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The Researchers Habituation And Field Observations Thread "a Place To Discuss Your Activities, Thoughts, Observations, Methods And Results.

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I had been reading of habituation for a while now but most of it seems to be in the paranormal or stranger areas.  


I am starting a thread for the hardcore researcher such as my self who is trying { or has already done so } to make contact and document these creatures with the same systems and techniques that researchers use to make contact with great apes and or remote human tribes.  


This is a place to discuss your activities, thoughts, observations, methods and results.   Think of this as your observe and report station for all of the information you would like to share.  


The goal is to find patterns and working methods through group effort and comparing data.    


It does not matter if you believe sasquatch is human, ape ,something in between or if there are several races or types. 


Nothing shared has to be in depth or detailed just your basic operations and observations if you wish.


If enough people get involved, each ,, camp ,, can aid in the over all effort by presenting data, wildlife researchers and conservationists  go out to collect data and share the methods and results.


Our understanding is only limited by what we are willing to share with one another


  • Upvote 2

Great idea, NF! Looking forward to this thread!


yes, a great idea indeed, & an excellent sentiment Nathan . I like your statement " Our understanding is only limited by what we are willing to share with one another"


it rings true, but time and again it seems many among the  BF crowd trip all over themselves promoting their chosen agendas & theories.


for most individuals the idea of  contributing anything that might let someone else be "the man" first would be a foreign one.


that combined with the seemingly growing trend among many that "they are better off with out us"  leads me to think most researchers with any thing worthwhile will bluff  and /or  play their hand close to the vest........


.....but I hope i'm wrong, lets see who'll "step up"


I like this, I hope others share also. I've gotten to the point of "Do it". Been awol for awhile, too much stuff going on but I would like to share something that we have just started in the past week. Have never deliberately set out to create a habituation scenario but that changed last week when we got overloaded with eggs. I realize what others have said about cams and why they have not produced clear, unobstructed pics. Issues with scent, IR, noise, etc. My goal is to document what comes to the feeding area in reference to what is on the menu. I'm keeping the cams in the same place, I'm not covering my scent but keeping the location far from my cabin.

Summer is a down time for activity here but at least the feeding plot is being established.

One thing that I have learned so far is that "buzzards" could wipe out several dozen eggs without leaving any tell tale sign of broken egg shells.  I was shocked to find all the eggs gone the next day, "IF" I hadn't of gotten the buzzards on the cam I probably would have thought squatch. 

Deer had also come in to check out the area along with a turkey.

Went fishing today so fish is set in place.


I agree NathanFooter that combined knowledge is a powerful tool. Like the company paid motivational dude used to tell us. anyone or any group of people can accomplish anything if they don't care who gets the credit. But if success Is reached, who goes down in the history books may just be you, or any of the people contributing to the research. But the goal is the thing. Good Luck


Nathan, great thread and good luck with it!


OK, here is something I have learned over the years I can share. Many people want to know how to find activity in their state or local areas. Here is a method I have used and so far it has worked out very well.


1) Do your homework! go online to as many sources as you can find regarding sightings or experiences in your area. Start with our forums in the sightings section! Look at the BFRO or any other data collection sites for experiences. Then get a map of your state or area, try and mark all of these areas to find the best area to concentrate your efforts.


2) Plotting your area. After you have collected data from these areas, I like to find areas where there are protected areas from hunting if possible, but if not, a large area with these features; WATER - There should always be a supply of water close by. NAVIGATION ROUTES - Power lines, horse trails, walking trails gas lines etc. I seem to have the best luck if these type features are around. WOODED TERRAIN - It seems they are most at home in wooded areas that offer lots of timber.


3) WALK THE AREA! Once these areas are found, the next step is to walk and note down signs they are there.



4) LOOK for their signs. In all areas I have had luck with, I always look for signs they have been there. The "X" usually means they were here, and signal to others this is their area. These are normally found along the navigation routes as described above. Also look for tree bows, tee pee structures, etc.

post-99-0-98684200-1372006622_thumb.jpg Look for tracks along navigation routes. The Sas track will tend to be much wider and sometimes much longer than a human track. For example, the human track will normally be between 3.5" and 5" wide. Sas's can be a couple of inches or more wider than would be normal for a human.


4) FOOD!  Look for areas that have lot's of "food" areas. Agriculture areas with livestock, chickens, gardens are all areas of opportunity. Areas that are near water have areas of dense vegetation along the banks, fish, mussels, etc. Blackberry, strawberry patches, fruit trees, all are good areas.


5) Native American History One common theme that keeps coming up over and over for me is Native American History in the area. I can't answer exactly why, but my best areas have a rich history of burial grounds, villages or ties to them in that location. I have even found interesting signs from the Sas that are the same used by the N/A's in these locations.


