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Scientific 'proof' ? (For Total Skeptics)


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Too blurry.   Lot of chance for mis identification ... lynx, or even a  (drum roll ...) blob-cat. 



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Its obviously a dude in a cat suit! Look at the stomach area and how the suit just hangs there all loose......dead give away its a suit!

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So, aside from my aborted attempt to take this forum back up a while back, I haven't paid any attention to this stuff in years. I just took the time to read all 15 pages of this thread (I know, I know...) and while it doesn't seem to have elightened me anymore than I was so long ago, it does beg to me to ask, If DWA and dmaker argue in the woods and no one can hear them, do they make a sound?


Also: The guy in the cat suit is clearly flipping the photographer the bird with his right hand. Sloppy.

Edited by make-me-believe
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So, aside from my aborted attempt to take this forum back up a while back, I haven't paid any attention to this stuff in years. I just took the time to read all 15 pages of this thread (I know, I know...) and while it doesn't seem to have elightened me anymore than I was so long ago, it does beg to me to ask, If DWA and dmaker argue in the woods and no one can hear them, do they make a sound?


Also: The guy in the cat suit is clearly flipping the photographer the bird with his right hand. Sloppy.

Uh-oh.  If you aren't liking me vs. dmaker, you might want to leave again.  Nothing I can do about that.

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Honestly, if me and DWA argue in the woods, and no one hears it....then I am pretty sure that Matt Moneymaker would have to call it a Squatch!!

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Well, I don't accept the evidence for Matt Moneymaker, so there.

Are you saying Matt Moneymaker doesnt exist?

*strokes leg hold traps and a box of cupcakes*

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Go get 'im.  I want PROOF, man.  I'm just not at all sure that somebody who once seemed to have a level head about this and now finds a squatch in his sink every time he shaves could possibly be real.

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Guest openminded skeptic


You might want to start with reading this:





fantastic reference, but since it is an actual scientific paper i doubt many here will read it.


i'll reference a line from the abstract:  "Cognitively biasing influences of preexisting psychological tendencies may predispose individuals to specific perceptual and cognitive errors during confrontation of real-world phenomena."


to paraphrase:  since you think you know where bigfoot lives and what bigfoot looks like, smells like, and behaves like, this bias in decision-making will cause you to see bigfoot anywhere these items appear. 


this is absolutely the most simple and comprehensive explanation for widespread bigfoot sightings. 



EDIT:  this also explains why everything and everywhere is "squatchy" on Finding Bigfoot


I saw a lecture by a skeptic online that touched on this subject (sorry, it was on youtube but I don't remember who the lecturer was), and he presented a good example of this.  A Panda cub escaped from a zoo in a Europen city. As soon as the zoo noticed it was missing, they contacted the authorities and sent out information to radio stations, etc. asking people to watch for the panda. However, someone soon discovered the panda laying dead on the railroadtracks right outside the zoo, and the zoo later determined that it had been dead for at least two hours before they had noticed it missing.  However it took awhile for the media to get around to broadcasting this latest news.  In the meantime dozens of people around the city phoned the police to report their sighting of the missing panda.  But of course there was no panda.  Some of the "witnesses" may have been pranksters and a few might even have been mentally ill, but the vast majority were probably just people who misidentified something else as a panda simply because they were looking for a panda.  

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OK, first of all, you got the panda story wrong.  Second, it isn't even relevant.


The animal in question was a lesser panda, in England.  This is an animal that can be mistaken by animal tyros for any number of other things - badger; fox; polecat; house cat - and many of the people calling in (as you even note) didn't have any idea the animal had been found.  They thought they'd seen something, and they biased toward being helpful.  No big, and no relation to this topic whatever.


And that paper is bogus, as is any scientific paper that begs the question as part of its central premise.  Are all those people mistaken?  Really.  And one's evidence for that is...?

One might want to have some experience in thinking about scientific topics before one comes onto a website and basically insults people that know more.

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