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What Evidence Makes You Believe That Bigfoot Exists ?

Guest Lesmore

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Edit, what is the point. Like arguing with a stuffed terrapin.

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Guest Crowlogic

Wrong wrong double wrong!

Meldrum bindernagel, and krantz are wrong in not recognizing that all the bigfoot evidence can be attributed to human error, hoaxing, and lies lies lies. Truth bazooka right there. Or maybe they do/did and just wanted to make a buck and get some fame and recognition. If they really had the goods why couldn't they get more bigfoot science published in legitimate journals?

The era of the layman scientist is over and dead these so called laymen bigfoot scientists should stick to their inferior beer, nascar, and guns and leave the heavy scientific work to the academic elite.

While I believe that a layman can make significant contributions to science as in the case of comet spotting the contributions are few and far between.  Unfortunately we live in a time where ignorance is perceived to have legitimate standing as long as it is voiced loud enough and often enough.  It is something that Carl Sagan warned us about but seems to have gone unheeded.

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Guest WesT

Is it just me? I could have sworn the thread title read "What Evidence Makes You Believe That Bigfoot Exists"


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While  Unfortunately we live in a time where ignorance is perceived to have legitimate standing as long as it is voiced loud enough and often enough.  

Is that the pot calling the kettle black?

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Is it just me? I could have sworn the thread title read "What Evidence Makes You Believe That Bigfoot Exists"


The dismissers always want to turn it around into "bigfoot doesn't exist,. there is nothing and no evidence". It doesn't seem to matter to them what the actual thread topic is.

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BFF Patron

What really bothers me and this forum seems to put up with it, is Crow saying in no certain terms that people who find footprints in very out of the way places are hoaxers or fakers.   He is not content to think there might be some like Freeman who did it, but everyone who finds one is somehow involved in the same thing.      That includes me, Meldrum, Krantz, Binderngel, and anyone else that has found a footprint.   Everyone is wrong and Crow and his fellow skeptic squawkers are right.        Let me say this loud and clear, I have never encountered such sheer egotism that can proclaim people with and without PHDs are not only wrong but they are fakers and hoaxers.    I have posted several footprint pictures on this forum that I have found.     I have to defend each and every one.   Yet these 'skeptics' are not required to produce any evidence to support their contention that what I have submitted is a hoax or fake.   They can just say it and walk away with impunity.      That is tolerated by the administrators and I have nearly been thrown off here for challenging what I consider libelous statements by skeptics.     If my claims require supporting evidence then some skeptics claims about my evidence should too.   If they cannot produce evidence to support their claim of hoax then they should be censured just as I am when I cannot produce evidence to support my claims.    

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Guest DWA

C'mon Crow.  This is getting to be more than way too much.  Science says yer wrong; and stuffing yer ears and yelling the same stuff over and over, with no sign of an effort to read up or think deeper is, well, it's a kind of label, knowhatimean?

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Guest DWA

And I'd agree with sentiments expressed above about hoaxers.  Saying that most of the evidence comes from hoaxing, really, amounts to trolling, and is borderline libel, and excessively done here.


In any site that takes its science seriously, uninformed trolls get expelled.

The dismissers always want to turn it around into "bigfoot doesn't exist,. there is nothing and no evidence". It doesn't seem to matter to them what the actual thread topic is.

Wow.  I mean, wow.  Did someone like right ^^^here just pretty much define "trolling"?  That is what turning every thread into the Same Old Rant *is* on the real Internet.

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BFF Patron

Is it just me? I could have sworn the thread title read "What Evidence Makes You Believe That Bigfoot Exists"


Precisely.     Skeptics are free to start any thread they want but seem intent on hijacking everyone else's thread no matter what the topic and start beating their BF does not exist drum.     That is a good explanation of troll DWA.    But if they start their own thread who would go there to argue with them.   I certainly would not.    I fully expect that what I previously posted about skeptics above will get me in trouble with the moderators.   If I disappear you will know why.  

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Guest DWA

It's pretty obvious what the deniers are here to do...and it doesn't advance the Forums in any way.  In fact it moves them backwards, as ignorance tends to do wherever it's tolerated.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

A lot of people are still trying to figure out whether the animal exists or not. After reading the posts in the BFF 1.0 archive, it's apparent this field of research hasn't advanced much over the last decade. It's the same as it always was, with the exception of there being a group now that's trying to collect proof.

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BFF Patron

Anyway to contribute to the thread my footprint finds pretty much made me a believer in that I thought it unlikely because of the locations and circumstances of the find that they could be hoaxed. The other stuff like rock stacks and glyphs could certainly be human. Then the day I nearly got run over there was no longer any doubt. I went from believer to knower in a matter of minutes. I really wish for anyone on the fence I could have had a video recorder running that day to share the experience. It could have been better but the experience ruled out anything else that it could have been.

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Ever hear of Ray Wallace?

It is my opinion that even Ray has better things to do than wander around in an alpine meadow looking for a fresh mole hill to fake a print in hoping that I would wander by and see it before the elements destroyed it.  I could be wrong, though.



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Guest WesT

That's just it, the only thing stopping them from starting a thread entitled "There is no evidence that Bigfoot exist", is air and opportunity. If they would kindly do so, we could then have the debate that has been hijacked into this thread. And furthermore, if certain people think the thread title is in some kind of horrible error, then file a formal complaint to have it removed or corrected to their satisfaction.


Randy, permission to leave the island....  DENIED. :lol:

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