6) People Oddly enough, for me my best areas are areas that are close to campsites, cabins or areas that people frequent. They love to observe people and tend to hang out around such areas. These areas also tend to be in hunting prohibited areas as well. It could also be an area of frequent "visitations" by someone that lives in and around the areas. These people are coming out with their stories much more readily than years past. Following up on stories of these are sometimes a treasure trove of opportunity for you.


Just a few pointers, I will add here as I have time.



  • Upvote 1

Plus 1  KB !    Great way to show your area selection methods .   :D    Looking forward to more.


NA History....I have read that before I think. I had forgotten about it though. Soooo.....add NA burial ground to everything else that happens on this hill because we have that too. The list grows: power line, river, state/national forest land and now burial ground. Food: berries of several kinds and small wildlife though for some reason squirrels seem to be in short supply. Rabbits seem to be making a comeback. They used to be scarce. I blamed that on the large number of hawks.

So maybe my theory of a BF travel path is not so far fetched? I can't wait to see all the great info that gets shared.


Mockingbird, travel paths to hunting grounds or following food sources I would think is a very viable thing for them to do.



Thanks Kb, so I get to be the reluctant researcher.....as long as me and my dogs are not harmed, I am okay with that. Maybe observer would be a better term.


I have a ton to put in hear from my last few trips but I have been hung up by my laptop dying on me a while back and I just got it back today so stuff is coming .  


I will tell a bit about our methodology and approach.


The goal is to establish contact by being interesting, respectful and considerate of the creatures and how they may view us and our actions.


We want to appear as different kind of human than the standard they are use to.


After contact has been made will try to gain their trust to the point where we can collect DNA , high definition footage and document behavior and habits.


We like to wear OD green and earth toned clothing { not camo or bright colors witch may make us appear like hunters } to look natural.  


We NEVER use white light or any color light if I can help it , { if we need light in the tent for second or 2 we use red } .


We like to talk to them in a calm soothing manner to show we are willing to interact an that we are friendly { they may not know what we are saying but they may be able to understand via morphemes strains or tone that we are reaching out and not a threat } .


We also play with musical instruments { even though I do not know how to play } and make noises that may sound interesting like owl calls , dove calls and whistles.


We do not point or stare off into the direction of any source of sound and we sometimes pretend we did not even hear anything.


We do talk and laugh for certain periods of time at camp to try and attract attention to our selves.


We do break up fire wood , clank metal and make grating sounds to try and catch interest.


When at camp we sit tight to a small fire that is contained in a way that it does not cast a large amount of light but enough to be seen by anything in the woods.  


We like to leave gifts behind like food or polished stones and such.


We stay close to camp most of the night but due venture down the trails and sit for several minutes quietly listening from time to time.


We do not do many sasquatch like sounds at this location but every great once in a while we try a couple knocks or whoops.


We always announce our selves with a whistle or noise of some sort before entering or leaving an area.


During the day we leave camp  to scout for prints { not sneaky , just like we are walking around } , find travel routes , place recorders or finding food sources that are in season.


We take pictures and video of anything and everything but we are careful to not bring the cameras up to our eyes like say a rifle .


We take note of date, time, temp, precipitation, barometric pressure, moon phase, wind speed and game movement in our area.


We also use maps to chart activity, food sources and suspect travel routes.


We record audio and soon possibly video 24.7 when at location and 9 hours of audio at night every night when gone from the location.


We also keep our location secret to prevent hoaxing or any kind of contamination. 


Much more to come as I get things back on track, I hope to here more from the other researcher here so we can all learn more about these amazing creatures.


Thanks for sharing Nathan, I'll be tracking this thread.  Looking forward to more!


To add to the above post ,  most of us go out setup cameras and flash lights and point at anything making noise and have this nerved sound in our voice then the activity drops off.



I think that this activity drop is the result of OUR <--{ researchers as whole } behavior and actions witch may spook them off and then make them want to keep away from us.


I feel the difference we need to make is to be considerate of how they may view us, cast ourselves in a good light at all times for them.


That is what primate researchers do and what remote human tribe researchers do.


I would like for the "hard core researchers" - to whom this thread is dedicated - to open and read the linked item that I wrote and posted on the Alabama Bigfoot website nearly seven years ago. It was not, and is not, anything but a "what if" conjecture. In light of the many others who have since given thoughtful and objective consideration to this "what if" speculation, it may be of interest to you. 


Please remember the first paragraph. There's more to that incident (which is directly related to the subject on another thread) which I am preparing to post on this thread.





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