squatch checking them out. If you had a Thermal, you could actually be in the catbird seat. Just something you may consider if this occours again. At any rate Good Luck in your future research.

BFF Patron

I figured the Finding Bigfoot craze would impact research at some point for someone. Sorry it had to be you. 


This is a lesson that can be applied to other aspects of life as well. I avoid any stickers, decals, etc. on my vehicles. No NRA decals, I don't want someone breaking into my car thinking they might find a firearm. Nothing with my favorite micro-brew, nothing indicating I'm serious about photography, etc. I frequently see vehicles now with little decal cartoon figures in the rear window representing family members; not something a person would want to advertise to a pedophile in search of a target. The sole personalizing detail on the Grand Prix I usually drive is a Navy veteran's vanity license plate with VA97, the aviation squadron I served in 40 years ago.

It's easy enough in this connected age for someone to discover your personal information, I try to not give it away.

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For a while (before thinking it out, and relaxing) I was "Raven Madd" ... lol.  If I had a Monkeymaker voodoo doll , it would have been stuck full of puncture wounds, with it's ears brutally ringing. Truth is..he (and they) do what they do, best... and so do I. Everyone having equal rights to research (or make capital on) this mystery.. as they see fit. No one to be mad at, really... but myself. Adjustments needed to be made, and have been. Just make the adjustments.. before it happens to you. Time in the field , is too valuable.

As WV FOOTER hints at... it might not be all negative, having goofballs playing "Finding Bigfoot". We of course... remained silent, and did not respond.

The night before, we did have possible activity. A reply to our knocks... was, much softer tap knocks..sounding much like someone testing out a knocker lightly, on a tree. It was similar to what we experienced 3 years ago, around us in the dark. A therm sure would be nice, but out of the question for the meantime. It was not a critter or another camper (based on the location, and it being pitch black out), is all we could be reasonably certain of.

We also heard and recorded movements around the camp perimeter.. but that could have been, anything. 

Interesting... but all inconclusive. Lots of fun and laughs, and always a good time. Just great... being out there for a few.


lessons learned indeed....could throw them a curve though, replace the BF decals with the logo of a well known skeptics group/forum etc & throw them off the trail.


Ah, the FBF team had sort of the same issues in Washington. It was 'Squatched out' from all the lame BFRO boys moaning and knocking. I would expect that as long as the show is on, this would occure randomly, as well as 'newly formed' squatchers. Although not sure how they find eachother if they arent BFRO.



I would have responed to them, from 'the other direction'  of where you were. Great time to play a prank. Surround them, and knock, and come closer to them. At 3 AM :maninlove:

Guest JiggyPotamus

Great post. And considering that people actually go to great lengths to create bigfoot hoaxes, there are many more people who would probably actually take the time to mess with someone if they thought they were out there to look for sasquatch. Some people are just immature and ignorant, and accepting this allows us to prepare for it. So like you say, have no identifying marks or emblems on vehicles, clothing, etc. I would also not advertise that an expedition or research trip was going to be taking place, and also not tell the area either.


Maybe attempt to keep the entire team sworn to secrecy, lol. Maybe one wouldn't have to go that far. Another thing that one could do is simply avoid areas frequented by other campers, hikers, hunters, etc...Just to cut down on the likelihood of contaminating your results.

Guest Cervelo

So a serious "researcher" is out whopping it up and banging on trees while someone is out camping, hiking, birding ect and hears this silliness.

Reports it and walla another confirmed class whatever is added to the pile of overwhelming number of reports of Bigfoot behavior.

The next time I'm out camping and hear someone playing bigfoot researcher and I respond to your silliness does that make me a hoaxer....because there's no way I'm not going to!

If your out doing this stuff your hoaxing intentionally or not ;)


I kind of think you missed my intent and point of this thread, Cervelo.... but I'm Not surprised.

I'm out camping, hiking and birding, as well. I'm serious about what I'm doing, and would like to know.. that any results are not from other campers playing TV BF.  It is My responsibility... to stay far enough away from others in the field, and not intentionally let them know why I'm there. I wouldn't blame you for responding to someone out doing this, nor do I blame the youths for trying to provoke us. We  / I are mainly out listening / quietly investigating.. much more than whooping or knocking. Would never do it, if I had any knowledge that someone else was in earshot.. and if they were, it would stop.

"Finding Bigfoot" methods..are not what everybody interested, is doing out in the field. 

You seem to be a master at twisting the point around, and trying to get under other poster's skins.. but you won't get under mine ...Yawn  :no:

Guest Cervelo

Wow and you seem a little sensitive this morning and if that was my intent (which it wasn't by the way) mission accomplished ;)!!!

Guest wudewasa

Freedom of expression is something that we take for granted in this nation too often.  Sometimes people have different ideas of what freedom is. 


Imonacan, I understand that you are upset about your experience, and I feel for you the same way that my hunter friends feel when someone spooks the deer when they hunt on public land.  However, I don't understand why you would put bigfoot stickers on your vehicle in the first place.  Advertising that you're a bigfoot researcher can have you catch all sorts of heat from bored law enforcement officers and other  folks who think that bigfoot is a joke.  Yes, you have the right to do so, and I respect your right, but others only follow the laws that they want to.


Finding Bigfoot reinforces negative stereotypes about bigfoot research, and the antics of the team, edited or otherwise, have lowered the bar for others who take a different approach in the field.  I hate to say it, but with those stickers on your vehicle, you set yourself up for the resulting situation, even though what the people did was disrespectful.


As far as the NRA stickers go, I think that's great,  because some sicko knows that the owner of the vehicle is probably packing a gun, and said sicko would want to avoid the individual. The family stickers are silly to me.  The only stickers I put on my vehicle are Support the Troops and other such patriotic themes.  On several occasions, vets have approached me and shook my hand in thanks, and a mother of a vet did the same.  Sure, some anarchist anti American eco freak could trash my vehicle, but so far, It's been the opposite.


I hope that your next trip into the field is better, as we all have the right to enjoy these natural resources as we see fit within the confines of the law.


Wude,  A few years ago, the stickers would have only drawn good conversation. One time... it even got me a witness, and a follow up investigation. What was once positive, about a couple stickers... has turned negative. I'm an NRA member.. but would not advertise it on my vehicle, anymore. Too many goofballs out there, that might  target me... for whatever reasons or agendas.  Not the same America, it used to be.  Why I kept the BF stickers on after the TV series, is beyond me..and obviously, a mistake. I can admit that, move on.. and make the needed adjustments. It affected the others with me, that hauled in all their equipment through the forest, in hopes of good listening.  I've removed All my vehicle stickers.

I agree, others have every bit as much right to enjoy... the same natural resources in the field (for whatever reasons), as me... no question. 

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